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I patiently sit near the river for Luca. He said to meet him here by noon and yet he's the late one. I open my phone once more to check his text, what's holding him? "Light!?" I hear someone say. I almost leap into the river. "Ah, Luca, finally, what took so lo-." I cut myself off when I saw who it was. I think it was a girl, she had long orange hair, and clothing that stuck to an orange theme. An orange design was embroidered into her jean jacket and she wore a peach orange dress, some brown sandals to tie it off. Even her toenails were painted orange!

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" I interrogate her, standing up and pointing at her. "What? I'm Charli, your classmate?" I think back to everyone who is in my class, and come to think of it, she is in my class, I just don't talk to her much. I think the only time we've ever talked is when we were paired as reading buddies by the teacher in kindergarten. "Oh, yeah," I say, not fully remembering who she was, "Charli, hey, what are you doing here?" I take note of how I'm taller than her. Taller than someone for once! "I was just heading down here to play, want to play together?" Charli asked. I shrugged, "sure," there was nothing else to do since Luca wasn't here yet. 


"Light?" I hear my name call, I turn around to see Luca standing behind me. He looks awfully downcast and nervous, and he is hiding something behind his back. "Luca!" I rush over and hug him. "What took you so long?" I ask, letting him go from my grasp. "Heh, oh, nothing..." He mumbles. "What you got behind your back?" I examine, walking behind him, he evades by turning around the other way. 

"Chocolates and a flower." Charli randomly says. Luca's face flushed as he shoots his head to look at Charli. "Huh?" I blurt. "He's got a daisy and some chocolate behind his back." She answers, pointing down towards Luca's hands. "Who even are you?!" Luca interrogates, slowly revealing two daisies and a pink and brown spotted chocolate. "I'm Charli!" Charli introduces herself. "Okay, Charli, can you leave? I need to talk with Light privately." Luca says. I tilt my head in confusion. Charli shrugs and starts skipping away.

"So, what's up, Luca?" I ask. "Well, uh, I have some really bad news," he begins, "I have to move away from here..."
"WHAT?!" I screech, stepping forwards to him. "Yeah, Mom and Dad said we, uh, that we had to." I hug him tightly and cry—silently—into his shoulder. "Don't go, you have to stay here!" I beg, he's my bestfriend, he can't leave. "I wish I could stay, Light, really I do." He responds, which only makes me cry more.

"Well, I got you a parting gift!" He cheers, his voice breaking a bit, was he crying as well? I let go of him and he hands me the flowers and chocolate. "I made the chocolate by myself, I hope it tastes good!" He beams, his smile looks floppy. I nod as I take a bite, it was really good, I never knew he could make something like this. I smile as another tear rolls down my cheek.

"Don't cry, Light, I'm sure we'll see each other again!" Luca reassures me, hugging me once more. "When are you leaving?" I ask. "On the sixteenth, this Thursday." He answers. "Can we play all day today and tomorrow?" I plead. He seems to think for a moment before answering my question. "M-maybe..."

"Light, I have to tell you something." Luca says. "What is it?" He takes me by the shoulders and stares deep into my eyes. "I, uh, I-..." He falters, breaking eye contact and looking down. "Luca?" I wonder what he's trying to tell me, maybe he's scared to tell me? He's like that sometimes. "You can tell me, I won't get angry or anything." I guess, smiling to reassure him. He sighs and looks me in the eyes again, cheeks slightly flushed.

"I-I love you, Light." He stutters. My cheeks feel hot. He doesn't me like, like-like, like the way one would . . . Right?  "L-Light?" I look up at him. "Luca, you mean as a f-friend, or...?" He looks off to the side, his eyes seem dejected. "No..." He answers, crying, running off. "Luca!" I extended my arm out to him, but he was way too out of reach.

And I never saw him again.

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