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Wade felt tears fall from his eyes and his heart break in two until they got him back. Wade stayed in his room even after they had finished and visiting hours were over. He held his hand waiting impatiently for the other to wake up.

The way he was lying there beaten and put on machines made him want to kill every last one of those savages who did that. Just as he wanted to get up to look for them he felt the other gently grip his hand.

"Don't." Peter looked at him weakly, his voice was still hoarse and hushed. "Don't leave me."

Wade smiled as his eyes became watery, seeing him awake. "I won't. You should have woken me up. I would've come with you."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"I thought you were gone. I thought you left me here all alone- I- I-" His voice broke as he pulled Peter's hand to his mouth.

"I'm sorry."

Wade gently kissed his hands. "I thought I lost you." He held it close.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." Peter joked.

Wade chuckled weakly. "You're brave, stupid but brave. If you would have died-"

"I'm not dead." He pulled his mask up to look at him and grabbed Wade's hand making him touch his cheek. "I'm fine, see."

Wade gently leaned down and kissed him. Peter kissed him back before hearing someone come their way and putting his mask back on.

The doctor came in. "Oh, you're awake. Well, let me take a look at you." He examined him and asked him some questions when the television in the room switched to an emergency newscast.

It was a message about a biological weapon that was used to attack civilians. With that Peter was reminded of the fight and what had happened. He shot up flinching at the pain.

"Sir, you gotta lay down-"

"I can't. Wade, it's Otto! We need to stop him!"

"No, you need to lie down." Wade tried to gently push him down. "We can handle this when you're better."

Peter desperately grabbed onto his shirt. "No, you don't understand everyone will be in danger. I need to fix this!"

Wade grabbed his hands. "Look, let me take care of this."

"I'm fine. I can do this-"

"No, you can't you nearly died. Please just stay here and rest. I'll handle this."

Peter knew he was right. "Alright. Just please keep me up-to-date and don't do anything dumb." He lied back down.

Wade gave him a kiss on the head. "I will."

He left and gave the doctor his phone number in case anything happens. Peter felt defeated just lying there. His body was aching and he felt like shit. But not being able to do anything was worse.

Wade went home to get some more weapons to fuck the bad guys up. He went after Scorpio first. "Huhu, Scorpio!"

"Who are you?"

"The guy who'll fuck you up for hurting my baby boy." Wade didn't even wait for an answer he just shot him in the leg and cut off his stinger.

"What th-"

Wade took his face into his hands making him look at him. "Now you're lucky that Webs doesn't like it when I kill people or I would've skinned you alive." He broke his arm and beat him up before tying him up and calling the police to turn him in.

"One down, 5 to go." Wade crossed Scorpio off his list. Sadly he couldn't find anyone else for the rest of the day. So, he went back to the hospital looking like an absolute mess. After some convincing they let him stay in Peter's room for the night.

He sat down in front of him watching him sleep. His breath was still irregular and if it wasn't for the pain medication he probably wouldn't be able to sleep at all. Wade gently took his hand and caressed his face through the mask. "Oh, what did you do to me, Webs?"

He had made him want to be better, normally Wade would have killed Scorpio without remorse but he managed to hold back knowing the other wouldn't approve. He leaned his head against the other's chest sighing. Weasel was right he cared about him, more than he wanted to admit. This wasn't an 'Oh he's hot' situation it was an 'I wanna care for and protect this man with my whole being' situation.

"You're in too deep now, Wilson." He still has the voices in his head telling him that Peter hated him and didn't like him, because who could. He was ugly inside and out. But he didn't care Peter made him smile genuinely and even if this was never meant to last he will cherish every minute he gets to spend with him.

"Wade?" Peter looked at the other sleepily and smiled. "What are you doing here? I thought visiting hours were over."

"Oh, sorry did I wake you?"

"No, it's fine. I had a dream about you." Peter pulled his mask up a bit and pulled the other into a kiss.

"Yeah? A good one?"

"Of course." Peter kissed him again. Wade had learned that he was always extra affectionate when he was drowsy."Can you stay with me?"

"Sure, baby boy."

"Thank you." He took the other's hand intertwining their fingers. "Did you find anyone yet?"

"Yeah, Scorpio."

"Is he alive?" He was worried about how the other behaved, not because he didn't trust him but because he knew this was hard on him.

"Of course."

Peter gave him another kiss. Just pulling him in even closer this time. Wade kissed him back.

"How are you feeling?"

"Okay, the pain medication helps. But I'm tired all of the time and feel awful not being able to do anything."

"It's gonna be okay. I bet in a few weeks you'll be able to kick my ass again."

"Yeah. Thank you for staying with me."

"No problem, Webs."

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