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                       "Good morning dad,morning mom"--I greeted as I walked into the sitting room all ready for school-" hey guys" I greeted my siblings
           "Morning dear,how was ur night?" mom replied
         "Its was fine thank you" I said as I sat down for breakfast
     We all ate in silence,it felt good except that we weren't complete.               I was just about to ask when Suddenly heard noise and my elder brother Alex came  running out of his room also dressed for school
           We all attended the same school except for the eldest girls who went to summer international school as they we're both in sss 1 and 2 respectively
        I and my brother went to the same primary school(shinning star) as he was in primary two ad I was in primary one
Enough of family stuff let me tell u about my self and my family
              Well am Ambrose,age 18 and I have three older siblings and three younger siblings too

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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