begin ☆

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Sun and moon. They come as a pair, always will do. Polar opposites, and yet both as elegant and stunning as the other. The sun taking the role of the guardian, the healer, the champion. Making the day bright and casting beautiful hues among the waters. The moon taking the role of the brains, the illusive, the controller of waves. Guiding the creatures of the land and sea along in their quests throughout their lives, a torch of hope, accompanied by a vast army of flaming stars.

Aelia and Bahloo. One of light and one of dark. Both had tendencies one would associate these two young souls with that of the two spheres in the sky that keep our earth rotating. As you would when laying your eyes upon them.

Our story begins in a small town, just west of London, Britain. A cold wet country only known for its big clock and fish 'n chips. The young protagonists are in a local school, let's say, they're in year ten. Both turning 15, for the people who may not understand the British school system. Bahloo's birthday falls on the 1st of October, they were born at 12pm or in digits, 00:00. As for our Aelia, her birthday is June 25th, she was born at 12 am, precisely in the middle of the day. when the sun was at it's peak. Bahloo was born with a birthmark on the back of their neck, it was a circle. Aelia surprisingly had the same. Although over the years both marks have faded.

Now, on to their cliché appearance, I'm under the impression you know how this may go. Aelia has gracious flowing locks of strawberry blonde hair, that looks almost angelic when the light of sunset is cast upon it. Her face is adorned with freckles, her eyes a pale green. Summer has always been Aelia's favourite season. Daisies grew, it was almost as if the flowers loved her, even her own garden was simply a bed of the same tiny 'she loves me, she loves me not' flowers.

Aelia always chose sunrise over sunset, she loved to jump up into the day a lot more than the sign for her to have to be sent off to bed fairly soon. As all children dread. Despite having many repetitional summers, Aelia never grows tired of them, the daisies always bring her back.

As for Bahloo, the kid had been raised in a kind nurturing and somewhat nocturnal family, they never went to nursery. As they slept through the day and sat outside admiring the night when the sky was covered in a soft blanket of deep navy. Although nowadays Bahloo seems to stay more on their lonesome. Secretly, they still have a love for astrology, but keep it to themselves. They have mid-length hair. Dyed. Obviously. A grey ash-like colour. They had it styled like a wolf cut, but covering their eyes. Which are also a light blueish grey.

The kid had a quiet soul, clearly a perfect match for someone like Aelia to make sure they don't drift away from reality. The duo are quite the team, despite being different in many ways, they still seem to be each other's other half.

As of recent, the two have been going through many things, Aelia: pressure. Bahloo: health. And the two of them had both been struggling with their identities. Although Aelia's family weren't always the most understanding, they try. She had come out as aromantic. Bahloo had come out as non-binary and aromantic as well. The two friends supported each other through all the difficult times. Bahloo's parents accepted them fairly quickly and offered to buy them a binder, which they wear most days.

Bahloo had been hating themselves a lot recently, puberty had hit them earlier than expected and they were struggling. Aelia had been trying to help but was doing many things and had been falling behind. She had to take a week off of school to catch up. She came back soon enough though.

Ah, so, back to the start of our story, here's a rough layout of what is happening. Aelia is walking back from school, it is almost spring term, and so the sun is making its appearances more often. She's gotten in the mood and gotten an ice lolly from the local corner shop. At the same time, Bahloo has come rushing out of their house, they were off sick for the day but were still terribly desperate to see their friend. They knew Aelia enough to know where she would be, especially at this time.

The girl was humming a little tune, she nudged her hair behind her secretly heavily pierced ear. She neared a corner and just as she was about to turn, a small furious bundle of a person crashed into her. "Ah! I'm sorry!" came a pitchy embarrassed voice. Aelia giggled.

"Bahloo?" she smiled, looking down on the kid before her,

"Hm, that's not fair, you've gotten taller again? No, I'm blaming your stupid ass shoes, why do you even have platforms?" they stropped. Knowing that they couldn't find any in their size.

"Silly strawberry." Aelia placed an arm around them, of course not the one with the lolly but all the same. Bahloo smiled up at the girl.


"sure I don't see why not."


And here is where our story starts, with two children on a surprisingly warm afternoon heading to the park. None of us know what happens next, in all truthfulness nor do I. welcome, to platonic.


No. 1 – little lemon light.

Photograph – Cody Fry

A room, a seemingly small room, it accompanied a little lamp, flickering, a pale yellow. Sweet. Almost reminded one of a sherbet lemon. Rain caressed the window but pelted towards the concrete curb. Calming. It was gloomy, somewhere in London, presumed by the smell, or just the atmosphere in general.

The room was held in a more aged building of the streets of the city. Of course meaning aged items were held inside, possibly lamps and furniture from more around the 1800s. comforting to the 'odd'. Such applied to the two that sat in chairs opposing the other.

"Here's a silly question for you," one eventually said, leaning forward, slowly swirling their glass, shallowly filled with some liquid, presumably alcohol of some sort. Although this person had high tolerance, there was no sign of them even having one sip.

The one sat across from the unaffected drinker said nothing, simply crossed their legs and shuffled slightly, or in words; "Go on."

"isn't rain lovely, don't you think?"

No response.

"Such a lovely form of weather, so easy to fall asleep to, it comforts some life forms you know? Especially humans, they either love it or hate it. I personally find that intriguing." It's almost as if you could hear the being smile.

"I don't dislike the rain, I just.. prefer other things, dear."

"Understandable." The drinker place their glass on a nearby antique coffee table and stood. "Business?"


"I should probably consult the higher being,"

"You and me both, should we get some tea to go before heading off?"

"Yes, that sounds quite nice."

The two both flattened out the blankets they previously sat upon and made their way out of the room, of course remembering to put out the fireplace, need to keep the room safe. There certainly had been problems concerning fire before, no one within the 'company' would want it to happen again, they prize their antiques and ancient buildings. Coats were taken off of hangers before a door shut and a candle flickered dry.

word count: 1250

welcome all who may end up here. just a quick tip, nudging towards my writing style, I do like to put songs at the beginning of my chapters, just for effect or to set the mood, so feel free to play them of add them to a playlist of some sort. this isn't my usual work so any older readers of mine, welcome back! this is my own personal work, one I have decided to try and put on here before attempted to make a series to publicly put out when I'm older and qualified, so it may not be your cup of tea but if it is then I'm glad :)

I hope you enjoy <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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