[ Prologue }

406 4 7


I draw two heads, stick bodies, arms and legs. I draw a house in the back, making sure to add the door and windows this time. I draw one cat and one dog, the cat is a bit weird-looking but it's a cat, same for the dog.

I take out my coloring kit and pull out the white and purple pencils. I sketch purple hair onto one of the stickmen and white hair onto the other. I color the two animals purple and the roof as well. I put my pencils away and stare at the paper.

"Light!" I hear someone yell, the voice is high-pitched and sounds like my sister's. "Light, Mom told me to tell you that it's time for you to take a bath." She looks like she had just had a bath herself, her hair is wet, and she's wearing her pajamas.

"I don't want to!" I screech. I hop down from the bed and crawl under it. "Come on, Light! I do not want to deal with this again." Alex crouched down and reached her arms to grab me. I kept back up into the wall until she couldn't even touch me with her longest finger.

"I'll take a bath later," I say, fiddling with some object that I can't see. "No, Light, bath now." Alex began crawling under the bed towards me. "Fine! I'll bathe, just shoo!" Alex backed out and rushed out of my room.

I wormed out from under my bed, bringing an object with me. I look at the object closely. It has the form of a briefcase but clear. I grab my drawing and slip it into the item. I don't remember having this ever, but it will be able to store my drawing, so I kind of don't care.

I leave the "briefcase" on my bed and rush out my bedroom door. I have to take a bath.

Drawing 'you'!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن