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Jimin heard a constant beep, was it his alarm, it was so annoying. He opened his eyes ready to turn it off but found instead of his room he was in a hospital bed. He went to sit up and groaned, his chest hurt.
"Jimin? Finally you are awake"
Jimin looked to the side seeing a tall male there, his brain struggled then he said,
" RM? What's happened,"
RM said nothing just looked very solemn and looked away from the small male, almost as if he disliked him.
The door opened and a doctor came in," ah Mr Park awake I see, let me check you over ."
RM left the room and the doctor did a few tests then asked him a question,
"So do you know why you are here?"
Jimin shook his head.
"Well can you tell me what you do remember?"
"Er, we just practised then I drove Tae and I too........, er somewhere,"
The door slammed open and an angry Jin strode in,
"Are you happy now? Not content with trying to end your own life you try and kill Tae too!" He slapped Jimin across the face, shocking the younger male.
"Jin, I , what!"
A rush of bodies came in at the noise, RM went to Jin who had broken down crying.
His other band mates were there but they all looked at him as if hehad done something really bad.
"Where's Tae?"
"As if you care, he's in a coma in intensive care," Hobi shouted angrily.
It was only then they looked at him in confusion then at the doctor who spoke out.
"Mr Park has suffered some amnesia, he only remembers things leading up to the accident."
"Will you all please stop talking in riddles and tell me what's happened!" Jimin shouted.
"Jimin do you really not remember?" Jungkook said in concern.
Jimin turned to him , his long term crush that he had no intention of telling, shaking his head.
"Please Kookie tell me what's happened,"
Jungkook looked down then Yoongi spoke up.
"You drove straight into a lake on purpose, your tyre marks show you deliberately went off road and aimed for the lake, you tried to commit suicide."
"No no no I'd never, no I didn't ,"
"The car has been checked already there is nothing wrong with it, no brake failure nothing, you did it Jimin." RM said.
"I can't have....., Tae ask Tae!!" He screamed
"We can't you selfishly did it with him in the car he's in a coma we told you!"
Jimin shook not believing it looking at all the faces around him silently condemning him.
"No it's not true you know it's not, Tae ! Tae!" He screamed, the doctor injected him with something and he blacked out.
" he's in denial," the doctor said.
"Don't you think we were a bit harsh?" Jungkook muttered.
"Jungkook the police have said he could have stopped, he chose not to, it's been four days already and Tae hasn't come around, Jimin has the mark from the steering wheel hitting him, Tae's got a bleed on the brain, he hurt our friend, we know Jimin was upset when he left."
"But that was because he couldn't get his dance routine perfect."
"The press have already got hold of it, Jimin is public enemy No 1."
"That reminds me, the manager said we mustn't talk to anyone about it, they are trying to do damage control."RM the leader said.
They left Jimins room and went along to the icu.
Looking through a window they could see Tae, hooked up to machines his handsome face pale. Seeing no change they turned and secretly left the hospital, security taking them out a back exit.
Jimin opened his eyes again and found nobody but him in his room . He remembered them telling him he was to blame for Tae. Much as he couldn't believe he had done it the evidence suggested otherwise. He looked around for his phone but couldn't see it.
Seeing the tv remote he turned the tv on, only to wish he hadn't . News reports were all full of him.
Jimin tried to commit suicide
Jimins bandmate had no choice in it
Tae still in coma from Jimins selfish act
All said the same, it must be true. He got out of bed carefully walking over to the mirror. Lifting his top he saw a circular bruising, which indicated the steering wheel had hit him. He shuffled to the door and opened it about to go out when a nurse came to him.
"Mr Park, it's late where are you trying to go?"
"I want to see Tae."
"I'm sorry but that's not a good idea, "
"But he's my friend, I need to see him please?"
The nurse fidgeted then," wait here, I'll get a wheel chair and blanket put a mask on it's possible there are still some media around."
Jimin waited then got in covering up as the nurse suggested. She pushed him along the corridor then into the ICU. Machines bleeped as nurses attended to different beds. He was pushed to one to find Tae linked up to machines looking pale and fragile. He held his friends hand.
"Tae, what happened? I can't have done it right? Your my best friend." Tears ran down his face as he continued to hold his friends hand, the nurse saddened at how genuinely upset he was.
Back at the dorm the rest of them were eating supper, none of the usual joviality around.
"I'm sorry but I don't think he did it." Jungkook spoke up.
"Me neither but the evidence says otherwise "Yoongi said.
"You know, Jimin jumped in front of that skateboarder just to stop them running over a caterpillar," RM said pensively
"He also stopped us getting hurt on stage when someone threw that greasy liquid on it ." Hobi nodded.
"Oh god, what did I do! Of course Jimin wouldn't do it, he's always looked out for us he'd never deliberately hurt us, the opposite really he'd hurt himself instead of us getting hurt..., I slapped him! What was I thinking!!" Jin moaned.
The group looked fed up, Jungkook wanted to see Jimin, he had a soft spot for the male, not that he'd admit it.but he didn't want him to think they hated him
He suddenly heard Jin talking," moochi forgive me I was being a drama queen I shouldn't have slapped you. No, we don't, we were just discussing it and decided there's no way you would do it your too soft hearted, no it doesn't matter, please don't cry Jimin, no we will find out what happened..., we love you Jimin!"
The rest looked at Jin.
"What? Just because I was mad didn't mean I'd forget to get his room phone number!"
"How was he?" RM asked guiltily, he knew he hadn't acted well.
"He asked if we thought he was a murderer, he said he understood if we never spoke to him again, he was crying a lot said he had seen Tae."
"I'm an awful friend, I should be with him," Hobi sobbed.
They all looked at each other and nodded, dashing outside to the surprise of their security and demanding to go to the hospital.
Once there they went to the private suites and crashed into Jimins room,startling the small boy who sat curled up in a corner.
Jungkook bent down and picked him up sitting on the bed with him.
"We are here for you Jiminshee, don't worry we don't think you did it!"
"But I could have? I don't know why can't I remember......" he sniffed .
The group consoled him trying to ease his pain. It got later and later but they didn't go home.
Jin and RM each fell asleep in chairs, Yoongi and Hobi fell asleep together in the sofa and Jungkook sat with Jimin.
"Kookie, what if your all wrong and I am this bad person?"
"Jimin your not, your sweet and kind and always take care of us," and how come I've never noticed how your lips look kissable close up he thought , then mentally told himself off for even thinking that at a time like this, I mean, he'd always liked Jimin and maybe even fancied him but he was straight wasn't he?
"Jungkook you can sleep on the bed if you want I'll just sit on the floor."
"Don't be silly, we can both fit on here, I'll spoon you, turn on your side."
Jimin did so gasping as his bruised chest moved.
"Are you ok?"
"Yer the steering wheel must have caught me."
"Ok be careful,"
They lay down and Jungkook placed his hand on Jimins hip but the smaller boy grasped it in his own hand for comfort. Before long the room was filled with small snores, the nurse coming in to check Jimin smiling at the sight and getting extra blankets to cover them all, turning the light off and letting them sleep.

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