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Requested by Trix-Cereal

Error x Fresh (ErrorFresh)

Scenario: They practice touch.

Category: Fluff

"So. I've been thinking.. and I kind of want to.. I want to try to hold your hand, Fresh."

Fresh's face casted both a surprised and happy glance. Though his glasses themselves were already enough to point out that much. "Are ya' sure Glitchy? Dis is pretty random-"

Fresh wanted to say yes, but he halted back
his excitement for a moment.

"Yeah I've been thinking about it for awhile. I mean you're love language is obviously touch and it sucks not being able to do even the smallest stuff because of my stupid phobia.. so I thought we should try something today."

The glitch played with his sleeves nervously and avoided eye contact. The two had the conversation before and they didn't end up trying it out, he didn't want that to happen this time. He was sure of what he wanted now.

"Glitchy Bae, Listen. Y'know I don't like it when ya talk about yer' phobia jizz like dat. It ain't yer fault and it ain't like it's somethin' ya can control anyways. And like I always say, I don't mind waitin until yer' ready! It's not that big a deal." He said with the most reassuring smile he could give. "Sides you're totally rad Bae."

Error's skull flushed at this. "I guess.. but could we still try it Fresh? I promise you I'm ready this time."

"Yer so diddily darn cute Error."

The two shared a glance and erupted into a small fit of laughter. "Okay- Okay." Fresh said while calming down. "We can totes try dis out, but if it's to much don't hesitate to tell me or give a yolo, alright?"

Error nodded. "Can you hold out your hand?" Fresh complied and set his hand down to rest on the coffee table.

Error slowly lifted his hand and lowered it to his parents'. It took a long while but eventually two and two came to meet. Error's glitches multiplied slightly but it wasn't all too bad.

Though he felt little tinges of pain it was all eased away by the warmth of Freshs' hand against his. Through the whole thing Error hadn't said a word.

"Are ya' ok-"

"Yes, I'm okay Fresh." Error interrupted before smiling slightly. When he noticed he seemed to be doing good so far, so he went a little further by interlocking their fingers.
He soon began to feel himself glitches up, and soon he jolted away as a sudden heat of pain rushed over his hand.

"Error, seriously are ya okay?" Fresh asked again, though he sounded more concerned this time, it was laced in his tone.

"Y-yes! I'm sorry I freaked out. I don't what happened and I- I was doing so good!- I don't get why I panicked." He tried to calm his glitches down and stop his vision from blurring any further.

"Don't apologize. Ya did great for ya first time, don't beat yourself up! He smiled. "There's always next time too, we gotta take Baby steps brah, remember?" Error sighed before smiling. "Yeah. I remember.... Baby steps." He whispered to himself.

"I say we go to dat movie place we were talkin bout yesterday. Whaddya' say? Ya deserve it after all, I'm proud of ya."

"Is it a private theater like last time?"

"You know it brah!" Fresh winked.

Error nodded vigorously and stood up. "Well.. let's go!"

Fresh got up and followed the other, he was really proud of him and he enjoyed holding hands with the other.

Once the two skeles go their things ready Fresh teleported them to the theater and let Error pick the movie. It was a scary once but they still enjoyed it in the end.

Eventually when it was over Error decided he wanted chocolate so Fresh complied and they spent two hours on a chocolate haul.

To end the night out they had a sleep over in the Anti-void with a fluffy pillow fort.

"Thank you, Fresh." Error said through yawns.

"No need to thank..me." Fresh had fallen asleep. Error smiled.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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