ME3t m@n

316 6 5

When it ended, you thought to yourself  "didn't wooly say his allergic to apples?"

you put the next tape in hoping Amanda didn't k1ll Wooly,

Wooly seems to be looking for something or someone

"Oh! it's you. . We don't have much time!, whatever you do don't-"

Wooly got cut off trying to say something, then Amanda looked happy then ever.

"Hi everyone!, I'm Amanda!"

 Wooly must have overheard something.

"And I'm Wooly. . ."  

"Today we're getting meat for grandma!"

Amanda said    .       .         .

Wooly looked at Amanda scared of her for an unknown reason,

"but isn't Grandma a vegetarian? . ."

Amanda didn't care what they/he said

"can you tell us where the butcher is"

you click the meat place thinking it gonna be fine

Amanda grabbed Wooly's arm and they walked like best friends there

They go inside

"Hi m3at man!" Amanda said 

"Can you tell the m3at man what we need??"

"____"        You think it would be best to put help

Amanda looks mad,, 

"can you tell the m3at man what we need" Her head slowly  twitched 



"T3LL H1M W3AT W3 NE3D!" Amanda is Twitching then stopped after a few min's

She forces you to say m3at

  "that's right"

The man slowly and unsettling  pulls out some m3at

-Chomp Chomp Chomp . . . . -

Amanda looks at Wooly and Wooly look's scared at Amanda

The last thing you saw before it ended is her jumping on Wooly with a kn1fe 

-Tape ends-

I guess Amanda the adventurerWhere stories live. Discover now