The Move

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~|William's POV|~

'Here we go. You got this' I think. I grab the first box and placed it in the moving truck. As you can see I am moving. My old roommate was killed randomly and he was the one who paid for the apartment so I have to move. But lucky me, I found a cheap place just a county over. But let's get back to it.

Now my parents didn't really care that much about me. I don't really care about them either. I am 29 years old. I don't need them. But I did wish that they at least pretend that they cared, but at least I had my siblings.

"Why do the gods hate me?" I say out loud as I continue to put boxes in the moving truck. I mean I haven't done anything bad recently. Yeah, I have a bad habit of killing BUT I haven't done anything about it for four months now. It is hard to do that when your old roommate was constantly at the place.

But now that he is dead. I can start with my bad habit again. But I need to get to the new place first. And I know I shouldn't act on a bad habit but I can't help that it makes me feel really good. I don't normally get the feeling any other time as weird as it is.

"Need any help?" I hear as I place the box I was holding in the truck. I turn around to see a weird emo? Girl. I just stand there for a bit before I responded.

"Oh. Sorry. Um, sure. I'm William." I didn't really like talking to anyone. I got bad anxiety but i can't help but to let this girl help. She giggles a bit at my awkwardness. It made me mad but I just pretended it didn't get to me.

"Nice to meet you, William. I'm Lily." The girl that I now know as Lily said as she followed me back to the apartment and we both grab some boxes. I sighs as I start to think about killing the girl. I snapped of it when she started to talk again.

"So where are you moving to?" She seemed to be asking with genuine curiosity. No one is like that before. "Oh. Just a country over. The place was cheap so." I say with a shrug. I didn't know why I was saying this but it seemed like what normal people said.

"Nice. You should be careful when you get there." Lily places the box down as she turns to me. I raise an eyebrow. 'Why? What's wrong with it?' I think as I place my box down too.

"What do you mean? The town seems nice." I haven't really looked into the town I was moving to. 'It seems to be good to get back to what I do best' I smirk to myself at the thought but quickly stopped so that Lily didn't see it.

"I mean. People who move there aren't like ever heard from again." Lily says as she stretches a bit as the two continued to walk back to the apartment again. At least there wasn't many boxes left.

"Well maybe they liked it there." I still didn't see the whole point of being worried for me. We didn't really know each other. Like at all.

"Just be careful. Please?" Lily turns to me with a worried look. I was so confused as to why she was worried about me. She barely knew me.

"Fine. I will try." I replied to calm down Lily. I didn't like people worrying about me. It made me feel weak. I'm not weak! But my reply seemed to ease her concerns.

"Good. You are a really nice guy so I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I hope you understand." She gives a little giggle as she leans against the truck.

"Yeah. I understand. But I'll be fine. I do know how to defend myself." I put the last box in the truck and finally close it. I forget how much stuff I have. But it is mostly knifes. I do got a lot.

"Yeah. I get it. But thanks for understanding. Not many people do." She sighs as she stands up. "Well I should get out of your hair now. Bye, William!" She then runs back to her place.

"Bye!" I shout back before getting in the truck. I am going to get to my new place as quickly as possible. I didn't want to do something I didn't want to do yet and get caught. That wouldn't be good.

I sighs as I put on my music playlist. I didn't want to be driving by myself without listening to music. I may be a 'monster' but not the kind of monster who didn't want to listen music.

It was going to take about nine hours to get there. I think the town is called 'Anarose' weird name for a town but who cares.

I slowly started to jam to whatever song was on. I didn't really care. I then spaced out for what seemed like the whole nine hours but it was more like three hours. I sigh as I pull to a rest stop. It was getting dark, and I didn't want to drive during the dark. I mean I can but it is too much work for me to do.

'I need some sleep. Geez, I forgot yesterday' I think as I lean back in the chair. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. I guess I needed more sleep than I thought. I went to sleep around ten pm and I think I was asleep for a while as when I woke up it was seven am. I yawn as I sit up and grab a bag of chips and start to eat some before I put my music back on and get ready to drive again.

It only takes about ten minutes to get ready, and I'm ready to drive again. I kept driving for the rest of the time. It was actually pretty nice to see the landscape on the way to the new town. I start to hum along with the song. It might be one of my favorite songs. Though I can't remember the name of it. But it was good. I sigh as I started to think about how I was going to settle in when I got there. Then I started to think about what that girl Lily said to me.

"Why should I be careful? It's not like they will murder me. I will probably kill them before they get me." I say out loud to no one but myself. God I still can't get her worried face out of my mind. I really hated it. She didn't know me. And still she was worried about me. I wish I killed her when I had the chance.

I guess I was in my thoughts for longer than I wanted as I saw a sign that said I was 23 miles from Anarose. 'Geez, I probably shouldn't be in my thoughts as much.'  I think as I let out a sigh and eat more of the chips. It wouldn't be long till I got to the town. Then my place. Just an hour left. Just an hour left and I can finally get some actual sleep. I sigh as I look around but also keep my eyes on the road so I don't crash.  But the landscape was nice to look at. I let out another sigh as I keep eating. I didn't know what I was going to get out of the new town but I can't wait to find out.

"This is so weird. Moving to a whole new place. Wonder who Will would feel about this." I say softly to myself again. Will is short for Wilford for me. Will was one of my siblings. They are the second oldest. I am the oldest out of all my siblings. Will never saw me moving anywhere. But here I am moving to a whole new town. I should text Will when I am fully moved in. Soon I could see the sign that said 'Welcome to Anarose!'

I take a deep breath as I drive to my new house. It was a pretty nice looking house for a cheap price. I park the truck and start to unpack all the boxes which was a lot easier than packing them. It took me about two hours to unload and unpack most of the boxes. I made my bed and placed everything for my bedroom and the bathroom. I was going to do the rest of the house the next day. I let out a sigh as I fell onto my bed. I wasn't used to this but I'll get used to it. I just know i will. I groan a bit as I stand up and walk to the living room that was right now a big mess. I groan at the thought of cleaning and setting up the living room. That was a problem for tomorrow William. All I did was lock the door and go to the kitchen to see what I did unpack. I decided to decorate the kitchen at least since I wasn't going to do the living room until tomorrow.

After an hour of decorating the kitchen. I was content with how it looked. I grabbed a bag of chips and some Dr. Pepper and went back to my bedroom. I put the Dr. Pepper and the chips on the end table and fall onto my bed. I groan a bit at the impact. I grab my phone out of my pocket and start to watch some YouTube. I don't know when but I must have fallen asleep. As I opened my eyes, I had my phone on my chest and I was still in the clothes from yesterday.  I lightly laughed at myself for falling asleep before changing. But I get up and put my phone on the charger before getting the clothes and going to take a shower. After I get out and change.

I went to the living room to see, I didn't decorate it yesterday. I sigh as I start to get everything  to where it should be. and after an hour, I was done with the living room. I let out a sigh as I walked to the kitchen and remembered that I needed to get some food to stock the kitchen. I groan as I grab my keys and put on my shoes. 'Today is going to be something.' I think as I leave my place.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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