Chapter 6

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"I didn't kill her or Mr. Harris". "How is it we find Mr. Harris dead and then you're only proof is dead too". "Sheriff, you know me? I would never do anything like that". " I also know you are hiding something from us and I need to know". "You want more proof"? Mr. Shepard moved inwards." Go speak to Mr. Karlsson, he knows something you can't see" Mr. Shepard whispered to the sheriff. The sheriff stood up and walked towards the door." wait, sheriff, you might want to go alone and don't speak about this" said Mr. Shepard. The sheriff opened the door and closed it. " what did Mr. Shepard say"? " I don't know, he just said he is innocent". "What did he whisper to you"? " nothing," said the sheriff. " don't lie to the court, we need all the information we have". " I'm being honest". "Lie and you will be fired from your job and you will let your father down". "Don't speak about my father unless you want a broken nose". " threatening the court's best detective isn't smart Mr. Silva". "Why do they call you the best detective if you can't solve this case". " Well, they didn't ask you to help solve this sheriff so if you want to keep that name stay out my way". "Well, good luck then". "Sheriff"." Yes," said the sheriff. "Where are you going now"? "Home". The sheriff walked out of the room and out of the building towards his car. He couldn't stop thinking about what Mr. Shepard said to him. Mr. Karlsson was someone who lived in the town and was not known by many people. The sheriff got in his car and started to drive home. He needed to find out more, there was a bigger case going on here but he needed more information about it.

11:30 am
The school was getting crazier and crazier from the news is getting more information about this whole murder thing, I'll be honest it's usually not my thing to get into the news things at school but I couldn't help but be interested in this case. I wanted to help solve it but I know it's best if I should stay out of this case.

They are having the school assembly today, it's a talent show assembly. Usually, a couple of kids sing or do dumb jokes. I don't want to go but it's the last assembly for me. I will attend it but like I said it's not my favorite. An announcement went off saying " please head down to the auditorium for the Assembly". My class started to go down. We got there and all sat down in our seats. After what felt like 10 minutes, it finally started.

The first kid went on stage, he was going to sing. He started and finished and people clapped for him. I've never wanted to do that talent thing because it would be harder to make friends after. My only talent is solving puzzles and riddles and most people did find that entertaining. The second kid was doing comedy. It's not his best talent. He sat down and the third kid went up. The assembly wasn't good, I pulled out my phone and saw a new news article that had just come out. I opened it and it read.

News update on the case. Mr. Shepard was interviewed and asked for more information from the famous Detective also known as Mr. Whitlock. He didn't get much information from him but he said he was not guilty but the news believes that he is guilty and he is lying about information. We are looking into this case and will discover the truth. Stay tuned for tomorrow's news.

They still think it's him but it's not but I can't do anything about it. The last act of the assembly was a video so they pulled the projector down and put it on. In the middle of the video, the projector turned off. "Sorry, we are having technical difficulties and will have the video up and going soon". After what felt like an hour the projector finally turned on. A white screen came up. The teachers tried their best to fix it. All of a sudden the lights turned off, the white screen being the only light. " welcome kids, teachers, parents". A voice came out of the speakers from the projectors. The white screen turned red with a white circle in the middle. " all of you probably know my name now, If you don't then let me tell you. The names midnight. I've been known for killing your favorite brave man Mr. Harris. The news would tell you that Mr. Harris was brave, courageous, and loved but the truth is, he was scared, spoiled, and lied about everything. He wouldn't even help someone out. after his death, everyone cares so much about him. Well, I'm here to tell you that this isn't the end of this story. More is coming and since you don't believe me then you will fear me". Then something fell from the roof. It was a rope and it had fallen halfway to the floor. Someone screamed. I was confused. Then I saw it, and my heart stopped. There was something attached to the rope. It was someone. Once I looked close I froze. It was Olivia's corpse. Hanging from the rope. Everyone freaked out, a panic went over the school. The body was just rocking back and forth but her eyes were wide open. This would scar a lot of people. Then a laugh filled the auditorium. A dark deep laugh. "You will soon know the truth, sooner than you know," said the voice. Finally, the lights turned on. Once I could feel sadness, the person I liked was gone. I knew what to do. I knew I was right that the murderer is still out there and I need to find out who, I will avenge Olivia, I will solve this murder, even if no one else does.

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