EPILOGUE; my husband

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They had been married four months. They couldn't get enough of each other and it showed wherever they went,fans noticed too.
Once Jungkook was doing a vlive and someone asked him to stop hanging around Jimin, it made him cross.
"Jimin is mine I won't stay away."
Fans took this to mean the two had a thing going and neither boy said if it was true or not.
Jimin came to bed one night to find Jungkook laying there staring into space.
"What's up with my Kookie?" He asked rubbing Jungkooks naked abs.
"I just want everyone to know your mine I don't want to hide it"
"But we don't know how the fans will react," Jimin said reasonably.
"So we shouldn't try? Are we that shallow that we have to live how others want us to ?!?!"
Jungkook turned away in a huff, Jimin being unable to comfort him. It stayed like that for a few days then Jimin took things into his own hands, he told the rest of the group and they nodded understandably so Jimin went to do a vlive.
Hey everyone it's Jimin here how are you all ,
What? Stop hugging Jungkook, sorry no can do.
Why, well because he is my husband I am Jeon Jimin and I'm proud of that fact.
When? Months ago.
No ...we didn't say because we didn't want hate against the group then I came to realise that any true fan would accept who and what we are, we are not ashamed of it and from now I will show my love freely.
Thank you yes we are happy
Yes the group approve
Jungkook he's busy at the moment
The door lock beeped and Jungkook rushed in looking slightly dishevelled as he'd only just dressed when a message to say a vlive was on as soon as he saw and heard Jimin he rushed in to support him
Looks like I was wrong people here's Jungkook
Hey everyone my husband didn't tell me he was going to announce this but I'm pleased he feels able to.
Yes of course I love him!
What here now ok...
Jungkook grabbed his husband and claimed his lips before the pair pulled apart laughing. The rest of the vlive went smoothly hundreds congratulating them.
Two months later the pair were in their penthouse apartment snuggled in bed.
"Who knew that the lowest time in my life was the turning point to my future happiness" Jimin said.
"Hmmm, if people hadn't blamed you would my dumbass have ever realised I loved you?"
"I'm glad I got blamed then Kookie my one sided love was lonely"
"Well you'll never be lonely again babe," the other said kissing his husband deeply showing him just how much he meant to him.
They felt blessed most of their fans accepted them and loved them showing their closeness, the few fans that didn't were ignored and weren't worth mentioning other fans outing them so they no longer spoke up.
Now was the time to accept people for who they were as giving them labels was outdated and unwanted, for them they felt loved by the world.

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