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Felix makes his way through the apartment complex.
His mother had quickly arranged for him to get a room there for while he waited for it to be safe to travel.
After Hawkmoth had gotten the miraculouses, all forms of public travel were shut down.
Anyone in Paris was going to be stuck there for a while.
Felix immediately turned on the news and watched in horror.
This was all his fault.
He screwed up big time.
Adrien was calling and texting him non stop.
He knew that he needed to do something.
But Ladybug would never listen to him anymore.
He lost any trust he had gained.

Marinette sobbed in her room.
Luka had gone to her house and told her what he knew.
He knew he couldn't keep that secret anymore.
"What am I gonna do???" Marinette sobbed.
"Don't worry. You'll figure it out" Luka said.

Marinette walked through the city.
She saw Adrien sitting on a bench in tears.
"Marinette?" Adrien asked when he noticed her
Marinette couldn't take the risk anymore.
She quickly ran away with no reply.

"Does she know about Felix?" Adrien asked his kwami.
"I'm not sure. Ladybug might've told her what happened" Plagg replied.

Felix put his hood over his head.
He had to stop at the store for food, but he needed to not draw attention.
When he was walking back home, he saw Marinette running, he was confused.
She then turned to look at him.
He felt himself falling for her.
He tried to shake it off, but he just decided to run home.
Marinette immediately knew who it was.
She quickly chased after him.
"Marinette! You really shouldn't!" Tiki said.
"I can't risk this anymore! If Felix knows who Hawkmoth is then I need him to tell me!" Marinette said.
"Marinette please! It's very risky!" Tiki replied.
Marinette stopped and fell to her knees on the wet concrete.
She sobbed into her hands as the rain poured down her face.

Redeem Myself (Felinette)Where stories live. Discover now