Chapter Sixty: Taking the Risk

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***Edited version #1***

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Ida's heart thrummed heavily in her chest as she watched Dellan nod eagerly, but nervously.  She peeled her underwear the rest of the way off while he sat up slowly, his hazel eyes watching her desirously as she did.  She brought her hands up to trace the edge of his underwear's waistband playfully to coax the undergarment past his hips, admiring the soft definition of his abs as he shifted to slip them the rest of the way down his legs.  

Ida ran a hand up his thigh, from his knee to the edge of his hipbone, enjoying the different feel of his leg hair against her fingertips, as he fumbled with the condom packet.  He finally got the foil to tear and slipped it from the package, and Ida saw his eyes widen as he tried to figure out which way it would unroll.

"I've never actually put one on before," he muttered timidly, "unless if you count a banana during health class."  He gave her a nervous, but silly grin and she chuckled.  Pleased that she laughed, Ida watched his smile widen even further so that the dimple appeared on his cheek.  Ida focused on his face as he finished putting the condom on, admiring how handsome he was with his prominent eyebrows and soft eyes.  She was happy that he had asked her to pluck his brows again, even though he hated every second of it, because, in her opinion, they really did look better cleaned up.

She felt her heart flutter when he moved to position himself over her, propping himself up on his elbows so as not to crush her.  Their eyes met and she took comfort in the fact that he looked just as nervous as she felt.  She gave him a slight nod and let her knees fall to the side to give him better access.  He returned her nod before slipping a hand between them to align himself.

Oh my god, it's happening, she thought with excited disbelief as she felt his tip press against her opening.  His eyes were still on hers as he continued to push forward.  She sucked in a pained breath when she felt a sharp sting follow as he entered her slowly.  He paused, furrowing his brows with worry.

"Are you okay?" Dellan whispered with concern.

She nodded, but he must have still been able to read the discomfort on her face.

"Am I hurting you?" he questioned.

"A little," she admitted, but she did not want him to stop.  When the expression on his face showed he was dismayed by her answer, she added, "but I'm okay. I promise."

"I don't want to hurt you," he said, his brows furrowed with guilt.  She admired the thick lashes framing his eyes and was moved by the sweet concern that was evident within them as the green and gold speckled orbs gazed into her dull gray ones.  

How is he so pretty?, she wondered.

"I'm okay," she reassured him and lifted her head slightly to place a soft peck on the tip of his nose.  His concern seemed to lighten with that, and she felt his hips press forward a bit further.  It was a strange sensation, she thought, as he slowly filled her.  The feeling of being stretched in this way was uncomfortable but the sharp pain she had originally felt was now nothing more than a dull ache.

"Still okay?" he asked when their hips met, eyes still locked on one another.

Ida nodded.  Dellan carefully began to rock his hips back and forth, and she felt his hardness shift slightly out before pushing back in.  It was still uncomfortable but grew less unpleasant as he continued, and she could feel her muscles there relax.  She watched his face with amusement as his eyes seemed to roll back into his head while his eyelids drooped, and his lips parted.  She thought he looked like he was quite enjoying himself, not dissimilar to how Socks did whenever Ida found the magic spot behind her ears to scratch.

He's so cute, she internally gushed, trailing her fingers friskily down the skin on his back to cup her palms around his bottom.  Gosh, he's got a perfect butt.  

He responded by nestling his face into the crook of her neck and she could feel the heat of his breath as it fanned against her skin.  Goosebumps prickled across her body at how arousing it was to be this close to him and she let her eyelids fall closed.  Ida listened to the various soft noises that came from Dellan while they continued to rock against each other, and she relished whenever she heard him sigh her name against her neck.  Despite some soreness, she was beginning to enjoy the sensation of him inside of her as the heat pooling between her legs intensified with each movement.

She lifted a hand to his hair, savoring the soft feel of the freshly washed strands, and brought her other fingers to gently cup the back of his neck.  He let out a soft moan when she then lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist as he quickened the pace of his rhythmic movements.

Their labored breaths almost seemed to sync up as they continued, until Ida heard Dellan's breathing halt suddenly.  A strained "oh" escaped his lips, followed by several shuddering sighs while he pushed his hips forward with each breath, somehow managing to thrust himself even deeper as he came.

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Holy... fuck..., Dellan thought as his brain recovered following his release and he felt heavy as his limbs relaxed.  He was roused from his post-coital respite when Ida let out a small grunt.

"Too heavy, Dellan," she whispered as she tried to push some of his weight off with her hands underneath each of his shoulders.

"Sorry," he muttered sheepishly and lifted himself from her.  Neither spoke as he quickly discarded the used condom before settling down to lay beside her.  They both gazed up at the ceiling for a moment while they caught their breaths.

Dellan wondered how Ida was feeling afterward and turned his head to look at the side of her face.  As if she felt his gaze upon her, she also turned her head so that their eyes met.  She gave him a drowsy smile, looking adorably tussled with hairs escaping the braids she'd done before they had gone to bed.  He focused on the ceiling again, suddenly feeling very self-conscious as clarity gradually returned to his mind.  He hoped she wasn't too sore down there, having forgotten to continue being gentle when he got lost in the heat of the moment.

Did she like it, too?  Or did it hurt too much?  I hope I didn't make a bunch of weird noises... and why the hell am I so sweaty?, his anxious thoughts poured out rapidly and he could sense that Ida was still looking at him.  He nervously met her eyes again.

"Was it alright?" he whispered the question on his mind as he gazed into the soft gray depths of her eyes.  He thought her eyes were a much more stunning color than his, uniquely mimicking the beautiful gray tones of marble.

"Best sex I've ever had," she grinned at him.

Best sex she's ever had?, he thought, puzzled.

"But... it's the only sex you've ever had," he voiced his confusion.

"I know, it was a joke," she chuckled and gave him a playful shove.  He returned it and they both dissolved into a fit of giggles against each other.  When their mirth subsided, Ida whispered, "But seriously, it was more than alright."

Dellan smiled at her, relieved by her answer.  She wrapped her arms around him and nestled closer, resting her cheek against his chest.  He watched her head rise and fall with his breaths.

"Was it alright for you?" he heard her ask a moment later.

Wasn't it obvious that it was?, he wondered, but he appreciated that she still asked.

"Of course," he replied, his voice felt heavy as his mind began to drift toward sleep.

"I felt safe," Ida whispered.  Those three words permeated his heart with warmth, as he knew the significance underlying their meaning.

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Wordcount: 1381

Author's note: shorter chapter, but I hope the content makes up for that ;P

Thank you so much for reading!  As always, feedback is greatly appreciated.

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