my head

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When Jared broke my arm mother was none too happy.  I told her it was from wrestling but she didn't believe me.

Chris stabbed me with a pencil and another trip to the ER.  A doctor there recognized me on this second visit.  He started saying something to me but I ignored him.  I didn't want to hear another lecture about being bullied.

After Terry cut my arm with a dull hunting knife the doctors finally decided to intervene.  They put me in this wing of the hospital until they could call my parents and alert them to my constant injuries and bruises.   I didn't want to mention any names to them, but when Jared and Chris showed up at the hospital it was only a matter of time before the doctors would find out.  I had to do something quickly.  Don't they know I'm not safe anywhere I go?

The only way I figured I could end this was to take my own life.  It wasn't an easy decision, but Jared, Chris, and Terry wouldn't leave me alone.  I managed to escape the hospital when the orderlies walked away.  My previous doctor told me I would do things like this if I didn't take the meds.

The pills I used to take made me feel like a zombie, which was worse.  I'll take an injury here and there over being zombified all day.

I walked along back roads until I made it home.   In my tree fort out back I kept a small handgun.  With the only bullet I had I took down Jared, Chris, and Terry with a single shot to kill all of them.

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