Auslly : Pregnancy Story

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Chapter 1:
Episode 1:
Dr.Johnson:Ally are you sure about this?
Ally:*Weak Smiles*Yea.Totally sure about this.
Dr.Johnson:Ok.Lay down please.
Ally:*Lays down on the bed,Sighs*(You can do this Ally)
Dr.Johnson:*Looks at Ally*Just to make sure for one last time,Are you sure about having this abortion? There are many teens who regret it after.
Ally:*A Bit Scared*Yes.I'm sure.
Dr.Johnson:Very well.Just relax and I'm gonna put this sleeping gas so you won't feel any pain....Ready?
Dr.Johnson:*With the sleeping gas in his hand*Ok Ally,just relax and it'll be over before you know it *Gets close to Ally with the sleeping gas*
Ally's P.O.V:
Hi I'm Allyson Marie Dawson,"Ally" as my friends & family call me.I'm sure many of you must be asking "How old are you?!" & "You're having a abortion?!" Well the answers to thoses questions are 16 & Yes. I'm a 16 year old whose pregnant & whose having a abortion without anyone knowing.But let's not go ahead of ourselves.It all started on a Tuesday afternoon,3 days before my 2 years anniversary with my amazing boyfriend,Austin Monica Moon.
Ally:*Sitting in the piano,Thinking about some lyrics*(Um how about..)*Starts Playing the piano*You changed the world outside my window.Right there you blew my heart away.And I remember when I met you thinkin' that you're not a ordinary girl.This wasn't gonna be no ordinary day.*Smiles & Writes it on her songbook*Perfect.
????:*Covers her eyes*Guess who?
Ally:*Smiles*Um is it Zac Efron?
????:*Smiles*No.Guess again.
Ally:*Smiles*Is it Ross Lynch?
????:*Smiles*Nope.You have one last guess.
Ally:*Smiles Big*Is it my wonderful boyfriend,Austin Moon?
Austin:*Kisses her cheek*The one & Only.*Smiles*Hey I totally love that song.
Ally:*Smiles & Gets up,Wraps her arms around his neck*Do I get a reward for writing that amazing song? *Smiles*
Austin:*Winks*Of course you do *Kisses her*
Ally:*Kisses back*
Riker:*Walks in without noticing them*Austin,Trish is *Looks up*Oh,am I interupting something?
Austin:*Looks at Riker & Smiles*No bro.What's up.
Riker:Trish wants to see you.Something about your ann-
Austin:*Eyes-widen*Um yea.I'll go talk to her right now.
Austin:Uh um *Lies*You know my new duet partner,Um Anna.
Ally:*Still Confused*Ok?
Austin:Yea well I'll be right back *Kisses her cheek & Leaves*
Ally:*Smiles & Walks over to the piano*So Riker,how's the wedding planning going?
Riker:*Smiles & Sits down*You know,Great.Right now Vanessa is thinking of a date for our wedding.
Ally:*Smiles*Well I'm glad you're marrying my sister.You're like one of the most sweetest guy she has ever dated & trust me I know.
Riker:*Chuckles*Thanks.So how are you & Austin doing? *Winks*
Ally:*Smiles*We're good.On Friday,it's our 2 years anniversary *Smiles*
Riker:So like in 3 days?
Riker:*Smiles*You really love my brother don't you little missy?
Ally:*Smiles*Yea,With all my heart.
Riker:Well I'm sure in a couple of years,you two will be in mines & Vanessa position.
Ally:*Smiles*Hope so.
Austin:*Walks in*Riker,V texted saying to tell you to text or call her.
Riker:Oh right My phone is off *Turns on his phone & Calls Vanessa*Hey babe......You did?!....But isn't that you know whose anniversary....Yea you're right.....Ok.I'll tell them....Love you too,Bye.*Hangs up & Looks at Auslly*
Auslly:What's wrong?
Riker:Um Vanessa got a date for our wedding.
Ally:*Smiles Big*That's great news.
Austin:*Smiles Big*Yea! When's the date?
Riker:Um It's on Friday.
Auslly:*Looks at each other shocked & then at Riker*On our anniversary?
Riker:Yea I'm sorry guys but it's the only date available for this month.
Ally:*Smiles*It's ok Riker.
Riker:Really? If you guys want we'll just have our wedding next month.
Austin:*Smiles*And cancel everything you did? Bro,it's cool.Plus,it'll be awesome celebrate the same anniversary date as my brother.
Riker:*Smiles & Hugs Auslly*Thanks guys.I'll call V right away.*Leaves*
Ally:*Looks at Austin & Smiles*I guess we'll be spending our anniversary at my Sister's & Your brother's wedding.
Austin:Yea.I'm sorry Ally.I know you wanted to have a special anniversary but-
Ally:*Smiles & Wraps her arms around his neck*A special anniversary is just having you by my side.
Austin:*Smiles*I love you Allyson Marie Dawson.
Ally:*Smiles*And I love you Austin Monica Moon.
Austin:*Smiles*Yea I know that.
Ally:*Smiles*Shut up & Kiss me.
Austin:*Smiles*Of course my lovely princess *Kisses her*
Ally:*Kisses him back
Episode 2:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Two Days Later,At Sonic Boom~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin,Dez:*Playing the X-Box*
Austin:*Playing*Eat some slime you evil zombie!
Trish,Ally:*Walks in*Guys,we have great news!
Dez:*Still Playing*Not now girls.We're about to beat the boss & Finally win this game!
Ally:This will only take a min-
Dez,Austin:*Playing*Die Die Die
Trish:*Rolls her eyes*Leave it to me Ally.*Walks over to the cable switch & cut its off*
--------------------T.V. Turns off--------------------
Austin,Dez:*Glares At Trish*Hey!
Austin:We were so close from winning!
Dez:Yea! All thoses years practicing to win this year & I was soooooooooo close!
Trish:Guys stop whining & Listen to my important announcement
Austin:*Sad*What can be more important than winning Zaliens 6?
Austin,Dez:*Looks at Each other then at the girls in shock*WHAT?!
Austin:*Smiles Big*Please tell me this isn't just a silly joke made up by Trish.
Ally:*Smiles Big*It's not,You're going on a world tour Austin! *Hugs him*
Austin:*Hugs her back*I-I can't believe it.
Ally:*Looks at Austin*Thank Your manager Trish & Daniel for this.They made the phone calls,did all the work & Well you should mostly thank Daniel.
Trish:True *Sits down*
Dez:Austin this is huge! You're going on a world tour! Happy Dance time *Starts Dancing*
Ally,Trish:*Starts laughing*
Austin:*Smiles & Then realized something*Wait,what about you guys? Team Austin is coming with me on the world tour right?
Ally,Trish:*Looks at Each other worried then at Austin*
Austin:*Confused*Ally,Trish,What haven't you guys tell me yet?
Ally:Austin.Daniel said that they only want you for the world tour not Team Austin
Austin:*Shocked*What?! You guys have to come with me! We're a team!
Trish:We know Austin but that's what Daniel said & He pretty much got you the tour.
Austin:How long will I be gone?
Daniel:(This is him: )About 8-9 months the max.I tried shorting it more but that's all I could do.
Austin:*Sighs*I don't know guys.I don't think I can go on a world tour without Team Austin.
Ally:Austin don't give up this big opportunity for us.We'll be fine,we promise.
Daniel:Yea Austin.This is a one in a life chance opportunity.Isn't this what you wanted when you were younger? To become really famous.
Daniel:Well here is your chance,don't give it up.
Austin:*Thinks*You're right,this is a one in a chance opportunity but *Looks at Ally,Trish,Dez*Are you sure you guys are gonna be ok with me leaving?
Ally,Dez,Trish:*Fake Smiles & Nods*Totally.
Austin:*Looks at Daniel & Smiles*We'll time for Austin Moon to go on a world tour.
Daniel:Awesome! We leave tomorrow for our flight.They wanted today but I tried changing their minds so you can at least go to your brother's wedding.
Austin:Um Thanks.....I guess I should get packing.*Gives Ally a quick kiss on the lips*See you guys later,Bye *leaves*
Daniel:I should get packing too.Bye guys *leaves*
Ally:*Frowns a bit*I should go home & get ready for the wedding.Bye guys *Leaves*
Dez:*Frowns*She's sad,isn't she?
Trish:*Frowning*Yup but like she said,she doesn't want to ruin Austin's huge chance.
Dez:*Sad*I'm gonna miss him.
Trish:*Sad,Sighs*Me too.
~~~~~~~~~~~Later That Day,With Ally & Vanessa~~~~~~~~
Vanessa:*Wearing: *So how do I look?
Vanessa:*Smiles*Thanks.So Austin's going on a world tour huh?
Ally:*Sad but doesn't show it*Yup.I'm happy for him.
Vanessa:*Knows something's up*You sure Ally?
Ally:*Fake Smiles*Yea totally
Vanessa:*Knows she's lying but let's it go*Ok.
Lester:*Walks in*How's the most beautiful bride doing?
Vanessa:*Smiles*Good.Alittle nervous
Lester:*Looks at Vanessa*Don't be.You look beautiful
Vanessa:*Smiles*Thanks dad.
Ally:*Smiles*Well let's go get you marry
Vanessa:*wraps her arm around Lester's arm*Let's go.
~~~~~~~~~~~~With Riker & Austin, At The Church~~~~~~~
Riker:*Smiling*Wow I can't believe today's the big day huh Austin.
Austin:*Not paying attention*
Riker:*Smirks*Oh is that Ally with Elliot holding hands?
Austin:*Snaps out of it*Where?!!
Riker:*Chuckles*I'm just joking.Hey,what's wrong? You seem out of it today.
Austin:*Lies*Oh nothing.
Riker:*Knows he's lying*Austin
Austin:*Sighs*It's just about my world tour,but let's forget about that.Today is about you & Vanessa
Riker:You sure?
Austin:Yea *Smiles*
Riker:*Smiles*Ok.Oh and let's not forget that it's also about you & Ally.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wedding Music Starts Playing~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Walks in wearing:*
Austin:*Looks at her & Smiles*(Wow Ally looks beautiful)
Vanessa:*Walks in with her arm around Sean's & Holding White Flowers*
Riker:*Looks at Her & Smiles*
Ally,Vanessa,Lester:*Walks to the front*
Ally:*Stands next to Austin,Smiles*
Lester:*Looks at Riker & Smiles*I Lester Dawson trust you Riker Moon to take care of my daughter.You're a very special guy Riker *Hugs Him*
Riker:*Smiles & Hugs Back*Thanks Lester.
Lester:*Hands Laura to Ross & Sits down*
Ranessa:Smiles at each other & Looks at the priest*
Priest:Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church..If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace.Very well,Do you Riker Moon take Vanessa Dawson to be your beloved wife,To love & To care until death separates you two?
Riker:*Smiles At Vanessa*I do.
Priest:And do you Vanessa Dawson take Riker Moon to be your beloved husband,to Love & To care until death separates you two?
Vanessa:*Smiles At Riker*I do.
Priest:By the power invested by me,I now pronounce you Husband & Wife.You may kiss the bride.
Riker:*Kisses Vanessa*
Vanessa:*Kissses back*
Everyone:*Starts Clapping*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At The Party~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Everyone:*Talking with each other*
Riker:*On stage*Um excuse me everyone.
Everyone:*Stays Silent & Looks at Riker*
Riker:I would like to thank everyone for coming to Vanessa's & My wedding.So thank you.
Trish:*Bored*The first dance!
Trish:*Smiles & Puts on a slow song*
Riker:*Walks over to the dancefloor with Vanessa & Starts dancing*
Vanessa:*Dancing & Smiling*
Ally:*Looking at them dance*Aw they look so cue together.
Vanessa:*Takes the mic*Um i know today is My wedding with Riker but we would like for my sister & Riker's brother to come to the dancefloor
Auslly:*Looks at each other confused,Walks over to the dancefloor*
Riker:*Smiles*Happy 2 years Anniversary guys.
Dez:*Puts on another slow song*
Austin:*Looks at Ally & Smiles*Can i have this dance?
Ally:*Smiles*You may *Walks over to the dancefloor & Starts dancing*
Vanessa:*Looks at them & Smiles*
Trish:*Lets a tear fall & Takes a quick picture*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later That night~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Talking to Trish*
Random Guy:*Walks over to them*Um is any of you,Ally Dawson?
Ally:*Confused*Yea that's me.
Random Guy:Here you go *Gives her a letter & Then leaves*
Ally:*Looks at the letter* "Meet me at Sonic boom,at the practice room.Love you ~Your one & Only,Austin" *Smiles*Aw.
Trish:I wonder why he wants you to meet him at the practice room
Ally:Yea i wonder too.Well i better go then.See you later Trish *Hugs her*
Trish:Bye Ally *Smiles*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At Sonice Boom~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Walks inside & Sees a path of roses heading to the practice room,Smiles & starts following it* *Walks in the practice room*Oh my gosh.
Austin:*With a rose in his hand,smiling*Welcome Ally.
Austin:*Gives her the rose & Smiles*Happy 2 years anniversary.
Ally:*Smiles & Gives him a quick kiss on the cheek*Wow,did you plan all of this?
Austin:Yea & With alittle help of Trish.
Ally:*Smiles*You're the best you know that.
Austin:Yea I heard *Smiles*
Ally:Well let's enjoy this amazing food then *Smiles*
Austin:*Smiles*Lets.*Sits on the blanket on the flooor with Ally*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After A While~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Laughing*And remember that time when Dez got the pie all over his face & alittle in his pants.
Austin:*Laughing*Yea.Good times.
Ally:*Giggles*Yea.*Remembers about Austin's world tour & Frowns a bit*
Austin:*Notcie her frowning*Hey,what's wrong?
Ally:Oh nothing.
Ally:*Sighs*Well tomorrow you're going on your world tour for like 8-9 months & today is our last day together *Looks down & Frowns*
Austin:*Lifts Ally's head up*I promsie that eventhough I might be gone for 8-9 months that we will always have each other.Nothing is gonna change.
Ally:*Smiles A bit*You promise?
Austin:*Smiles*I promise.
Ally:*Smiles*This is why you're the best boyfriend ever.
Austin:*Smiles*And you're the best girlfriend ever.
Ally:*Smiles*I can't believe today's our 2 years anniversary.
Austin:I know.I'm glad I have you in my life *Smiles*
Ally:*Smiles*I love you.
Austin:*Smiles*I love you too *Kisses her*
Ally:*Kisses back*
Austin:*Deepens the kiss*
Ally:*Starts unbuttoning his shirt*
Episode 3:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Wakes up & Notice a note next to her,Reads it*{Dear Ally,If you're reading this then I'm guessing you're awake XD. Anyways,Yesterday was one of the best night of my life.I know it's not a lot what I'm saying but always know that I Love You. Hopefully theses 8-9 months goes by fast so I can see you again.I'll miss you my Ally-gator.Love,Austin}*Smiles*I'll miss you too My prince *Puts the note inside her songbook & Smiles*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 Months Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dez:*Playing with his X-box*Ughh stupid Zombie!
Trish:*Rolls her eyes*Ughhh has it been 8 or 9 months yet?!
Ally:*Writing in her songbook*It's been 3 months.Just wait 5 mo-*Feels sick & Runs to the bathroom*
Trish:Ally? *Runs after her*Ally?
Ally:*Wipes her mouth & Touches her stomach*What the heck?
Trish:*Knocks on the door*Ally? Are you ok?
Ally:Yea just feeling a little sick.I'll be out in a few.
Trish:Ok? *Sits next to Dez*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After A While~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dez:*Checks the time*I better go,My dad is gonna get mad if I go home late.
Trish:Alright.See you tomorrow Dez.
Dez:Kay.Hey,what's up with Ally? She's been sick for weeks now & a few minutes ago she came back from the store & went straight to the bathroom.
Trish:I think she's just missing Austin but I'll check on her.
Dez:Ok.Bye Trish *Leaves*
Trish:*Walks over to the bathroom*Ally,are you ok? *Knocks on the door*Come on,You been in the bathroom for 20 minutes now.
Ally:*Sighs & Looks at the test*(I-It's....Positive)*Shocked*
Trish:*Knocks on the door*Ally?
Ally:*Lets a tear fall*oh my gosh.
Ally:*Wipes Tears & Opens the door*Hey.
Trish:Hey,are you ok?
Ally:(Should I tell Trish?)Uh Um,Yea.I'm just feeling a bit down.
Trish:*Doesn't believe her*Ally.Are you sure you're ok?
Ally:*Fake Smiles*Yea totally.
Trish:*Still doesn't believe her*Ally.
Ally:*Sighs*Trish....I-I'm pregnant.
Trish:*Shocked*WHAT?! YOU'RE PREGNANT?!!
Ally:*Nods her head slowly*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Austin~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Looking at a picture of Ally,Smiling*
Daniel:*Walks in*What's up Man.
Austin:*Puts the picture down*Hey man,what's up
Daniel:Good,Hope you're ready for tonight's show.
Austin:Of course I am *Smiles Big*I should go & Get ready.Be right back *Leaves*
Daniel:*Picks up the picture of Ally*You better not ruin it for Austin bitch *Throws the picture in the trash*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~After A While,With Ally~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*With tears in her eyes,Looking at her soup*Ugh what am i gonna do Trish*Puts the soup on the table*
Trish:I know this is gonna be hard Ally but you have to tell Austin.He needs to know about him being a dad.
Ally:*Sighs*I guess you're right but I'm worried.He's on his world tour & all,I just don't want him to disappoint his fans.
Trish:Ally right now all Austin has to worry about is you & the baby.Just call him & see what you two are gonna do about this.
Trish:I'll leave you alone.I'll come back later *Hugs Ally*Good luck
Ally:*Smiles Nervously*Thanks
Trish:*Smiles & Leaves*
Ally:Ok Ally,you can do this *Calls Austin*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Austin~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*About to go on stage to perform*
Austin:Right,here *Gives his phone to Daniel*Wish me luck.
Austin:*Goes on stage*How you doing New York!!!
Fans:*Starts Cheering*
Daniel:*Smiles*Austin's is getting bigger & I'm getting richer.No one is gonna ruin this for me.
---------------Austin's Phone Rings------------
Ally:Hey Austin,it's Ally.
Ally:Yea.Hey i know you must be busy & all with your tour but I have to tell you something important so please hear me out.
Daniel:(Just act like Austin)*Using his Austin voice*What's up Alls.
Ally:*Sighs*Austin I love you & you know that.I want the best for you & I know you're getting famous & all & you have this important world tour but there's something that I have to say & that is that I'm....I-I'm pregnant Austin.
Ally:*With tears in her eyes,Smiles*We're gonna be parents Austin.
Daniel:*Shocked & drops the phone*
Ally:Austin? Austin,you there?
Daniel:*Shocked*Ally is pregnant....With Austin's baby?!!!!!!
Episode 4:
Ally:Austin? Are you there? *Let's a tear fall* Austin?
Daniel:*Picks up the phone & Uses his Austin voice again*Ally?
Ally:Austin! Um are you ok?
Daniel:Yeah,just a little bit shocked.
Ally:*Sighs*I imagine.
Daniel:*Gets an idea*I might be shocked but I'm happy I'm gonna be a dad.
Daniel:Yeah. You know what? Tomorrow I don't have any concert to do so do you think you can meet me at the Miami's Center Hospital tomorrow at noon?
Ally:*Smiles Big*You're coming back to Miami?
Daniel:Yeah.I missed you Ally & Now more than ever you need my support.I'll see you tomorrow ok.
Ally:Ok Austin.I love you.
Daniel:*Rolls his eyes*Love you too,Bye.
Ally:Bye *Hangs up & Smiles*
Daniel:*Deletes Ally's call & Smiles Evily* No one is gonna ruin my chance in getting rich,not even Ally Dawson or the little brat she's gonna have.
Mandy:*Walks over to him*Hi Daniel *Smiles Big*
Daniel:Oh Hi Mandy.
Mandy:Um I'm sorry but I have to leave a bit earlier than usual since I'm not feeling so good but if you need anything,anything at all just ask me *Smiles*
Daniel:*Smiles Evily*Actually yes. *Puts his arm around Mandy Waist* Do you think you can get me a plane ticket to go to Miami for tonight?
Mandy:*Blushes*Um yeah.I think I can do that.
Daniel:Awesome,Thanks Mandy *Kisses her cheek*
Mandy:*Speechless,Blushes harder*Uh um I-I better g-get t-the ticket. B-be right b-back *Walks away*
Austin:*Gets off stage*Hey man, the concert went amazing! What city are we going to for tomorrow?
Daniel:Actually we're gonna stay here in New York for another day & you have a lunch appointment with New York supermodel Melanie Justice.
Austin:Oh,Um why?
Daniel:She's a huge Austin Moon fan & she wanted to meet you so I asked her manager if she can have lunch with you so you two to get to know each other. Hope you don't mind.
Austin:*Smiles*I don't. Well I better take a shower,Bye man *Leaves*
Daniel:*Smiles Evily*Well time to go to Miami *Leaves*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:(Wearing: )*Waiting for Austin,Nervous*Ok Ally,you can do this.Aaa I can't wait to see Austin *Smiles Big*
?????:*Covers Ally's Eyes with his hands*
?????:Hola mi amor.
Ally:*Confused & Turns Around*You?!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Austin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Sitting down & looking at pictures of Ally,Smiles*
????:*Smiles*Austin Moon.
Austin:*Looks up & Smiles*Hey you must be Melanie Justice.
Melanie:(Wearing: ) Yes.I can't believe I'm finally meeting you.I'm such a huge fan *Smiles & Sits down**
Austin:*Smiles*That's cool.I like your dress.
Melanie:*Smiles*Thanks,I knew yellow was your favorite color so I decided to wear this.
Austin:Wow. Well you look amazing.
Melanie:*Blushes a bit*Thanks.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Ally~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:What are you doing here?!
????:*Smiles Evily*What's wrong Ally? Were you expecting someone else?
Ally:Where's Austin Daniel?
Daniel:*Uses his Austin's voice*Oh darling,he's still in New York.
Daniel:Ok dear Ally,I'm gonna make this quick since I have to get back to New York......You have to abort that baby.
Ally:Is it me or you're going crazy? Daniel,this is my baby & I would never give it up. Not for abortion or adoption.
Daniel:Very well Ally if you wanna do it the hard way.
????,????:*Walks up to them*
Daniel:Ally meet Joshua & Robert.The two most strongest wrestlers in the world & they don't have pity on anyone & I mean ANYONE.
Joshua:Is this the girl boss?
Daniel:*Looks at Ally*Yea. Well Ally.You either abort that baby or get a miscarriage.Either way that little brat better get out of the picture.
Ally:*Glares at Daniel*You little B-
Daniel:No no no little Ally.No cursing.
Ally:Why are you doing this?!
Daniel:*Smiles Evily*That's for me to know or for you not to find out.So what's your answer Ally?
Joshua,Robert:*Smiling Evily*
Ally:*With tears in her eyes*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Austin & Melanie~~~~~~~
Melanie:*Laughing*Oh My gosh,Dez seems like a very fun guy.
Austin:*Smiles*Yeah he is.So tell me about yourself.
Melanie:*Smiles*Well what else should I tell you that you don't know
Austin:Well you haven't told me if you have a boyfriend or not which I can tell is that you do.
Melanie:*Smiles*Sorry to disappoint but nope.I don't have a boyfriend.
Austin:*Surprised*Really? But you're a supermodel.And you're sweet & beauitful.
Melanie:*Smiles Big*Aw thanks Austin.But i guess I haven't found that perfect guy yet.
Austin:*Smiles*Well I'm sure you'll find him one day.
Melanie:*Sits next to Austin & Looks at him*I think I already have.
Melanie:*Kisses Austin*
Austin:*Surprised but kisses back*
Episode 5:
Melanie:*Deepens the kiss*
Austin:*Pulls away*Mel,I *Sighs*
Melanie:*Confused*I'm sorry,did I do something wrong?
Austin:No it's just *Sighs & Scratches the back of his head*
Melanie:You didn't like the kiss?
Austin:No! I liked it but that's the problem.
Austin:Melanie I....I have a girlfriend.
Austin:Yeah.I really love Ally & this is wrong.The kiss shouldn't have never happened.
Melanie:*Looks down*Yeah it shouldn't have ever happened.*Looks up*I'm sorry Austin,I didn't want this to happen.I swear I didn't know you had a girlfriend.
Austin:*Smiles*It's ok Mel.I better go.
Melanie:*Fake smiles*Yeah.It was nice meeting you Austin.
Austin:*Smiles*Yeah.Bye Melanie *Leaves money on top of the table & Leaves*
Melanie:*Sad & Puts her hands in her face*What have I done?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After A While,With Ally~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally's P.O.V:
Well here we are again,At the hospital, & ready to get an abortion.Yeah,I know what most of you must be saying "Ally,what do you mean you're getting an abortion?! Don't you love your baby?!" Well of course I do & I don't want to get an abortion but it's either this or getting a miscarriage which is worse.Well it's time.
Dr.Johnson:*With the sleeping gas in his hand*Ok Ally,just relax and it'll be over before you know it *Gets close to Ally with the sleeping gas*
Ally:(No Ally don't do it! It's your baby! Don't do it!!!)
Dr.Johnson:*One centimeter away from Ally*
Dr.Johnson:*Stops & Looks at Ally*What's wrong?
Ally:*With tears in her eyes*I can't do this.It's my baby we're talking about! And i can't give up a baby's life especially if I love him or her so much *Rubs her belly*
Dr.Johnson:*Smiles*You're doing the right thing Ms.Dawson.
Ally:*Smiles*Thanks Doctor. Can I leave now,I-I really have to go.
Dr.Johnson:Of course *Smiles*Good luck Ally,I'm sure you & the dad are gonna be great parents.Now will you please excuse me *leaves*
Ally:*Fake Smiles & Walks over to the door,Rubs her belly*I promise my little angel I'm gonna be a great mother,with or without your dad's help...I-I know what I have to do & It might be hard for me but I would do anything for you my little angel.*Smiles & Leaves*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 Months Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Trish:*Nervous*Ugh I don't know about this Dez,Austin is gonna be really surprised.
Dez:I know he is but we have to do this.
Trish:*Sighs*Ok.What time is he getting here?
Dez:*Checks his watch*In about....
Austin:*Comes out of the plane & Sees Trish & Dez*
Trish:*Sees Austin*Austin!!
Austin:*Runs over to them & Hugs them*Hey guys! I missed you guys so much.
Trish,Dez:*Hugging Austin*We missed you too
Daniel:*Smiles*Aw group hug *Joins the hug*
Austin:*Smiles & Looks at Trez*So where's Ally?
Trez:*Looks at each other*Um.
Austin:Is she at the bathroom? I can't wait to see her.I missed her the most *Smiles Big*
Daniel:*Smiles Evily*Yeah guys,where's Ally?
Trish:*With a serious face on*Austin,didn't Ally tell you?
Austin:*Confused*Tell me what?
Dez:*With a serious face too*Austin....Ally left.
Austin:*Still Confused,Smiles innocently*Left the airport,Ha?
Trish:No...She left Miami.
Daniel:*Pretending to be surprised*What? Ally? Left Miami?!
Austin:*With Tears in his eyes*Why did she leave?
Dez:She never said why.Here,This note is for you.*Gives Austin the note*
Austin:*Reads the note*{Dear Austin,I'm guessing if you're reading this then you must be back from your World Tour. I hope it went well.Anyway, Trish & Dez must have already gave you the news about me leaving Miami.I know this might be abit surprising & shocking but I had to do this.Please don't look for me. This is for the best. I will never forget you Austin but you have to forget about me.I'll love you always.~Love Ally}*With Tears in his eyes*
Austin:*Sad & Angry*Just leave me ALONE! *Leaves*
Daniel:(Yes!! The little bitch Dawson left with her little brat...This is for the best Austin.I'm gonna be rich!)Poor Austin,he really loved Ally
Trish:*Sad*Yeah (I can't believe I'm gonna have to keep this secret of her being pregnant with Austin's baby.Come on Trish you can do this.Do it for your bestfriend)*Hugs Dez*
Dez:*Hugs her back*
Daniel:*Looks at them in disgust* (Ok what do we have here,Trez? Whatever I don't care.Just gotta keep Ally away from Austin's mind & That I can do)*Smiles Evily*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Austin,At Sonic Boom~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Looking around,Getting Memories about Ally*Why Ally,Why? *Lets a tear fall*Why did you have to leave me? *Sees a picture of him & Ally,Picks it up*Auslly? *Smiles*That doesn't exist anymore.I'm gonna do what you ask me to do Ally...I'm gonna try to forget about you eventhough it's gonna be hard.*Drops the picture*
--------------Frame Breaks into pieces--------------
Austin:*With teary eyes*Goodbye Ally Dawson. *Sits down & puts his hands in his face*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 Years Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
????:*Looks at Ally with a smirk in her face,Quickly gets on top of the bed & jumps on top of Ally*Wakey wakey mommy!
Ally:*Smiles & Looks at Bella*Bella Amanda Moon!
Bella(,1247814816,1/stock-photo-beautiful-little-girl-with-long-blonde-hair-33793099.jpg *Smiles Sweetly*Good morning mommy.
Ally:*Smiles & Kisses her cheek*Good morning sweety.Do you want some breakfast?
Bella:YEA! Pancakes! Pancakes! Pancakes! please! *Smiles Sweetly*
Ally:*Smiles*Of course you would want pancakes.*Gets up & Puts her hair in a bun*
Bella:*Jumps off the bed*Yay pancakes!! *Runs out*
Ally's P.O.V:
Well it's been 4 years since I last left Miami & now I'm here with my little baby girl.Her name is Bella (The name me & Austin thought to put our first child),Amanda(From my beloved grandmother),Moon.Yeah,I put Bella's last name as Austin's.She's four years old. She is beautiful,with her chocolate brown eyes & her long straight blonde hair.My friends tell me she looks a lot like me but from my Point of View,she can be Austin's twin. Right now we're living in New York,in a small apartament.It might not be like my old house from Miami but it's good.I have a part-time job as a music teacher but right now since it's Summer,there's no school which means "No job & no money".Now all I have to do is get a job & keep moving foward with Bella of course.
Ally:*Puts a plate of Pnacakes on top of the plate*Enjoy baby girl.
Bella:*Smiles*Thanks mommy *Starts eating*
Ally:*Smiles*(Wow. Even the way she smiles,reminds me of Austin.They're so alike.Bella loves pancakes & peforming infront of people like Austin.She also loves singing & I'm pretty much she got Austin's dance moves because if she got mines,Yikes!)*Giggles*
Bella:*Mouth Full*What's so funny mommy?
Ally:*Smiles*Oh nothing sweety.
Bella:*Smiles*Well I'm done mummy.
Ally:Ok sweety,Now go get dress,get your hairbrush & I'll comb your hair.
Bella:Ok *Skips to her room*
Ally:*Smiles*Oh Bella.*Looks at her phone & Looks at a picture of her & Austin,Lets a tear fall*Oh Austin,what are you doing right now?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In Miami,With Austin~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Playing on the piano*
????:*Sneaks inside & Covers his eyes*Guess who?
Austin:*Smiles*Is it....My beauitful girlfriend?
Melanie:*Smiles*Correct *Kisses his cheek*
Austin:That's all I get? A cheek kiss? *Does his puppy eyes*
Melanie:*Smiles & Kisses him on the lips*
Austin:*Kisses her back*
Melanie:*Pulls away & Smiles*So whatcha doing? *Sits next to him in the piano*
Austin:Nothing,just playing on the piano.
Melanie:Sounds like fun.Actually,yesterday I was bored & I wrote a song.
Melanie:Yeah,want to hear it?
Melanie:*Smiles*Ok *Starts singing:*
Austin:*Speechless*Woah,that song.....was amazing!
Melanie:*Smiles*Thanks. I was actually thinking about singing that at the wedding.
Austin:*Smiles*Well i think that will be perfect *Kisses her*
Melanie:*Kisses back*
Austin:*Deepens the kiss*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Ally~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bella:Mommy,I got my hairbrush.
Ally:*Smiles*Come sit in my lap then.
Bella:*Sits on Ally's lap & Gives her the hairbrush*Mommy,Can you sing me the song?
Ally:*Brushing her hair*Which song?
Bella:You know the one you always sing when you brush my hair.
Ally:Well...How about you sing
Bella:*Smiles shyly*What if I sing horrible?
Ally:*Smiles*You won't.Come on baby girl,give it a try.
Bella:*Giggles*Ok *Starts singing*Flower gleam and glow.Let your power shine.Make the clock reverse.Bring back what once was mine.Heal what has been hurt,Change the fates design.Save what has been lost.Bring back what once was mine.What once was mine.
Ally:*Smiles & Looks at Bella*Wow,that was....Amazing.You truly are a great singer.
Bella:*Smiles & Giggles*Thanks mommy *Hugs Ally*
Ally:*Hugs her back,smiling*
Bella:Mommy,can we go to the music room & sing more songs?
Ally:*Smiles*Sure,come on *Goes to the music room with Bella*
Bella:*Sits down on the couch*
Ally:*Gets her songbook & sits down on the piano*What song should I sing?
Bella:The last one you wrote *Smiles*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In Miami,With Trez~~~~~~~~~
Trish:*Looking through "The Yellow Pages" Book*Ughh there's got to be a Dawson around here.
Dez:*At the computer*Trish we been looking for Ally 4 years ago,All we know is that she's in New york but we don't know where.
Trish:*Rolls her eyes*Just keep looking.
Dez:Fine *Clicks on a page & a picture of Ally shows up*Um Trish.
Dez:There's a picture of Ally
Trish:*Runs over to Dez*Let me see *Starts reading*Allyson Marie Dawson,Music teacher in New York if you wish to contrac her for some Music classes call 718-733-7881.*Smiles Big*Dez do you know what this means?!
Dez:That we're gonna searching for Ally & finally forcus on what's important now.
Trish:*Hits the back fo his head*Just give me your phone.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Ally~~~~~~~~~~~
Bella:*Playing on the piano*,singing*I can get your heartbeat,beat,beating like I can get your heartbeat beating like
------------Ally's Cell Phone Rings--------
Ally:*Looks at Bella*Continue singing sweety,let me take this *Goes outside & Answers*Hello.
????:*Smiles Big*Ally?
Ally:How did you get my number?
Trish:We looked it up.Anyways,Ally you have to come back to Miami.
Ally:Trish,I can't & you know why.
Trish:Yeah I know but this is important.
Ally:Why is it important.......Getting marry?!!.......When??!!.....*Sighs*I don't know Trish.....Ok,ok.......Ok....Bye *Hangs up*
Bella:*Walks up to Ally*What's wrong mummy?
Ally:Baby girl,let's get your things ready.
Bella:*Confused*Why? Where are we going?
Ally:*Lets a tear fall without Bella seeing*Miami.
Episode 6:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Austin~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Playing the piano,singing*In the back of a taxi cab.One quick turn,you were on my lap.We touched hands & we pulled them back.Yeah! I want you bad.
Mimi:*Walks in*Son,dinner is served.
Austin:*Rolls his eyes*I'll be there in a minute *Texts Melanie*
Mimi:*Shocked*Excuse me. Listen young man I know you're the world best superstar & that you're 21 years old now but that is no way to talk to your mother.
Austin:*Sighs*I know mom,sorry.
Mimi:*Sits next to Austin*What's wrong?
Austin:I'm just stressed.
Mimi:*Smiles a bit*You still miss her,don't you?
Austin:*Sighs*Yeah.Why mom? Why did she have to leave me? I thought she loved me.
Mimi:I bet she still does & there must be a reason why she left.Don't worry about it *Kisses Austin's forehead,Smiles*Shouldn't you be getting your suit for the wedding.
Austin:Ughh right,Dez must be waiting for me.Thanks for reminding me mom *Kisses her cheek & Runs out*
Mimi:*Smiles*Oh Austin,when are you gonna change? *Sees Austin's phone,Picks it up & Looks at the pictures of Austin & Ally*You two were the perfect couple.*Smiles*I wonder where Ally is & if she's ok?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Ally~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Sitting down,Looking out the window*
Ally:*Sighs*(What am I gonna do? As soon as everyone sees Bella,they're gonna it know she's my daughter & Austin's daughter.Her blonde hair,brown eyes,It just screams out "Hi everyone I'm Bella & i'm Austin's daughter".I have to think of something.Thankfully Trish is letting me stay at her house or else I'll have no idea where to go.)
Ally:*Looks at Bella*Yes sweety.
Bella:Can I ask you a question?
Bella:You know my favorite singer is Austin Moon & well......Why does Austin Moon have the same last name as me?
Ally:(Ok Ally you can do this,Just tell her!......Ughhh what am I doing?! I can't just say Bella,Austin Moon is your father who I left when I found out his evil manager was gonna make me get a miscarriage.)Um well.....All the blonde hair,brown eyes girls & boys have Moon as there last name *Smiles*
Bella:*Smiles*Wow.I didn't know that.
Ally:*Smiles*Yup,well you better go to sleep sweety.We should be in Miami very soon.
Bella:Ok mommy *Lays on Ally's shoulder & falls asleep*
Ally:*Sighs*(That was a close one. Man,I feel bad for lying to her but She just can't find out about being Austin's daughter & either can Austin)*Lays her head on top of Bella's & Falls asleep*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day,At The Airport~~~~~~~~~~
Trish:*Nervous*Oh my gosh,I can't wait to see Ally.
Dez:Yea me too.I wonder if she's still that same little brunette girl we know.
Trish:*Sees Ally & Bella*Oh My Gosh,there she is! *Smiles Big*
Dez:*Looks at Bella*Wow Ally's blonde.....and she's smaller.
Ally:*Runs over to Trish & Hugs her*Trish!
Trish:*Hugging Ally tight*Ally I missed you so much!
Ally:*Smiles & Hugs Dez*Dez!
Dez:*Hugging Ally*Welcome back Ally.
Ally:*Smiles & Looks at Bella*Bella. This is Trish & Dez *Looks at Trez*Two of mommy's best friends.
Ally:*Looks at Trish*You haven't told him yet?
Trish:*Smiles Innocently* I forgot.
Ally:*Smiles*It's ok *Looks at Dez*Dez,this is my daughter Bella.
Bella:*Smiles at Dez*Bella Moon at your services.
Dez:Bella...Moon?! *Looks at Ally*So she's-she's-she's
Trish:Yes Dez! She's your best friend's daughter! *Rolls her eyes*
Dez:OH...MY....MOON! *Faints*
Bella:*Confused*He must really be tired *Shrugs*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Austin~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Looking at a picture of Ally in his phone*
Daniel:*Walks in*I have great news!
Austin:*Puts his phone away & Looks at Daniel*What's up man
Daniel:Well I know you wanted a break since of the wedding & all but after the wedding,in exactly three days after the wedding,I got you a gig in Miami to perform!
Austin:That's awesome! *Smiles Big*
Daniel:Yup & then after we're going to Europe!
Austin:Wow! That's cool! *High fives Daniel*
Daniel:Yup I know,I'm the best.*Smiles*
Austin:Yup! Best Manager ever!
Daniel:*Smiles Big*Thank you very much!
Austin:*Smiles*You're welcome.So um,any signs of Ally yet?
Daniel:*Mad but doesn't show it*Nope,nothing at all. Just face it Austin,she left you & she's never coming back.
Austin:*Sighs & Puts his head on his hands*You're right man. I don't know why I keep trying anymore.
Daniel:Just forget about Ally & pay attention to your girlfriend Melanie. You two been dating for 3 years now. Don't you think it's time to take that relationship to the next level.
Austin:*Looks at Daniel & Smiles*You're right.I love Melanie & She loves me. And I know she will never hurt me so I think I know what to do.*Gets up*Thanks man *Leaves*
Daniel:Operation get Ally out of Austin's heart is finally completed! *Starts dancing*Oh yea!
Episode 7:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At Trish's House~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Staring at Dez whose is still fainted at the couch*Is he going to be ok?
Trish:*Looks at Dez*Yeah,he's Dez. Anyways *Looks at Ally*How are you?
Ally:Good.Theses last four years have been full of memories with my little Bella.*Smiles*
Trish:I imagine.Bella is such a sweet heart just like her mommy.
Ally:*Smiles*Yeah. But she looks just like Austin *Frowns A bit*
Ally:*Looks at Trish*Yeah?
Trish:Do you still love Austin?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Melanie,In her Room~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*Looking at some dresses she has laid down on her bed*Um should I wear the pink one, the purple one or the baby blue one? *Lifts up the baby blue dress,smiles*Yes,this dress is the one.It's so beautiful.
????:*Walks in*Yes it is my dear.
Melanie:*Turns around* Daniel? What are you doing here?
Daniel:I actually came to talk to you my dear Melanie. It's about Austin.
Melanie:Austin? What about him? Is he hurt?
Melanie:*Confused*Then what's wrong with my boyfriend?
Daniel:He's not hurt. Well not just yet *Closes the door* I need you to do something *Smiles Evily*
Melanie:*Looks at Daniel,Scared*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back With Ally & Trish~~~~~~~~
Trish:Well do you?
Dez:*Starts waking up,Touches the back of his head*Wow Trish I had one of the most weirdest dream. Ally came back to Miami with a little cute blonde girl who said was Austin-
Bella:*Walks up to Dez*Good afternoon Mr.Dez *Smiles*
Dez:*Eyes widen,screams*AAAAAA
Bella:*Runs up to Ally & Hugs her*Mommy,Mr.Dez is scaring me.
Trish:Dez stop screaming!
Dez:*Breathing in & out*Ok ok sorry.
Ally:*Looks at Bella*Go back to playing your dolls at Trish's room ok sweety.
Bella:*Smiles*Ok mommy.*Looks at Trish & Dez*Excuse me Ms.Trish,Excuse me Mr.Dez.
Trish:Aww she's so cute.Just call me Trish sweety.
Dez:Yeah & call me Dez.
Bella:*Smiles*Ok Dez & Trish. Excuse me *Leaves*
Dez:*Looks at Ally & Trish*Ok now that I'm relax.......Someone explain what the heck is going on?! First Ally disappears & now she's back & with a little girl who is Austin's daughter who I'm pretty sure Austin has no idea he has.
Ally:Well it's a long story but it all started on vanessa's & Riker's wedding party. I got a note from Austin telling me to meet him at Sonic boom. So i went & it was so beautiful. Everything was decorated ,Austin had a rose in his hands & the picnic.Anyways, we started talking about his world tour & that it wasn't gonna change anything & well the conversation turned to something else.
Dez:Um yeah. You don't have to tell me that detail.
Ally:Yeah so after Austin left i been feeling sick & I found out I was pregnant with Bella *Smiles*My little beautiful angel.
Dez:And you left being pregnant just so you don't ruin Austin's career?
Ally:Um Yeah.That's what I did.
Trish:And what are you gonna do now?
Ally:What do you mean?
Dez:Well you're going to the wedding as Trish's maid of honor & Austin's my best man,you both are bound to see each other & well.
Ally:I get what you mean Dez.
Trish:So are you gonna be ok?
Ally:*Fake Smiles*Yeah.I wouldn't miss my two best friend's wedding for the world.
Dez:*Gets an idea*Hey I got an idea.
Trish,Ally:*Looks at Dez*What is it?
Dez:Well I'm gonna meet Austin at the "la Plaza Restaurant" tonight for my last night being single, maybe you should go.
Ally:And see Austin? *Unsure*I don't know Dez,it's gonna be weird and he might have a lot of questions.
Trish:I actually think that's a great idea Ally. You can finally see Austin & explain everything & why you left.
Ally:Well........well what about Bella? I don't want her to find out yet,not until the right moment.
Dez:We can take care of Bella.Plus, tomorrow is the wedding & I would like to spend my night with my future wife & Bella *Smiles*
Trish:Aww baby *Gives him a quick kiss on the lips,Looks at Ally*Give Auslly one more chance, talk to Austin *Smiles*
Ally:(Should I talk to Austin & finally explain everything or should I wait until tomorrow & make a huge scene once he sees me?).....*Smiles*Well I got a restaurant I have to go too.
Trish:Yes! *Hugs Ally*You can do this Alls.
Ally:*Smiles*I sure hope I can.
Dez:Well it's 3pm & I'm suppose to meet Austin at 7pm.
Trish:*Looks at Ally*Yeah we have to get you ready.
Ally:I can just go like this.
Trish:*Looks at Ally's clothes which are some jeans with a huge white shirt & a jean jacket*Oh no,you are so not going like that.
Ally:What's wrong with my clothes?
Dez:*Looks at Ally's clothes*Um yeah *Looks at Trish*Take her shopping please.
Trish:*Giggles*Sure will.Let's go Chica
Ally:*Still confused*But really what's wrong with my clothes?
Trish:Just walk *Leaves with Ally*
Dez:*Goes to Trish's room & sees Bella sleeping on the bed,Smiles*Wow,she's like Austin's twin.
Dez:*Smiles*Goodnight sweety *Leaves*
Episode 8:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later That Day~~~~~~~~~~~
Dez:*Watching T.v*Ughh come on Yankees!
Trish:*Walks downstairs,Smiling*Dez,Ally is completely Ready to meet up with Austin!
Dez:*Not paying attention*Cool.
Trish:Dez are you paying attention to me?
Dez:*Still watching T.V.*Ughh come on Yankees,run faster!!
Trish:*Gets the control & Turns off the T.V*
Dez:*Looks at Trish*Hey!
Trish:Pay attention! *Looks up the stairs*Ally come down.
Ally:*Walks downstairs wearing:* So how do I look?
Dez:*Shocked*Wow Ally,you look....amazing!
Ally:*Smiles*Really? Isn't it a little too much?
Dez:No. I'm sure Austin is gonna be speechless when he sees you.
Ally:I bet. But i don't think it's cause of my clothes,it'll be mostly because he'll be seeing me again after 4 years since I left him.*Frowns A Bit*I don't think I should do this.
Trish:Ally,you're bound to confront him sooner or later,why not now?
Ally:*Sighs*Well.....I guess you're right.*Smiles*Plus,I wouldn't like to make a huge scene tomorrow for your wedding.
Dez:*Smiles*Aw thanks Ally.
Ally:Well it's time
Trish:Yup you're taxi is waiting for you outside *Smiles & Hugs Ally*You can do this.
Ally:*Smiles*Thanks Trish.Please take care of Bella & like around 10 give her a cup of milk Trish:Don't worry about Bella,she's with me & Dez.Just go out there & enjoy your date.
Ally:It's not a date.
Trish:Sure it isn't *Smiles & Pushes Ally outside*Bye.
Ally:*Smiles*Bye *Gets in the Taxi & Waves goodbye*
Trez:*Watching the Taxi leaves,Smiles*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After A While,With Austin~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Waiting For Dez*What's taking Dez so long?
FanGirls:*Walks up to Austin*Hi Austin.
FanGirl#1:Can we please get a autograph? *Gives him her little notebook*
Austin:*Smiles*Sure *Signs her notebook*Here you go *Give her notebook back*
FanGirls:Thanks Austin *Smiles*
Austin:*Smiles*No problem girls.
FanGirls:*Walks away fangirling*
Austin:*Smiles*I love my fans.
????:*Covers his eyes*Even your number one fan *Smiles*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Daniel~~~~~~~~~~~
Daniel:*Laughing*Yes my plan is working out perfectly fine!
Mindy:*Smiling*So did Melanie accept your offer?
Daniel:Well I actually haven't told her the offer yet.
Mindy:Then what did you tell her when I dropped you off at her house?
Daniel:*Smiles Evily & Gets Flashback*
----------------Flashback Begins-----------
Melanie:Daniel,what is it you want to tell me?
Daniel:Look darling. Austin loves you & you loves Austin.
Daniel:Do you really love Austin?
Melanie:Of course I do. I would even give up my modeling career just for him.
Daniel:*Smiles Evily*Good to know.Anyways,I better start leaving before it starts raining.
Melanie:Wait,is that all you wanted to tell me? And it wasn't gonna rain today
Daniel:Yes that's all & in my mind,it is *Smiles & Leaves*
Melanie:*Confused*What the heck?
----------------End Of Flashback-----------
Daniel:*Smiled Evily*Something that is completely gonna help me just in chance the bitch comes back with her little brat and if they do.......Good Luck little bitchy Ally *Smiles Evily*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Austin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
????:*Lets go of Austin's eyes*
Austin:*Looks at ????*Melanie? *Smiles*What are you doing here?
Melanie:Well I left kind of lonely being home by myself so I called your mom & asked her where you were & she told me you're here. Are you having dinner with anyone?
Austin:Yeah,I'm actually waiting for Dez but if you want you can have dinner with us,I'm sure Dez wouldn't mind.
Melanie:*Smiles innocently*You sure babe?
Austin:*Smiles*I'm sure.
Melanie:*Smiles*Good *Sits on his laps & Starts kissing him passionately*
Austin:*Kissing her back*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Ally~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally's P.O.V:
"We're here" My taxi driver said as he parked in front of this huge & beautiful restaurant. I payed the driver & Got off. "Have fun on your date Miss" He said before giving me a wink & driving off. Oh Gosh! How many times do I have to say it so people can know this is not a date!! Anyways,I walked up to the entrance when this young gentlemen opened the door & let me in. I walked inside feeling a lot of butterfly in my stomach & walking up to another gentlemen. "Reservations?" he asked me. "Um actually I'm here to have dinner with Austin Moon"I say nervously. He checked his book & then looked back at me "Oh yes. Please follow me" He Said & started walking to where I guess,Austin's sitting at. Every step I took made my heart beat faster knowing that I'm gonna see the guy who I deeply fell in love with and..........who I'm still in love with. Maybe Trish's right,maybe if I talk to Austin & explain everything,everything will go back to normal which i highly doubt but who knows,maybe me,Austin & Bella can be that happy family I always dream to have. Yeah maybe Austin still loves me just like I love him.Maybe we can be a fam-Woah is that Austin kissing a girl?!!!
Episode 9:
Ally:*Looking at Austin & Melanie kissing,Heartbroken*(I should have known this was coming. How can he not have a girlfriend after his last one left him 4 years?! Ughh I'm so stupid for thinkin we could have a chance! Oh i better go before he sees me)*Leaves quickly before anyone noticing her*
Waiter:*Walks over to Austin*Excuse me Mr.Moon.
Austin:*Pulls away & Looks at the waiter*Yes?
Waiter:Sorry for interrupting you but your guest is here.
Austin:*Smiles*Great let him in.
Waiter:Actually,it's a lady Mr.Moon.
Melanie:*Gets up from Austin's lap*A lady?
Waiter:Yeah she's right he-*Turns around but doesn't see Ally*Um she was right here.
Melanie:Maybe she was just a fan who wanted to meet Austin.
Waiter:I guess. *Looks at Austin*Excuse me *Leaves*
Melanie:*Sits down*I wonder who that girl was.
Austin:Yea me too.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Trish & Bella~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bella:*Laying down on the guest room bed*
Trish:*Smiling*Are you feeling sleepy Bella?
Bella:Yes Ms.Trish.*Yawns*I'm pretty tired.
Trish:I imagine.Well get plenty of sleep for you can look great for the wedding tomorrow.
Bella:You and Mr.dez are a cute couple.
Trish:*Smiles*Aw thank you
Bella:*Smiles*You're welcome.
Trish:*Smiles & Takes off her necklace*Here.*Gives Bella the necklace*This is my lucky charm necklace.When you open it you can see a picture of me,mommy,Dez and a friend of ours when we were younger.
Bella:*Opens the charm necklace & Looks at the picture*Aw you all look so different even my mommy.
Bella:*Looks at Ally & Smiles then looks at Austin*Is that your friend?
Trish:Right,that's Aust-*Remembers the secret*Um yeah that's our friend.
Bella:*Looks at Auslly,Smiles*We're they close?
Trish:Closer than you think.Anyways, I want you to have my necklace *Smiles*
Bella:But it's yours & I'm sure it must be very special to you.
Trish:*Smiles*It is but I want a very special person like you to have it *Kisses her forehead*Goodnight sweety. *Gets up*
Bella:*Smiles*Goodnight....Aunty Trish.*Closes her eyes & Falls asleep*
Trish:*Smiles*Goodnight sweety *Turns off the lights & Leaves*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Trish:*Wakes up & Smiles*Today is the big day.Oh my gosh,I wonder how Ally is after seeing Austin? *Smiles & Goes the guest room*Ally? *Knocks on the door*Ally? Wake up chica. *Opens the door & Walks inside but doesn't see Ally*Ally? *Walks over to the bed & Sees a note,Reads it*{Dear Trish,I know you're my bestfriend & you're like a sister to me but me & Bella aren't ready yet to confront the truth well I'm mostly not ready.I'm sorry for leaving you alone on your special day but I just can't do this. My best wishes to you & Dez. I love you guys.~Ally} *Lets a tear fall*Ally...Left?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Ally & Bella~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bella:*Tired,Walking*Mommy why did we wake up so early for?
Ally:*Walking to the airport*Because we have to go back to New York sweety,back home.
Ally:*Looks at Bella & Smiles*Want me to carry you sweety?
Bella:Please mommy *Smiles*
Ally:*Smiles* Ok, piggy back ride time.
Bella:Yay *Jumps on the back of Ally & Smiles*Let's go.
Ally:*Smiles*Let's go *Starts walking*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Trish~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Trish:*Putting on her make-up*
Maria(Trish's Mom):*Walks in*Sweety,you have 20 minutes left.Are you nervous? *Smiles*
Trish:*Looks at Maria & gives a weak smile*A little bit.
Maria:What's wrong? You don't look so happy.
Trish:*Fake Smiles*Of course I'm happy mom,it's my wedding for crying out loud.I just feel alittle nervous and tired but as soon as I get marry I'm going to be ok.
Maria:Well ok.*Smiles & Hugs Trish*Gosh my little hija all grown up. I can still remember thoses times you would go to Ally's house to play dolls or when you use to be Austin's manager in Team Austin.
Trish:*Smiles*Oh yea.Team Austin was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Maria:*Looks at Trish*And it's still is even though Ally might not be here and times when Austin is on tour. The 4 of you will always be Team Austin,no matter what *Smiles*
Jose(Trish's Dad):*Walks in*Is the bride ready to get married?
Trish:*Looks at her dad,Smiles*She's ready.Let's get me married.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Ally & Bella,On The Plane~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bella:*Looking out the window*
Announcer:*On The speakers*This flight for New York will be leaving the airport in 5 minutues,please bucket up & have a safe trip.
Ally:*Sighs & Looks at Bella*We're going back home.
Bella:*Looks at Ally*Yeah.
Ally:*Confused*Are you ok sweety? You seem a bit sad.
Bella:I'm ok mommy but I don't know why but I feel like this is home.
Ally:*Smiles A Bit*I understand what you mean sweety but we have to go back to New York
Bella:*Gives Ally the necklace*Look what aunty Trish gave me.
Ally:*Opens the necklace & Sees the pictures,Smiles*Oh my gosh,It's-it's.
Bella:You mommy *Smiles*
Ally:*Smiles*Yeah *Looks at herself & Austin,Lets a tear fall*
Announcer:The plane will be leaving shortly.Just sit back & enjoy your flight.
Ally:*Looks at the necklace & Smiles*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Dez & Austin,At The Church~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dez:*Smiles*Sorry,I'm a little nervous.
Austin:*Smiles*I noticed. Don't worry man.
--------Wedding Song Starts Playing--------
Trish:*Starts walking with her dad,Smiling*
Dez:*Turns around & Looks at Trish,Smiles*
Trish:*Looks at everyone & Smiles*(If only Ally could be here but come onTrish,this is your wedding & you have to be happy especially if you're wedding a wonderful guy)
Jose:*Walks up to Dez & Smiles*My Dear Dezmond Fisherman.
Dez:Um it's Dez.
Austin:*Smiles & Shakes his head*
Jose:*Smiles*Dez. Please take care of my daughter.
Dez:*Smiles*I always will *Looks at Trish*Through hard or good times.
Jose:*Smiles*I hope the very best for both of you *Gives Trish a kiss on the forhead & sits down*
Trish:*Stands next to Dez,Looking at the Priest*
Priest:*Smiles*Dearly Beloved.....we are gather here to unite this man & this woman in Holy Matimory.
Trish:Um Father.
Priest:*Looks at Trish*Yes?
Trish:Can you speed things up a bit? I wanna be married already.
Priest:Very well.*Saids really quickly*If anyone has a reason why theses two should not get married,speak now or forever hold your peace,No,ok. Dezmond Fisherman do,you take Trish De La Rosa as your beloved wife? I'm sure you do & Do you Trish De La Rosa take Dezmond Fisherman to be your beloved husband? I'm sure you do or I wouldn't be talking fast. I pronounce you husband & wife. *Breaths in & out*You may kiss the bride.
Dez:*Looks at Trish & Kisses her*
Trish:*Kisses him back*
Everyone:*Starts Clapping*
Trish:Time for the afterparty woohoo!
Dez:*Carries her & runs to the "Just Married" car*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After A While,At the After Party~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Guests:*Talking,Having fun*
Dez:*Pauses the music,Stands next to Trish*Um excuse me everyone,May i please get your attention.
Guests:*Looks at Dez*
Dez:*Smiles*I would like to say a few words.*Looks at Trish & Smiles*Well to begin with,I would like to thank all of you *Looks at the guests*for coming to Mine & Trish's wedding. This is a very important day for us & I'm glad many of you came to support us especially my parent's who helped out a lot with the wedding but couldn't make it because they're up there *Points to the sky*
Melanie:*Holding Austin's hand*You're parents are died?
Dez:No. They're on their way to Mexico right now for a business trip but anyways,thank you.
Guests:*Starts clapping*
Dez:*Smiles*Now everyone give a warm welcome to my bestfriend/a brother to me who would like to say a few words,Austin Moon.
Guests:*Starts Clapping*
Austin:*Smiles & Stands next to Dez*Well like Dez said,I would like to thank everyone for coming to two of my bestfriends,well actually like my brother & sister's wedding. I know it's been a while since we hanged out & pretty much this wedding is what brought us together since I had my world tour, & Dez had the film maker contest & Trish had to plan this whole wedding so we been kind of separated. But always know that we will always be Team Austin.All four- *Remembers about Ally not being there anymore*I mean three of us.
Austin:So I actually have two great news.The first one is that I talked to Daniel & he's letting me spend this whole week here in Miami so we can all hang out together like old times.
Dez:*Excited*That's great man!
Trish:*Smiles Big*Yeah. And what's the second great news?
Austin:Well *Smiles & Walks up to Melanie,Holds her hand*
-------------Door Bell Rings------------
Trish:*Leaves to open the door*
Austin:*Smiles*I been dating this beautiful,amazing & wonderful girl for a couple of years now & well *Knees down on one leg,Takes a box of out his pocket & opens it revealing a Huge wedding ring*Melanie.
Melanie:*Smiles Big,Surprised*
Austin:*Smiles*Melanie,will you marry m-
???,????,Trish:*Walks in*
????:Hello everyone.
Guests:*Looks at ??? in shock*
Austin:*Confused*(Wait,did I just hear- No it can't be. She's gone) *Gets up & Turns around,Shocked*
???:*Looks at Austin*Hi Austin.
Episode 10:
Austin:*Still in shock*Is it really you? *Gives a small smile*
Ally:*Gives a small smile & Nods*
Austin:*Looks at the little girl,Smiles*Hi sweety.What's your name?
Daniel:*Scared*(Please don't tell him it's his daughter. Please don't tell him it's his daughter!!!)
Ally:*Holds Bella's left hand*She's my cousin. My aunt left me with her while she's on a business trip.
Austin:*Looks at Bella & Smiles*Well she's beautiful.
Bella:*Smiles*Thank you.
Austin:*Looks at Ally*Where were you all this time?
Ally:*Looks around & sees everyone looking at her*I rather not talk about this now. Today is about Trish & Dez. We'll talk about this some other time.
Daniel:Yeah,Let's get this part started! *Puts on some music*
Guests:*Starts Dancing*
Melanie:Austin,Can i talk to you for a minute?
Austin:*Looking at Ally*Um *Looks at Melanie*Sure.
Melanie:*Holds Austin's hand & Leaves with him*
Daniel:*Glares at Ally*
Ally:*Notice Daniel glaring at her,Shakes her head*
Bella:*Notice Daniel & Ally looking at each other*Is he your friend?
Ally:*Looks at Bella*No sweety,just a person who I know.
Trish:*Looks at Ally*Ally,are you ok?
Ally:*Looks at Trish & smiles*Yeah,now that I'm here *Hugs Trish*You're like my sister Trish & I couldn't leave you on this important day.
Trish:*Hugging back*Aw I love you Alls.
Ally:*Smiles*Love you too Trish.
Bella:*Touches the necklace she's wearing & Smiles*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Austin & Melanie~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Thinking about Ally*
Austin:*Snaps out of it*Yeah.
Melanie:What's going on with you today? First,you say a wonderful speech & were about to propose to me but then your friend Abby comes & you forget all about me.
Austin:It's Ally.
Austin:*Smiles*She's just a old friend of mines.We haven't seen each other for years & well I forgot about everything else.
Melanie:Was this Abby chick ever something other then your girlfriend?
Austin:It's Ally again & *Lies*No.We never been anything other than friends.Plus,I love you & I know it's a bit late & all but *Takes out the ring & Holds Melanie's hand*Will you marry me Melanie?
Melanie:*Smiles*Of course I will *Puts her arms around Austin's neck & kisses him*
Austin:*Kisses her back*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After A While,With Ally~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Sitting down,With Bella's head laying on her knee*
Trish:*Walks over to her*Hey,Bella fell asleep.
Ally:*Smiles*Yeah.*Looks at Bella*She looks just like Austin.*Looks at Trish*
Trish:*Frowns A Bit*You're ok?
Ally:*Looks at Austin & Melanie who are dancing while laughing*Yeah.
Trish:*Gives a little smile*If you want I'll take Bella to the guest room so she can sleep.
Ally:Aw it's ok Trish.
Trish:*Smiles*Don't worry about it Alls.*Picks up Bella*BRB *Leaves*
Ally:*Smiles*Oh Trish
Dez:*Talking on the Mic*Ok everyone,we're gonna take this down a bit and I would like everyone to ask a person they didn't come with to dance with.Enjoy *Puts on a slow song*
Guests:*Start dancing*
Ally:*Sighs & Walks outside to the backyard*(Aw this song is my favorite song.It's actually the song I danced with Austin at Trish's sweet 15.Oh thoses memories)
???:*Taps Ally on the shoulder*
Ally:*Turn around*
Austin:May I have this dance? *Smiles*
Ally:*Fake Smiles*Sure.Um here?
Austin:*Smiles*Yeah,it's full in there & the night looks beautiful.
Ally:Um ok.*Starts dancing with Austin*
Austin:*Smiles*I see you got better at dancing
Ally:*Smiles*Yeah a little bit but I'm not that great.
Austin:*Does the dip*Well I got better at doing the dip.
Ally:*Smiles*Yeah I notice.
Austin:*Smiles*Remember the time we danced this song,at Trish's party?
Ally:How can I forget? You were really sweet in "Giving up a chance" with that club owner who wasn't really a club owner but just so I can get my dance.
Austin:*Smiles*Well I would give up anything for the person I love....Even till now.*Looks at Ally eyes*
Ally:*Looks into Austin's eyes*Um yeah.You would always do thoses sweet things.I bet you're always doing sweet for Melanie*Getting lost into Austin's eyes*
Austin:I do sweet things for her but not as much as I use to do for you.
Ally:*Starts leaning in*
Austin:*Starts leaning in also*
Ally:(Ally,Don't! Daniel is going to do something to Bella or you!)*Pulls away*No I can't do this Austin.I-I-I don't love you anymore!*Jumps Austin again & Runs away*
Austin:*Stands there,In shock*
Episode 11:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Trish~~~~~~~~~~~~
Trish:*Looking at Bella sleeping,Smiles*She looks just like Ally but let's not forget about her dad.*Smiles*Goodnight sweetie.*Kisses her forehead & Turns off the lights,Leaves*
Bella:*Opens her eyes*(I can't sleep!) *Looks at the picture that the necklace has,Smiles*Wow my mommy looks so beautiful.*Starts thinking*I still don't understand why mommy wanted me to color my hair another color? *Gets Flashback*
----------------Flashback Begins--------------
Allly:*Smiles*Just stay still sweetie. This will be over before you know it.
Bella:But why do I have to have to have brunette hair? I like my blonde hair better.
Ally:I know sweetie but don't worry. Hopefully when we go back to New York,you'll have your blonde hair back. This is just a temporary dye. Oh and sweetie,can you start calling me Aunt Ally.
Bella:Why mommy?
Ally:I don't want any bad person taking you away from me.I love you baby girl.
Bella:I love you too *Smiles*
Ally:*Smiles*Now stay still so they can put the dye so we can go to the wedding.
Bella:Ok,Aunt Ally.*Smiles*
Ally:*Fake Smiles*
------------------------Flashback Ends--------------
Bella:*Shrugs & Looks at the picture,Looks at Auslly & Smiles* I wonder who mommy friend was. He looks very familiar and mommy looks so happy with him. *Smiles*Well time to sleep. *Kisses the necklace and falls asleep*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Ally~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*With tears in his eyes,sitting on a bench*(Ugh Ally you're so stupid! How could you tell Austin you don't love him anymore if you really do?!) Ughh I'm so stupid! *Looks straight and sees Sonic Boom, Walks up to the door & Looks under the mat finding a key,Opens the door & walks in*Wow,It look exactly how I left it.*Walks over to the piano & sees a picture of her & Austin, Picks it up & Smiles*
????:I had a feeling you were gonna be here.
Ally:*Jumps a bit,drops the picture*
?????:*Smiles Evily* Bad Ally,you shouldn't have drop the picture.
Ally:*Glares at ????*What are you doing here?
?????:*Smiles*What? No hello hug for me?
Ally:Why would I give a hug to the guy who made me leave Miami & leave my little baby without a father,a father who's close to her once again & who I can tell in any moment about the truth!
Daniel:Oh Ally. Please you can't tell Austin he has a daughter.
Ally:Yes I can! I'm not afraid of you Daniel.
Daniel:Oh really? Well *Grabs Ally from behind, Takes out a knife & points it close to her neck*Listen here bitch. You're not gonna ruin Austin's chance in getting bigger and richer. I need money and you need to keep that fucking mouth of yours shut unless you want to die and leave that poor little girl to me where I will have no mercy and I will just kill her.So be careful Ally. Don't tell Austin anything! *Lets go of her & walks to the door, turns around & Looks at Ally*Bye bitch.Oh and you better not tell anyone about this.*Smiles Evily & Leaves*
Ally:*Letting tears falls, Scared*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Austin~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Thinking about Ally*
Melanie:*Walks up to him*Hey babe, I been looking for you all over the place. What are you doing here outside, by yourself?
Austin: I was just thinking.*Looks at the stars*
Melanie: About what?
Austin :( Come on Austin, you have to forget about Ally. She doesn't even love you & right now you're standing next to a beautiful and wonderful girl who actually loves you.)About us. I just can't wait to get marry *Smiles*
Melanie:Aw baby *Kisses him*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~
Bella:**Wakes up & Sees Ally sleeping next to her, Smiles & Gives her a quick kiss on the cheek*Sleep tight mommy.*Walks outside to the kitchen*
?????:*Flipping some pancakes,dancing to the music on the radio*
Bella:*Smiles & Giggles a bit*
????:*Hears Bella & Turns around*Oh hey. Morning sweety,
Austin:*Smiles*Just call me Austin.
Bella: Ok Austin.
Austin:*Smiles & Starts flipping his pancakes again*
Bella: Yummy you're making pancakes!
Austin:*Looks at Bella*You like Pancakes?
Bella: Of course! Who wouldn't?! Especially with a lot of syrup. Yummy! *Smiles*
Austin: Right! Oh with some strawberries on the side.
Bella: Yeah that's so good. Mommy makes it amazing,
Austin: You must be missing your mommy huh especially since she's on a business trip and you're here with Ally.
Bella:*Confused but then remembers what Ally told her*Oh yeah.But Aunty Ally is amazing and I love her.
Austin:*Puts a plate of pancakes on the table for Bella, Smiles*I bet you do. Hey, later me and my girlfriend are going to the carnvial. Maybe if I ask Ally for permission you can hopefully come with us.
Bella: Oh yes please! I always wanted to go to the carnvial but mommy was always busy with work.
Austin:*Smiles*Well today is your lucky day. Now eat up sweetie.
Bella:*Smiles*Thank you Austin.*Starts eating the pancakes*
Austin:*Looks at Bella and Smiles, takes a bite of his pancakes*
Episode 12:
Ally:*Walking in the room*Bella? Bella? Where are you?
????:*Laughing evily*Hi Ally.
Ally:*Turns around & Sees Daniel holding Bella with a gun close to her head*Daniel! Leave my daughter alone!
Daniel:*Smiles Evily*I told you to stay away from Austin & get her away from him but you didn't listen now did you Ally. *Looks at Bella*See bye bye to Mommy,
Ally:*With tears in her eyes*NO!! BELLA!!
Bella:*Crying*Bye bye mommy.
Daniel:*Shoots her*
Ally:*Shocked*NOOO BELLA! *Runs over to Bella whose on the floor,dead*I'm sorry baby girl *Crying*I'm so sorry.
Daniel:*Points the gun to her*Bye bye bitch.
Ally:*Turns around & Closes her eye*
Daniel:*Shoots her*
Ally:*Wakes up*No! *Looks around*Oh it was just a dream.Wait a second,Bella! *Gets up & Runs to thekitchen*
Bella:*Drinking some orange juice*Hi Aunty Ally.
Austin:*Looks at Ally shyly*Hey.
Ally:Austin,Hi.*Smiles shyly & Then looks at Bella*What are you doing up so early? You know hoe your mommy doesn't like when you wander off.
Bella:Sorry Ally.
Austin:*Smiles*Don't worry Ally,she was with me.*Looks at Bella*Right Bella.
Bella:*Smiles*Yea.Austin is so awesome.He made me pancakes with a lot of syrup and with strawberries!
Ally:*Smiles*Oh yea,well that's great sweetie.
Bella:Yea! *Smiles & Hugs Austin*Thank you Austin.
Austin:*Smiles Big & Hugs Bella*No problem darling.
Ally:*Smiles,Trying to hold back her tears*(Aww my baby with her dad.)
Austin:*Smiling*(Wow something about Bella just makes her feel special to me. I feel like we knew each other for so long, that she's meant to be with me.I wonder what's going on & why I feel this way) *Lets go & Looks at Ally*Um well I was talking to Bella & I would like to take her to the carnival with me & Melanie well with your permission of course.
Bella:*Looks at Ally with her puppy eyes*Yea. Can I? Can I? Can I?
Austin:*Smiles*Yea. *Does puppy eyes too*Can she? Can she? Can she?
Ally:*Smiles*Well.....Um I don't know.
Bella:You should go too!
Ally:Um. I don't know if Austin will like that.Plus he's going with his girlfriend & I'm sure he would like to be alone with her and not have a little girl and a friend bothering him.
Austin:Actually that will make the day more fun. Come on Ally,I know you always wanted to go to a carnvial and now that you have a chance you're just giving it up.
Bella:And again,Pleaseeeeeeeeee *Does puppy eyes*
Austin:*Smiles*Yeah Ally.*Does puppy eyes*Pleaseeeeeeeeeee.
Bella:Yay! I'm going to get change. *Leaves*
Ally:(Oh brother)*Looks at Austin*
Austin:*Looking at another direction*
Ally:*Sighs*Austin I-
Austin:You don't have to explain anything Ally. You don't love me and I'm cool with that.
Ally:*Feels a little hurt*You are?
Austin:Yeah. Plus I have Melanie and we're going to get marry soon but there is a huge question I keep asking myself.
Ally:*Sad*What's that?
Austin:Why did you leave? Will you ever tell me?
Ally:(Um I felt because I was pregnant with your daughter who your manager wanted to kill.)Soon *Smiles*
Ally:*Fake Smiles*Friends.
Austin:*Hugs Ally*
Ally:*Fake Smiles,Hugs Back*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After A While~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*Knocks on the door*
Dez:*Opens the door*
Melanie:*Smiles*Hey Dez *Walks inside*Is Austin here?
Dez:Yeah, he's getting ready.
Melanie:Awesome.*Smiles* He's taking me to the carnival today & we're going to celebrate our 4 years anniversary there.
Dez:*Rolls his eyes without Melanie noticing*Oh great.
Melanie:*Smiles Big*Yup,I'm so excited. It's just going to be me & him & I even paid some money so the big Ferris wheel can stop me & Austin at the top while the fireworks start. *Smiles*Today is going to be perfect.
Ally,Bella:*Walks in wearing: *
Melanie:*Fake Smiles*Ally,Hi.
Ally:*Smiles*Hi Melanie.
Melanie:*Looks at Bella*Hi Bella.
Bella:*Gets a bit shy*Hi.
Melanie:So where are you guys going?
Ally:Well Austin is taking us to the carnival with you guys.*Smiles*
Bella:Yea! It's going to be so fun!
Melanie:*Still in shock*Wait,Austin is taking you two with us?
Austin:*Walks in*You guys ready to go to the carnival? *Sees Melanie*Hey babe *Kisses her cheek*
Melanie:*Smiles*So Ally told me she's going to the carnival with us & so is Bella.
Austin:*Smiles*Yeah.I knew you wouldn't mind especially since Bella never been to the carnvial so I thought "Hey why not bring her?"
Melanie:*Fake Smiles*Oh Joy.
Bella:Ok enough talking,Let's go! *Grabs Austin's hand & Drags him otuside*
Ally:*Smiles & Follows them*
Melanie:*Mad, Follow them as well*
Dez:*Smiles*Oh good luck Melanie *Closes the door*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After A While, At the Carnival ~~~~~~~~~
Bella:*Eating a cotton candy*Today has been such a great day.
Austin:*Smiles*and the best part of today was spending time with you sweetie.
Bella:*Smiles*Aw Thanks Austin *Hugs him*
Ally:*Smiles*(Aw they're so cute) *Checks the time*Oh my gosh, it's about to be 8.
Austin: Wow we better be going.
Melanie: Yeah but before we should go on one last ride, like the Ferris wheel.
Austin: Well I guess we do have time for one more ride.*Looks at Bella & Ally*you guys cool with that?
Ally: Actually I'm kind of tired but if you want I'll just stand to a side while you & Melanie go on the ride.
Bella: Yea me too *Yawns*
Austin:*Smiles*Ok. *Walks over to the Ferris wheel line with Melanie, Ally & Bella*
Melanie: Wow the line is not so long. We're the next one.*Smiles*(Maybe my day is not ruin.)
Little Girl: OMG!! You're Melanie Justice, like the most beautiful & amazing super model ever!
Melanie:*Smiles at the girl*Aw thank you.
Little Girl: Can I please get an autograph? *Gives Melanie her little notebook*
Melanie: Of course *Smiles & Signs her notebook*
Little Girl: Thank you! *Smiles*But can I ask you for one more thing?
Melanie: Let me guess, you want a picture with me?
Little Girl:*Smiles Big*Yes please.
Melanie: Alright sweetheart. *Moves over to a side*
Worker: Ok. Next
Austin:*Walks inside &Sits down*
Worker:*Looking at Ally*Hello sweetheart we don't have all get. Get on
Ally: Um actually I'm-
Worker:*Grabs her hand & makes her sit next to Austin*Enjoy the ride. *Pushes down the bar & presses the "Go" button." Enjoy the ride everybody.
Melanie:*Walks over to Bella*Hey Bella, where's Austin?
Bella:*Looking at where Auslly is sitting at*Um
Melanie:*Confused & looks the way Bella is looking*Austin?!
Austin:*Looking down* Oh Melanie is so going to kill me.
Ally:*Feeling scared*
Austin:*Looks at Ally*you ok?
Ally:*Fake Smiles*Yeah, it's just that we're so high up.
Austin: Oh right you're scared of heights. I thought you got over that when we bumping jump.
Ally: I did but I think I got it again.
Austin: Don't worry Ally; I'm sure we'll be getting down in a few minutes.
Worker:*Stops the wheel*
Austin: And I stand corrected.
Ally: What's wrong?
Austin: Well they stopped the wheel which means it's going to be like this for a few minutes.
Ally: Oh.
~~~~~~~Fireworks start~~~~~~~
Auslly:*Looking at the fireworks*Wow
Ally:*Smiles*they look so beautiful.
Austin:*Smiles, Amazed*Yeah. I actually never got to see a firework this close.
Ally:*Looks at Austin, Smiles*I actually don't feel scared of heights anymore.
Austin:*Looks at Ally*Really?
Ally: Yeah. Because I know you're here & I know you're not going to let anything happen to me. *Smiles*
Austin:*Looks into Ally's eyes*Yeah. I'm always going to be there for you.
Ally:*Looks into Austin eyes & Smiles*
Worker: *Makes the Wheel start moving again*
Auslly:*Just looking at each other, smiling*
Worker: *Opens the bar*Hope you enjoyed the ride. Come again next time.
Ally:*Snaps out of it & Gets up*Um thank you.*Walks over to Bella*
Austin:*Gets up & Walks over to them*Um we better get going
Melanie:*Looks at Ally with an annoyed face*Yeah.*Looks at Austin*Are you going to be staying at Dez's tonight again?
Austin: (No Austin! You know that you get closer to Ally, she's going to start making you fall in love again with her & you can't do that Melanie, not while you're marrying her!) Actually I'm heading home today. *Looks at Ally*Will it be ok if I just get you & Bella a taxi so you can get to Trish's house?
Ally: Yeah, don't worry about it.
Melanie: Ok well I gotta go big photo shoot tomorrow. *Fake Smiles & Hugs Ally*Bye.
Ally:*Hugs Back*Bye.
Melanie:*Looks at Bella*Bye sweetie. *Looks at Austin*
Austin:*Smiles, waiting for his kiss*
Melanie:*Shakes her head & walks away*
Austin: Wow, she's mad.
Ally:Oh no, please don't tell me I got your fiancé made at you?
Austin: Don't worry about it Ally, I'll talk to her tomorrow.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Starts raining a bit~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bella:AAA It's raining! *Hugs Austin*
Austin:*Smiles* don't worry sweetheart. *Looks at Ally* Dez's & Trish's house is like 2 hours away from here & it's too dangerous for you two to be in a taxi around this time. Maybe you & Bella would like to stay at my mom's house I'm sure she wouldn't mind.
Ally: Aw I would love to but You did enough for us today, I wouldn't like bothering you.
Austin: You're my best friend Ally, I would never be bothered by you and Bella is my little princess & I have to take care of her.
Bella: Oh my gosh!! I'm Austin's moon little princess!! Wait till I tell my friends back home!
Ally:*Smiles & Giggles a bit*Ok. But can we please get out of this rain.
Austin: Right. Come on *Leaves*
~~~~~~~~~~~~With Daniel~~~~~~~~~~~~
Daniel:*Eating some popcorn*
Mandy:*Watching a movie*so do you actually think Melanie is going to come & ask you for help on getting rid of Ally?
Daniel:*Of course I do. She should be here any moment now.
Mandy:*Rolls her eyes*you and your "theories." I'm sure Melanie trusts Austin & she wouldn't come to you to get help on getting rid of Al-
Melanie:*walks inside* I need a way to get rid of Ally.
Mandy:*Looks at Daniel in shocked*
Daniel:*Smiles Evily*Told you. *Looks at Melanie*what happened my dear?
Melanie:*Lets some tears fall* She's gonna take him away from me.
Mandy:*Hugs Melanie*what happened? Who's she?
Melanie:*Crying*Ally. She's going to take my Austin away from me and I'm never going to marry him. You guys know how much I love Austin and I will anything to keep with him.
Daniel:*Smiles Evily*Oh darling. I told you to be careful and now that Ally is here, Austin is gonna fall to her knees especially since she used to be his girlfriend before she left for whatever reason. But don't worry, I knew this was going to happen and I already have a plan.
Melanie:*Wipes her tears* what plan?
Daniel: You told me you would do anything for Austin right? Even give up your modeling career?
Melanie: Yeah of course. I love Austin with all my heart.
Daniel:Ok then. *Smiles Evily*this is what you have to do.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Auslly & Bella~~~~~~~~~~
Auslly, Bella:*Walking inside*
Bella:*Laughing*Wow that rain was actually fun.
Ally:*Smiles & Takes Bella's jacket off*Yeah but you might get sick.*Looks at Austin* Can you let me borrow a bathroom so I can change Bella.
Austin:Yeah of course. Second door to the left.
Ally:*Smiles*Thanks.*Leaves with Bella*
Austin:*Walks to the living room*Hey mom.
Mimi:*Looks at Austin*Hey sweet heart. *Gets up*How was Dez and Trish's wedding?
Austin: Great. Full of surprises I can assure you.
Mimi:*Confused*what kind of surprises?
Ally:*Walks in*
Mimi:*Looks at Ally in shock*Ally?!
Ally:*Smiles*Hi Mimi.
Mimi: Darling, you're back! *Hugs Ally*
Ally:*Smiles, Hugs Mimi back*Yeah, I am.
Mimi:*Looks at Austin*See I told you she is going to be back for you.*Smiles*Finally Auslly back together.
Austin: Um actually mom.
Ally: Me and Austin aren't back together.
Mimi:*Confused*you aren't?
Austin: No but *Looks at Ally & Smiles*we're still friends and that counts.
Ally:*Smiles* Totally.
Mimi: Oh.*Smiles*Well I'm glad you two are friends at least.
Bella:*Walks in, yawns*I'm so tired.
Mimi:*Looks at Bella & Smiles*and who's this little cutie?
Ally:*Smiles*that's my aunt's daughter Bella. I'm taking care of her while she's on a business trip.
Mimi: Oh. *Looks at Bella*She is really beautiful. She looks a lot like you.
Ally:*Smiles*Yeah a lot of people say that but in my opinion, she looks more like her dad.
Bella:*Yawns* Where can I sleep?
Austin:* Looks at Mimi*Mom I invited Ally and Bella to sleep over here since Dez's house is far.
Mimi: Don't worry son of course Ally & Bella can stay here.
Ally: Aw thank you so much Mimi.
Bella:*Looks at Austin*Austin can you carry me to bed please?
Austin:*Smiles*Of course sweetie *Carries Bella & Looks at Ally*I'm going to start taking her to the guest room.
Ally: Ok and thank you so much again Austin.
Austin:*Smiles*No problem. *Leaves with Bella*
Mimi:*Looks at Ally* so are you going to be staying in Mimi for so long?
Ally: Actually I'm just going to be staying for a week or two then I'm going back because of Bella.
Mimi: And have you found a job you can work here for the time you're still here?
Ally: Yeah actually. Tomorrow I have an interview with this important company.
Mimi: Oh cool. But what about Bella?
Ally: Well I was thinking about leaving her with Trish.
Mimi: Oh sweetheart, why leave her with Trish while I'm here.
Ally: Oh Mimi, I wouldn't like to bother you.
Mimi: It's not a bother. Bella is an angel, I can take care of her while you go on your interview.
Ally: Well.
Mimi: Come on Alls, I wouldn't take a no as an answer.
Ally: *Smiles* Fine. Thank you.
Austin:*Walks in* Hey Bella fell asleep.
Ally: *Smiles*Great. Well thank you for everything Austin and Mimi. You guys are really incredible.
Mimi:*Smiles* you don't have to thank us Ally, you're like family.
Ally:*Smiles*Thank you and good night.
Mimi, Austin:*Smiles*Thank you.
Ally:*Smiles & Leaves*
Austin:*Looks at Mimi*Well I got a meeting with Daniel tomorrow morning but I'll probably be home before noon. Good night mom *Kisses her cheek and leaves*
Mimi:*Smiles* Oh people these days. *Shrugs and starts watching T.V.*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~
Bella:*Drawing a picture, Coloring it*
Mimi:*Looks at Bella's drawing, Smiles*Wow sweetie, that's a beautiful drawing.
Bella:*Smiles*Thank you. It's me and my family.
Mimi: Well you're a great artist.
Bella: Aw thank you Miss Mimi. I can't wait to show this to Austin and my aunt Ally.*Smiles*
Mimi:*Smiles*Aw sweety call me Mimi and don't worry Austin will be here any minute now and Ally will be back by 12.
Mimi: Ok now enough with the drawing and time to eat. Lunch is on the kitchen table sweety.
Bella: Ok. *Gets up & Smiles at Mimi*Thank you *Runs to the kitchen*
Mimi's P.O.V:
Oh gosh, Bella is such a sweet heart. She reminds me so such of Austin. The way she acts, the way she talks, her looks, her talent of singing and dancing and of course drawing. Wow just thinking about Bella, it's like I'm thinking about Austin. As I was about to go the kitchen, I looked at Bella's drawing one more time. Wow she has such a gift. She drew a beautiful house with a dog in the background, her, and I'm guessing her mom and dad holding her hand and smiling. I turned the paper around & came face to face with something so shocking that I had no idea could happen. "Bella Moon" was written in the back with a yellow crayon. Bella's Austin daughter?!!!!!!
Episode 13:
Mimi:*Still in shock*(I can't believe that beautiful little girl is my granddaughter. Is Bella the reason to why Ally left? Oh my gosh, Austin still doesn't know Bella's his daughter! Should I tell him?)
Austin:*Walks in*Hey mommy.*Kisses her cheek*Where's Bella and why are you holding that? *Points to the drawing Mimi is holding*
Mimi:Oh this. Um *Wipes a little tear*It's just a beautiful drawing Bella did. *Smiles*She's such a great artist.
Austin:*Looks at the picture and smiles*Wow, she sure is.
Bella:*Walks in & see Mimi with Austin*Austin!! *Runs up to him & Hugs him*
Austin:*Hugging her back*Hey sweetie. I missed you.
Bella:*Smiles*I missed you too.
Mimi:*Looking at them, smiles*(Aw they look so cute together.) Um Austin, can I ask you for a favor?
Austin:*Looks at Mimi*What's up mom.
Mimi:Well I have a little appointment I have to go too right now & Ally won't be back till later, you mind taking care of Bella for me please?
Austin:Sure *Smiles*Anything as long as I get to spend time with my little girl.
Mimi:Thanks sweetie. *Looks at Bella*Can i get a hug before I go?
Bella:*Giggles*Of course you can.*Hugs Mimi*
Mimi:*Hugs her back,smiling & letting a little tear fall*I love you Bella.
Bella:*Smiles*Love you too Mimi.
Mimi:*Looks at Austin & Smiles*Take very good care of Bella.
Austin:I will.
Mimi:*Smiles*Good luck sweetie *Kisses his cheek & Leaves*
Austin:*Confused*Ok what was that about?
Austin:*Smiles*Well sweetie,you ready to enjoy a fun and great day with Austin Moon?
Bella:You bet I am!
Austin:Let's go then *Leaves with Bella*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Ally~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Smiling*Thank you so much Mr.Martin,you wouldn't be disappointed.
Martin:*Smiles*I know I'm not. You're very amazing Miss Dawson. So you can start putting your stuff at your office and you'll be starting today.
Martin:Yes,is there a problem Miss Dawson?
Ally:Um no,just that I left my daughter with a friend and-
Martin:Miss Dawson if you can't work then just tell me & I'll hire someone else. Plus, you're just going to be here for 2 hours then you get out. I'm sure if you talk to your friend, they can take care of your daughter for two more hours.
Ally:Well.........Um ok. I'll call them and see.
Martin:*Smiles*Very well. Welcome aboard Miss Dawson.
Ally:*Smiles*Thank you. *Gets up & goes outside, calls Mimi*
Ally:Hey Mimi,it's Ally. How's Bella doing?
Mimi:Oh she's...great.
Ally:*Confused*You sure? You don't really sound too sure about it.
Mimi:I'm sure *Smiles*So how the job interview go?
Ally:*Smiles*Great actually. They hired me but they want me to work for at least two hours and I don't want to just leave you to take care of Bella I'm sure you have a bunch of things to do.
Mimi:Oh no dear. Don't worry about it.
Ally:You sure?
Mimi:Yeah. I love Bella as if *Smiles*She was granddaughter or something.
Ally:*Smiles nervously*Um yea. So I have to go. Thank you sooo much for taking care of her Mimi.
Mimi:No problem Alls. Congrants on the job.
Ally:Thanks. I'll be home in two hours.
Mimi:Alright. Bye Ally.
Ally:Bye *Hangs up & walks over to her office*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Austin & Bella~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bella:*Eating a ice cream*Yummy this ice cream is so good.
Austin:*Smiles*Yeah I can see. You have some ice cream on your face, here let me get it.*Gets a paper and cleans her face*
Austin:*Looks at Bella's eye & Smiles*Wow you're eyes are very beautiful Bella.
Bella:*Smiles*Thanks. Mommy saids They're just like my daddy.
Austin:*Smiles*So we're close to the beach, wanna hit the waves?
Bella:*Smiles Big*You bet I do! Woohooo!!! *Grabs Austin's hand and runs to the beach*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Melanie & Normah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Normah:Oh My Gosh Mel!! Are you actually gonna do that?
Melanie:*Sighs*Yeah. You know how much I love Austin & I can't lose him, not to Ally.
Normah: Mel, I know you love Austin a lot but do you really have to take it to this level?
Melanie:*Sighs*Yes normah. It's the only way I can still have Austin with me.....and I'll have him with me, forever.
Normah:*Smiles a bit* I know how much you love Austin so count me in.
Melanie:*Smiles* Thanks Normah! *Hugs her* Ok this is what we're gonna do.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Bella & Austin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Helping Bella make a sand castle* Wow, you can really built a sand castle.
Bella:*Smiles*Thanks.*Looks at the waves*Wow, they look pretty big!
Austin:*Smiles*Yeah.*Looks at Bella*Don't worry sweetie, I promise you that one of theses day I'm gonna teach you how to surf & you'll be surfing thoses waves like a pro.
Bella:*Smiles*Thanks,but i really wanna surf now.
Austin:I-*Gets call*Give me a sec.*Answers*Hello.
Melanie:Hey baby, how are you?
Austin:Hey Mel, I'm good. How about you? How was your photo shoot?
Melanie:It was good. So um, Normah is throwing a party tomorrow at my house and I really want you to go.
Austin:Um *Scratches the back of his neck*I don't know Mel. I think I have a lot of things to do.
Bella:*Sees that Austin is not looking, gets his surfboard and runs to the water*
Melanie:Aww come on babe.*Smiles*For me? Please promise me.
Austin:*Sighs*Uh, fine.I promise.
Melanie:Yay! Thanks babe. I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye! *Sends a kiss & hangs up*
Austin:*Sighs*Austin what are you doing? *Turns around*Bella,time to g-*Sees that Bella is not there. Bella? *Looks around*Bella?! *Sees that the surfboard is missing*Oh no.
????:Help!!! Someone help me!!
Austin:*Hears the voice*Bella?!! *Runs to the water & Sees Bella*
Bella:*With Blood on her head, drowning*Help me!!!
Austin:Bella!! *Takes off his shirt & goes inside the water*
People:*Looking at Austin & Bella*
Woman:*Calling 911*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Melanie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*Sitting down,Smiles*
???:*Sits next to her,gives her a cup of wine*Here Mel.
Melanie:*Gives a flirty smile*Thanks Julio.
Julio(*Smiles*No problem. So what brings you here Mel.
Melanie:Well. *Leaves her drink at the table*I came to see you Julio.
Julio:*Surprised*Really? *Leaves his drink at the table*Last time I saw you,you said you didn't want to see me again.
Melanie:Well I was wrong, *Getting closer*I need you Julio. I want you.
Julio:*Kisses her*
Melanie:*Kisses him back*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Ally~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*On the phone*Yeah Trish. So how you enjoying your honeymoon?......That's great girl!.....Yeah I'm actually going to pick Bella from Austin's so I'll call you back....Kk.Bye *Hangs & Smiles*Oh Trish. *Knocks on the door but no respond*Mimi! *Knocks again but no respond* Mimi! Bella! *Knocks again but still nothing* Where could they be?*Gets call, answers*Hello.
Ally:Austin! Ho-How did you get my number?
Austin:*Sobbing*My mom gave it to me.
Austin:Ally come to the hospital. Quick! *Sobbing*
Ally:*Confused*Why? And why are you crying?
Austin:*Trying to calm down*I went to the beach with Bella. While I was talking on the phone, Bella quickly took my surfboard and went to the water then when I was done with my call, I wouldn't find her then I heard a little girl crying for help.
Ally:*Letting some tears fall*Austin, what happened to Bella?
Austin:She was close to the huge rocks so she bumped her head to one and that caused her to lose a lot of blood.
Ally:Oh my gosh! *Trying to not cry*
Austin:We're at the Miami center hospital.
Ally:I'm on my way. *Hangs up & quickly gets a taxi*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After a While,With Austin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Pacing around the waiting room*
People:*Looking at him weirdly*
Ally:*Runs in*Austin.
Austin:Ally! *Runs up to her & Hugs her*I'm so sorry Alls. I didn't mean for this to happen to your cousin.
Ally:*Hugging Austin back*It's ok Austin. I know you didn't mean to.*Looks at Austin*Did the doctor say anything about Bella yet?
Austin:Not yet.
Doctor:*Walks in the waiting room*Bella M-
Ally:*Eyes widen*That's us!
Doctor:*Walks over to them*Hello.
Ally:Hi Doctor.Um How's Bella?
Doctor:*Sighs*Not so good. She need surgery. She lost a lot of blood and we're gonna need a donation so we can save her.
Ally:Oh don't worry Doctor.You can take as much blood as you need from me as long as Bella will be ok.
Doctor:*Smiles*Oh that is very generous Miss but we donation from both of Bella's parents.
Nurse:*On the speakers*Doctor Chauca,please report to the desk.
Doctor:I'll be right back. I'll leave you two alone.*Leaves*
Austin:*Looks at Ally*You think your aunt can come.
Ally:She can..But I don't know about the dad.
Austin:Oh. Your aunt has to beg him to come, it's the only way to save Bella.
Ally:*Letting some tears fall*I know.
Austin:Oh Ally, don't cry *Hugs her*
Ally:*Crying harder*Austin?
Austin:*Looks at Ally*Yea.
Ally:*Crying*Austin,I-I-I'm Bella's mom.
Ally:*Crying Harder*And you're....You're Bella's dad Austin.
Austin:*Shocked, speechless*BELLA'S MY DAUGHTER?!!
Episode 14:
Austin:*Letting some tears fall*Bella is my daughter?
Ally:*With Tears in her eyes*Yeah Austin.I-I'm sorry I didn't t-
Austin:Ally why didn't you tell me?! How could you hide this from me for like how many years?
Ally:*Saids softly*4 years.
Austin:*Mad*Is that why you left Miami? Why you left your friends, family, & me?
Ally:*Wipes her tears & nods*
Doctor:*Walks over to them*So are you two ready?
Ally:Um well, I'm the mother but I don't know if the father ca-
Austin:We're both here Doctor. Where can we go so we can donate blood for my little girl?
Doctor:Room 1527, just go ahead the nurse should be there.
Austin:Thank you. *Starts walking*
Ally:Thank you Doctor. *Walks up to Austin*
Doctor:*Looking at Auslly,Smiles*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After a While~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nurse:*Giving Ally some orange juice*Drink as much juice you can drink. You seem kind of weak.
Ally:*Gives a weak smile*Thanks.
Nurse:*Smiles*No problem. I'm sure your daughter will be fine so don't worry.
Nurse:*Smiles*Excuse me. *Leaves*
Austin:*Sitting down, looking at the ground*
Ally:*Looks at Austin,Sighs*Austin.*Gets up & Walks over to him*Austin....Come on Austin, you can't just give me the silent treatment.
Ally:*Feeling a bit scared*
Ally:*Stays Silent*
Austin:This is why I'm gonna take Bella away from you! Keeping your daughter away since one of the worst things ever! What kind of a mother are y-
Ally:*Mad,Slaps him*Now listen here you stupid Blondie. When I found out I was going to have Bella,I was going to tell you but you were on tour and then I set up a meeting with you so I can finally tell you but *Remembers what Daniel told her* But then I remember that I couldn't do this to your fan, to your career! I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO SO I JUST LEFT MIAMI & STARTED A NEW LIFE! *With Tears in her eyes* I just want to have a happy life with you & Bella but your fucking friend had to ruin everythin-*Faints*
Austin:Ally! *Quickly catches her* Help!! Someone Help me!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Daniel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Daniel:*Watching Pretty Little Liars*Oh Yeah Hannah, you go girl!
???:*Gets the remote and turns off the T.V*
Daniel:*Glares*Hey! *Turns around & Looks at ???*I was watching that Melanie!
Melanie:*Smiles Evily*Sorry darling but here. *Gives Daniel ????*
Daniel:*Looks at ????, Shocked*Oh My gosh!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Auslly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Laying in bed, sleeping*
Austin:*Looking at Ally*Will she be okay Doctor?
Doctor:Yeah. Just don't make her stress to much, cause of the donation, her whole body is feeling weak and that's not so good.
Austin:Don't worry Doctor. I'll take care of her.
Doctor:*Smiles*Very well. And with your daughter, the surgery went well and she'll be okay as well.
Austin:*Smiles Big,Looks at him*Oh thank God!
Doctor:*Smiles*You're a great father Mr.Moon and a great husband. *Pats him on the back*Excuse me. *Leaves*
Ally:*Wakes up*Austin?
Austin:*Looks at Ally, Smiles*Ally.
Ally:*Gives a small smile*What happened?
Austin:*Sits next to her & grabs her left hand*Don't worry about it, just a little argument we had but it's over and you don't have to worry about it.
Ally:Oh. *Eyes Widen*Oh My Gosh, Bella! How is she?
Austin:Don't worry, She's good. Her surgery went fine.
Ally:Oh *Smiles*
Austin:Look Ally, I know I shouldn't tell you this now since of your conditions but I know I haven't been with Bella these last few years but I want to make it up and by doing that, I want you and Bella to live with me.
Ally:Oh, Um I don't know about that Austin. I have to go back to my job in September and Bella has school an-
Austin:Just for a while....Please.
Austin:*Smiles*Thanks. I don't want to tell Bella the truth just yet. I want to wait for the special moment.
Ally:Don't worry, I won't tell her until you're ready too.
Austin:*Smiles*Thanks Ally. You're the best. *Looks at Ally's eyes*And you still have those brown eyes.
Ally:*Looks down, blushes a bit*Yeah.
Doctor:*Walks in, carrying Bella*Hello.
Auslly:*Looks at the doctor*Hi.
Doctor:*Lays Bella in the separate bed from Ally's bed* She should be waking up by any moment now, so I'll be getting the paper works so Ally & Bella can leave tomorrow morning.
Doctor:*Smiles*Excuse me. *leaves*
Bella:*Wakes up*Mommy?
Ally:*Looks at Bella*Sweety *Smiles*
Bella:*Sits up*Wha-What happened?
Austin:*Smiles*Nothing, you should worry about.
Bella:*Smiles Big*Austin you're here!!!
Austin:And I'll always be there. For you *Looks at Ally*And for mommy of course.
Ally:*Looks at Austin & Smiles*
Bella:*Looks at Auslly*(Wow. Austin really loves my Mommy. I wish one day they can get marry so Austin can be my daddy. Yeah, that'll be cool!) *Smiles*
Episode 15:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Melanie & Daniel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*Smiles & Rubs her belly*Say Hi to Uncle Daniel my little baby.
Daniel:*Gets up & Hugs Melanie*I can't believe you're pregnant.
Melanie:*Smiles*I told you I would do anything to have Austin with me.
Daniel:How did this happen? How did you make Austin sleep with you?
Melanie:Well. *Sits down*I didn't make Austin sleep with me.
Daniel:*Confused, sits next to Melanie*Then how are you pregnant?
Melanie:Well I had this friend named Julio & he had the hugest crush on me. One day he asked me to be his by having sex with him, I didn't and we lost contact. So I know Austin will never sleep with me so I used Julio & Ta da, I'm Pregnant.
Daniel:Wow you're bad babe. I like that.
Melanie:*Flirty Smiles*I'm glad you do. *Sits on top of him*You know if I didn't have Austin, you were have been my second choice.
Daniel:*Smiles*Good to know. *Kisses her*
Melanie:*Pulls away*Sorry sweet heart but I have Austin right now. *Smiles & Gets up*
Daniel:So how are you going to get Austin to believe you that you're pregnant if you never been with him.
Melanie:Oh, just leave that to me. *Smiles & Leaves*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day, With Ally~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Making Breakfast*
Bella:*Sitting down, reading a little kids book*
Austin:*Walks in & Yawns*Good Morning.
Ally:*Smiles*Don't you mean Good afternoon. It's like 1 PM.
Austin:*Yawns*Wow, I didn't know that. *Smiles*
Bella:*Gets up & Runs to Austin to hug him*Austin!
Austin:*Hugs her back*Morning Princess.
Bella:*Smiles Big*I'm your princess?
Austin:*Smiles & Looks at Bella*Always. *Bends down to her height*You'll always be my little princess.
Bella:*Smiles*Well if I'm your little princess then Mommy is your queen right? *Looks at Ally*
Austin:*Looks at Ally & Smiles*Yeah, of course she is.
Austin:*Gets up & Walks over to Ally*Cool you're making pancakes!
Ally:*Smiles*Well Yeah. We're going to eat brunch. I know they're your favorite and this is like a thank you present because of all your kindness.
Austin:Aw Ally, you know I would do anything for you and Bella.
Bella:*Smiles*Aw Thanks.
Austin:*Looks at Bella & Smiles*
---------Austin's Cell Phone Rings----------
Austin :*Answers*Hello.
Melanie: Heyyy baby!
Austin:Oh Hey Mel. What's up.
Melanie:Just getting everything ready for the party. You're still coming right?
Austin:*Looks at Ally & Bella, Sighs*Um Mel, I don't think I can go. I have to take care of some things today.
Ally:(Oh No, he can't give up some plans for us. That'll be unfair.)Austin.
Austin:Give me a sec Mel. *Looks at Ally*Yeah?
Ally:*Smiles*Just go. Me & Bella will be ok, don't worry.
Austin:*Whispers to Ally*Are you sure Ally?
Ally:Yeah, go *Smiles*
Austin:*Smiles*Um Mel.
Melanie:Yeah Baby. Are you coming?
Austin:*Fake Smiles*Yeah, what time is it?
Melanie:In one hour babe. So you better start heading over here.
Austin:Um Ok. I'll go head over there.
Melanie:K. Love you.
Austin:*Fake Smiles*Love you too.
Ally:*Frowns a bit*
Bella:*Notice her, Confused*
Austin:Bye Mel.
Melanie:*Smiles*Bye! *Hangs up*
Austin:*Hangs up & Looks at Ally & Bella*Well I better start changing but don't worry, I'll be back as soon as possible to take care of you guys.
Ally:Aw don't worry, we'll be ok just have fun and enjoy.
Austin:*Smiles*Thanks. I'll be go get ready. *Leaves*
Ally:* Saids Softly*Yeah and you better go with your girlfriend. *Sighs*You still want Pancakes baby girl?
Bella:Yeah Mommy.
Ally: Ok. *Walks away*
Bella:(Um, what's wrong with mommy? Is she mad?)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After A While, With Melanie & Normah~~~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie, Normah:*Laughing*
Normah: Omg girl! I can't believe your plan is actually working.
Melanie:I told you it will. Now when Austin gets here, we're gonna have a little bit of fun. *Rubs her belly & Looks at it*Aren't we darling, oh yes we are.
Normah:*Smiles*Aw you look so cute being pregnant and all.
Melanie:Aw Thanks.
----------Door Bell Rings---------
Melanie:Oh that must be Austin, Normah you have to go.
Normah:Where do I go?
Melanie:Leave through the back door. Go, go, go!
Melanie:*Gets up & Fixes her hair, Walks over to the door & opens*Babe!
Austin:*Smiles*Hey! *Walks in & Gives her a quick kiss*
Melanie:*Smiles & Closes the door*You're finally here.
Austin:Yeah. *Sits down*Where is everybody?
Melanie:They must be on their way over here. *Sits next to him*
Austin:Well I'm just going to stay here for a while since I have alot to do.
Melanie: Ok Babe but since you're here, want anything to drink?
Austin:Water Please.
Melanie:*Smiles*Of course. *Walks over to the place & Gets two cup of water*(I'm sorry Austinl.) *Puts a white pill on one of the cup, gets the cup & walks over to Austin*Here you go. *Gives him the Cup with the pill*
Melanie:Cheers for our relationship. *Sits down*
Austin:*Fake Smiles*Cheers.
Melanie:*Smiles & Drinks some of her water*
Austin:*Drinks his water also*
Melanie:*Looks at him at the corner of her eye, Smiles Evily*(Sweet Dream Babe.)
Episode 16:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later That Night, With Ally & Bella~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bella:*Laying down, Yawns*Mommy, what time is Austin coming?
Ally:I don't know baby girl, it's 10 pm but I'm sure he's on his way.
Bella:*Yawns*I want to see Austin mommy.
Ally:*Smiles*I sure you do but right now *Covers Bella with the sheets*It's time for you to sleep.
Bella:*Smiles*Can you tell me a bed time story mommy? Please.
Ally:*Smiles*Sure. What story?
Bella:Um. *Gets Excited*The story on how you and my dad met. *Smiles Big*
Ally:*Smiles*Wow, you never asked me to tell you that story before.
Bella:I know but I want to know how you & my daddy met before he went to the army.
Ally:*Fake Smiles*Well before your dad went to the army. (Ugh,I feel bad for lying but I can't tell her yet.) Well It all started when I was working at my dad's business store "Sonic Boom."
Bella:*Looking at Ally, Listening*
Ally:It was a regular day here in Miami, and I was writing in my song book. Then these two guys came in. A ginger head and Blonde.
Ally:The blonde one was playing the drums and I told him he couldn't so his friend told me his name & the Blondie name and he told me that he was the Blondie director.
Bella:What else happened mommy?
Ally:*Smiles*Well the Blondie was paying some instrument but the thing was that he didn't have any money to pay for it so I kicked them out. Then I was in my practice room, singing a song I wrote and the Blondie heard me. I kicked him out again. *Giggles*
Bella:Wow, he never learns does he. *Giggles*
Ally:Yeah. So the next day I found out the song that I sang became famous because the Blonde guy so technically he stole my song.
Bella:*Surprised*Were you mad mommy?
Ally:Of course I was but then he said sorry and he gave me credit. Hey, in the end we became great friends and even partners in the music business.
Bella:Wow. *Smiles*
Ally:*Smiles*Yeah but I don't regret that day at all. *Gets Flashbacks of some of the fun things she did with Team Austin,Smiles*
Bella:*Smiles, Touches her necklace*
Ally:Well Baby girl, it's time for you to go to sleep.
Bella:Ok mommy.
Ally:*Kisses her forehead & Walks over to the door*Goodnight baby.
Bella:Good night Mommy.
Ally:*Turns off the lights, Smiles & Closes the door*Oh Austin, where are you? *Sighs*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day, With Austin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Sits up & Yawns, Stretches a bit*Good morning mommy.
Melanie:*Hugs him,Smiles*Morning Baby.
Austin:*Jumps a bit*Melanie?! *Confused*What are you doing in my room?
Melanie:*Smiles*Baby, you're actually in my room. Yesterday was amazing, you're really good you know that. *Gives him a quick kiss on the lips & Gets up, covers herself with her blankets*I'll be right back. *Smiles & Goes to the bathroom*
Austin:*Speechless*(What the fuck is Melanie talking about?! Did I have sex with her?! Why can't I remember?!!!)Melanie!
Melanie:*Comes out of the bathroom*Yeah?
Austin:Did we um you know-
Melanie:*Giggles*Yeah. Don't you remember?
Austin:*Shocked*Not Really.
Melanie:*Smiles*I'm sure you'll remember, It was a unforgettable night Austin.
Austin:*Feels bad he doesn't remember*Um Yeah.
Melanie:*Smiles*Well I have a tour in New York for my modeling but I'm be back in two months baby.
Austin:Two Months? That's alot of time Mel.
Melanie:I know Babe but they gave me the call yesterday and I just can't say no to my career.
Austin:Um Yeah, you're right.
Melanie:*Smiles*I'll be back don't worry & with a huge surprise I assure you. *Smiles Evily*
Austin:*Checks his watch,Shocked*Oh My God, I have to go actually. Um where are my clothes?
Melanie:I don't know. I don't remember where I threw them. *Smiles*
Austin:*Sees his clothes on the floor*Found them. *Gets up,covering himself with the blankets & pick up his clothes & Goes to the bathroom to change*
Melanie:(Poor Austin but I can't have him back with Ally. That bitch ain't winning.) *Smiles Evily & Rubs her belly*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later That Day, With Ally & Bella~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Watching T.V*
Bella:*Looking out the window, waiting for Austin*Mommy, Where's Austin? Why isn't he here yet?
Ally:*Turns off the T.V.*I don't know baby girl. He hasn't come since yesterday.
Bella:*Frowns*I'm worried mommy.
Ally:*Smiles*Don;t worry Baby, he'll be here soon.
-------------Ally's Cell Phone Rings----------
Mrs.Parks:Hello Allyson?
Ally:*Smiles*Mrs. Parks,Hi.
Mrs.Parker:*Smiles*I'm good. How's the best music teacher doing?
Ally:She's good. *Smiles*
Mrs.Parks:So Ally, school is back in two month are you excited?
Ally:Yeah of course! I miss my students so much!
Mrs.Parks: Well I'm glad you said that because on August 25, there will be a back to school concert.
Ally:Wow, Really?
Mrs.Parks:*Smiles*Yes. I'm hosting everything and all your students will be playing at the concert including my best singer, Bella!
Ally:Oh My Gosh! *Smiles Big*Bella gets to sing too.
Mrs.Parks:Well of course. She's gonna perform her own song too which is why I'm calling. To tell you about the concert and that you're going to help Bella write a song so she can perform it. You think you can do that Ally.
Ally:*Excited*Well of course, you don't have to worry about a thing Mrs.Parks.
Mrs.Parks:Thanks Ally. I'll see you then. Bye.
Ally:*Smiles Big*Bye. *Hangs up & Starts jumping happily*Yes!!
Bella:*Looks at Ally, Confused*
Ally:Oh Yeah, aha! Woohoo!! *Starts dancing*
Austin:*Walks in & sees Ally dancing, confused*What's going on?
Ally:*Runs to Austin & Hugs him*Oh Austin, I have great news. The music school that I'm working in are going to have a concert and Bella is gonna perform a song by herself!
Austin:*Shocked*Really?! *Excited*Oh My Gosh, This is great.
Ally:Right! Woohoo! *Starts dancing crazily*
Austin:*Chuckles, shrugs & Starts dancing too*
Bella:*Smiles*(I'm going to perform by myself! This is soooooo great! Yay!!) *Starts dancing too,Laughs a bit*
Ally:*Smiles & Stops dancing*Well that's enough dancing for me.
Austin,Bella:*Laughs a bit*
Ally:Well Bella, we have two months to write a song, prepare you for it so you can be amazing.
Austin:Cool! Can I help too?
Ally:Aw Austin that's sweet but aren't you going to be busy with your own career?
Austin:Well Daniel gave me two months off so no work.
Bella: Yay! Mommy & Daddy are gonna help me write the song.*Notices she called Austin daddy*Uh, I'm mean, Mommy & Austin. Sorry about that.
Auslly:*Looks at each other & smiles*
Austin:*Smiles*That's ok Bella.
Ally:*Smiles*Let's write that song.
Bella:Yay!! *Runs to the music room*
Auslly:*Smiles, Shakes their head & Follow her*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Two Months Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*Looking at herself in the mirror, with her big belly*Oh my little baby. You're already two months & I'm sure you're missing your daddy. Don't worry sweet heart. You'll see him today. *Smiles*
Sarah(Melanie's Assistant):*Walks in*Melanie, we have to be at the airport by 20 minutes. Are you done packing?
Melanie:*Looks at Sarah & Smiles nicely*Yeah. Tell Mick to carry my luggages to the limo. I can't wait to be back in Miami.
Sarah:*Smiles*How's the baby doing?
Melanie:*Smiles*Great. Just missing the daddy.
Sarah:Don't worry we'll be back in a few. Excuse me. *Leaves*
Melanie:Oh Austin, I have a huge surprise for you when I get back. *Grabs her purse & Leaves*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Auslly & Bella~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Playing the piano*
Bella:*Singing: * Late at night when all the world is sleeping. I stay up and think of you.And I wish on a star.That somewhere you are thinking of me too.'Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight.'Til tomorrow I'll be holding you tight.And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be.Than here in my room, dreaming about you and me.Wonder if you ever see me.And I wonder if you know I'm there.If you looked in my eyes.Would you see what's inside? Would you even care? I just wanna hold you close.But so far all I have are dreams of you.So I wait for the day and the courage to say.How much I love you, yes, I do.I'll be dreaming of you tonight.'Til tomorrow I'll be holding you tight.And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be.Than here in my room, dreaming about you and me.
Bella:*Singing*I can't stop dreaming of you.
Ally:*Singing*No puedo dejar de pensar en ti
Bella:*Singing*I can't stop dreaming of you.
Ally:*Singing*Como te necesito
Bella:*Singing*I can't stop dreaming of you.
Ally:*Singing*Mi amor, como te exstraño.
Bella:*Singing*Late at night when all the world is sleeping.I stay up and think of you.And I still can't believe that you came up to me.And said, "I love you," I love you too.Now I'm dreaming with you tonight.'Til tomorrow and for all of my life.And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be.Than here in my room, dreaming with you endlessly.Dreaming with you tonight.'Til tomorrow I'll be holding you tight.And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be.Than here in my room, dreaming with you endlessly.
Ally:*Singing*I'll be dreamin'.
Bella:*Singing*Dreaming of you tonight
Bella:*Singing*And I'll be holding you tight
Ally:*Singing*'Till tomorrow
Bella:*Singing*Dreaming with you tonight!
Bella:*Singing*Dreaming. *Smiles*
Auslly:*Starts clapping*
Austin:Wow! That was amazing!
Bella:*Hugs Austin*You really think so?
Austin:Yeah of course! You have the same beautiful voice as your mother.
Ally:*Smiles*Well I think she got the voice like her dad. He always loved singing.
Austin:*Looks at Ally eyes & Smiles*I think she got it from both parents.
Ally:*Looks into Austin's eyes & Smiles*Yeah.
Bella:*Looks at Auslly, Smiles*(Ugh Kiss already!)
Ally:*Snaps out of it*Um Yeah well come on Bella. Let's get you ready to go visit Aunty Trish.
Bella:Yay! Is Austin coming too?
Austin:Aw I would baby girl but I have to pick up Melanie from the airport but as soon as I come back, I'll go over to Dez's house ok.
Bella:*Smiles*Yay! *Runs upstairs*
Ally:*Smiles*You always make her happy.
Austin:Anything for my little daughter. *Smiles & Winks at Ally*
Ally:*Smiles & Blushes a bit*Um Yeah. *Gets nervous*Um I better get going upstairs. *Bumps into the staircase*Ow, Um yeah. Bye! *Runs upstairs*
Austin:*Smiles*(Wow Two whole months with Ally has been amazing. I Really love her and Bella too. Yup, I said Love. I LOVE ALLYSON MARIE DAWSON AGAIN! I been planning to tell her and I am at the dinner Dez and Trish are planning at their house. I'm going to to tell Ally I love her and I'm going to ask her to marry me. Yup everything has to be perfect but I have to break up with Melanie too & I will but I wonder what surprise does she have for me. She kept telling me about it yesterday on the phone. Is it really that big?)
Episode 17
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later That Day, At The Airport~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Waiting for Melanie*
Melanie:*Sees Austin & Runs to him*Austin!
Austin:*Smiles & Hugs Melanie*Melanie!
Melanie:*Smiles Big*I miss you soooooooooo much babe. You have no idea.
Austin:*Fake Smiles*Yeah me too. Um how you been? *Looks at Melanie*Not to be rude or anything but it looks like you gain a little bit of weight.
Melanie:*Smiles*Yeah well that's one of the reason to your big surprise.
Austin:*Smiles*What is this surprise anyways?
Melanie:Well I'll tell you at Trish's & Dez's important dinner today.
Austin:*Surprised*You knew about that?
Melanie:Yeah, Daniel invited me. Aw he's so sweet.
Austin:*Fake Smiles*Oh Yes he is. (Damn, How am I gonna ask Ally to marry me if Melanie is going to be there too. I Have to break up with her too. Ugh what to do?) Um Melanie, I have something to tell you something.
Melanie:*Gets a quick flashback*
------------Back in New York----------
Photographer:Come on Mel, give me some sugar. *Taking pictures*
Sarah:Take 5 everyone.
Photographer:Very well. Take 5 everyone.
Sarah:*Walks over to Melanie*Here's that chocolate bar you asked for. *Gives the bar to Melanie*
Melanie:Thanks. *Opens it & takes a bite of it*Yum.
Sarah:Oh and Daniel is calling you. Here you go *Gives the phone to Melanie*Excuse me *Leaves*
Melanie:*Calls Daniel*
Melanie:Hey! You been calling?
Daniel:Yes! Melanie, we have a problem. When are you coming back?
Melanie:In 2 weeks. Why?
Daniel:Austin has been cancelling all of his interviews and all lately. I know I gave him a 2 month break but People are demanding for Austin.
Melanie:Ok, and how is this a problem. Two months is almost over & They'll have Austin back.
Daniel:He's been cancelling on me because he's been spending time with Ally & Bella, practing for I don't know what.
Melanie:This is bad.
Daniel:And I overheard him and Dez saying that Austin loves Ally and is going to ask her to marry him on the important Dinner Dez and Trish are planning are on the day you're coming back.
Melanie:*Shocked*You think he's going to break up with me?
Daniel:I'm really sure of that. When are you going to tell him about the baby? If you don't do it soon, he's going to break up with you & go back to the bitchy of Ally!
Melanie:*Thinks a bit, Smiles Evily*Don't worry, I got this. Call you later boo, Bye! *Hangs up & Smiles Evily*You ain't getting rid of me so quick. *Takes a bit of her chocolate*Yummy *Walks away*
--------------End Of Flashback-----------
Melanie:Aw Austin, I would love to hear it but I'm not feeling so good because of all the work I been doing lately but just tell me at the dinner, K? K. *Smiles & Gives him a quick kiss*Love you. Now let's go & drop me off at my house please.
Austin:(Ugh!) Sure. Let's go. *Leaves with Melanie*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later That Day, With Trez, Ally & Bella~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Trish:Oh My Gosh, this dinner has to come out perfect.
Dez:Yeah! I can't believe Austin is gonna tell Ally his true feelings and he's going to ask her to marry him.
Trish:It's so cute!
Dez:Well Austin & Daniel should be here any moment. Where's ALly & Bella?
Trish:They're getting ready. I took them both shopping as soon as they came.
-------------Door Bell Rings------------
Dez:*Goes over to the door & Opens it*Austin! Daniel!
Austin,Daniel:*Walks in*Dez.
Dez:Welcome to mi casa.
Austin:*Walks over to Trish*Hi Trish.
Trish:Hey! I'm glad you could make it.
Austin:I wouldn't miss it for the world if you what I mean. *Smiles*Where's Ally?
Trish:Getting ready, she should be down in a minute.
Ally:*Smiles*Hi Austin.
Austin:*Looks at Ally on top of the staircase, Smiles, Speechless*
Trish:Or now. *Smiles*
Ally:*Wearing:, Walking down the stairs*
Austin:*Walks over to Ally*You look beautiful.
Ally:*Smiles Big*Thanks. You look good yourself.
Daniel:*Rolls his eyes*(Enjoy while you can guys. You two won't be together.) *Smiles Evily*
Bella:*Walks downstairs, Wearing: *Hi everyone!
Austin:*Looks at Bella & Smiles*
Bella:Austin! *Hugs him*You're here!
Austin:I promise you I was going to come. You look beautiful.
Bella:*Smiles*Thank you.
Trez:*Smiles at them*
Ally:*Smiles*(My baby girl with her daddy, The one I fell in love with. Well who I never forgot and was always in love with.)
------------Door Bell Rings--------
Trish:*Confused, Whispers to Dez*Who the heck can that be?
Dez:*Shrugs*I'll get it. *Goes over to the door & Opens it, Surprised*Melanie?
Melanie:* Wearing: *Hi Dez. I'm glad I get to see you again. *Hugs him & Walks in*
Dez:*Felt a bump when Melanie hugged her*Um Melanie, what are you doing here?
Melanie:Daniel invited me. Isn't he such a sweet heart? *Smiles & Sees Austin*Austin! *Walks up to him, getting in between Austin & Bella, Hugs him*
Austin:*Fake Smiles*Mel?
Melanie:*Smiles & Looks at Ally*Ally! *Hugs her*
Ally:Hi Mel. *Fake Smiles*You look different.
Melanie:*Fake Smiles*Thanks.
Austin:Um Mel, can I talk to you?
Austin:Um...alone please.
Melanie:Ok but before we do, I have to tell everyone the big news.
Ally:*Confused*What big news?
Melanie:Austin, remember I told you I got a huge surprise?
Melanie:Well here it is *Rubs her belly*
Auslly:*Look at each other confused*
Melanie:*Smiles Big*I'm pregnant guys!
Bella,Dez,Trish:*Daws dropped*
Daniel:*Smiles Evily without anyone knowing*
Melanie:You're gonna be a dad Austin! *Runs up to him & Hugs him*
Austin:*Still in shock*
Ally:*In shock still, looking at Austin confused*
Austin:*Looks at Ally sadly*
Ally:*Shakes her head & Leaves*
Melanie:*Smiling evily*
Episode 18
Melanie:*Smiles*Of course. *Walks over to the place & Gets two cup of water*(I'm sorry Austinl.) *Puts a white pill on one of the cup, gets the cup & walks over to Austin*Here you go. *Gives him the Cup with the pill*
Melanie:Cheers for our relationship. *Sits down*
Austin:*Fake Smiles*Cheers.
Melanie:*Smiles & Drinks some of her water*
Austin:*Drinks his water also*
Melanie:*Looks at him at the corner of her eye, Smiles Evily*(Sweet Dream Babe.)
-------------A Few Minutes Later, In Melanie's Room----------
Austin:*Naked but covered with the sheets, laying down in Melanie's bed sleeping*
Melanie:*Laying down next to Austin, smiling & Touching his hair*Aw you're so cute when you're sleeping. Just know that I'm doing this because I love you baby. *Gives him a quick kiss* I better get undress so you can actually think I had sex with you. I love you my little Austin *Smiles & Gets up, Rubs her belly*Come on my little angel, daddy will soon know about you. *Smiles & Heads to the bathroom*
--------------End Of Flashback---------
Melanie:*Smiling Evily, Looks at Austin*Austin, you ok?
Austin:*Still in shock*Yeah just pretty much in shock here.
Trez,Bella:*Shakes their head*Yeah, totally.
Melanie:*Smiles Big*Well... Is anyone gonna congrats us?
Daniel:Yeah of course. *Hugs Melanie & Austin*Congrats to both of you. I'm sure you two would be great parents.
Melanie:*Smiles*Thanks Daniel.
Austin:*Still in shock*Yeah, thanks.
Dez:Um Yeah. *Walks over to Austin & Melanie, Hugs them*Congrats on the baby.
Melanie:Aw Thanks Dez.
Austin:*Fake Smiles*Um Yeah. Will you guys excuse me? *Leaves*
Daniel:Um Melanie, Can i talk to you in private?
Melanie:Of course. Let's go to the guest room.*Walks up the stairs with Daniel*
Trish:*With a mysterious face*Something is wrong here.
Dez: I don't think so. I knew something like this was going to happen. Austin told me that he was you know what and he was in Melanie's room.
Trish: Something fishy is going on and I'm going to find out. *Follows Melanie & Daniel*
Bella:*Looks at Dez*Dez, what's going on?
Dez:*Sighs but Smiles*Nothing sweet heart. Do you want some cake?
Bella:Yeah Let's go! *Grabs Dez's hand & Runs to the kitchen with him*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Ally~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Walking, with Tears in her eyes*I can't believe this. He's going to be a dad. (Ally, you have to forget about him. He's going to have a baby and he's going to get marry!) Ugh but I can't. I LOVE HIM!! (So are you gonna be a bitch and let that baby not have a father?! What if that was Bella? Are really that evil!) No! But Ugh i don't know what to do.
People:*Looking at Ally weird*
Ally:*Notice People looking at her weirdly*(See now people think you're crazy talking to yourself) Ugh shut up. *Sighs & Walks inside the park, sits down* What am I gonna go? *Puts her hands in her face*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Daniel & Melanie~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Daniel:I can't believe this Actually worked! *Smiles Big*
Trish:*Hiding, Listening to them*
Melanie:I know! *Smiles Big*Austin is finally mines! He can't go after Ally because I'm having his child and leaving his child without a father is something that I know would never do.
Daniel:Yeah! You saw Ally's face when she found out? *Does Ally's face*
Melanie:*Laughs*Yeah. That bitch deserves it. Austin thought he could have just broke up with me and he can go back with Ally & Bella & marry Ally to live happily ever after, not on my watch.
Trish:*Shocked*(That Bitch!)
Daniel:Well hopefully Julio doesn't come back cause if he does, I have a feeling he's going to find out that your baby is actually his and not Austin.
Melanie:Don't worry Daniel. He isn't gonna come back, I assure you. *Smiles* Oh and thanks for the drug that made Austin fall asleep while we were having "Sex" *Smiles*
Trish:*Walks in*I can't believe you two are doing this to Austin.
Trish:I heard everything. That you two know about Bella being Austin's & Ally's daughter! That you're used a guy name Julio so he can leave you pregnant and just tell Austin he was the father! That you drugged Austin and lied to him! I know everything!
Daniel:Fine, you know everything.
Melanie:*With tears in her eyes*Trish listen to me, I love Austin and he needs to be with me.
Trish:No Melanie. Your lying is what's keeping him with you. You, me and everyone knows how much Austin and Ally love each other. And you know what, I'm gonna tell them!
Melanie:No! Trish please!
Trish:I'm sorry but they have to know the truth. *Walks outside, about to walk downstairs*
Melanie:*Runs after Trish*Trish please!
Trish:*Looks at Melanie*I'm sorry but you're both going down with your lies. *About to go downstairs*
Melanie:*Puts a evil face*Fine, if we're both going down then you're going down with us Bitch. *Pushes Trish down*
Trish:*Falls down really hard, Faints and with Blood on her head*
Daniel:*Looks at Melanie in shock*Did you just pushed her?
Melanie:*Looks at Daniel*shut up.
Dez:*Walks outside*What the heck was that?
Bella:*Walks outside & Sees Trish on the ground, bleeding*Dez Look!*Runs up to Trish*Trish!
Dez:*Sees Trish, shocked*Trish! *Runs up to her*Oh My Gosh! What happened?!
Melanie,Daniel:*Runs downstairs*
Melanie:*Acting surprised*Oh My god, what happened to Trish?
Bella:We don't know.Call the hospital Dez. She need help.
Dez:Ok. Just stay here with her guys*Runs to the kitchen*
Bella:*Looks at Trish, Frowns*
Daniel:*Shakes his head*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Austin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Looking for Ally*Ally! *Sees Ally, sitting down*Ally! *Runs to her*
Ally:*Looks up & Sees Austin*Austin? *Wipes her tears*What are you doing here?
Austin:Look Ally, I-
Ally:Wait, what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be with your pregnant fiance right now?!
Austin:Yeah but I came to see you. I was worried about you.
Ally:*Gets up*Well you shouldn't worried about me. *With a serious face* Go, go with Melanie and that baby you two are gonna have.*About to walk away*
Austin:*Grabs Ally Hand*
Ally:*Looks at Austin*
Austin:I might be having a baby with Melanie & I promise with all my heart that I'm gonna support and love that baby with all my heart.....but my heart doesn't belong with Melanie. It belongs with you Ally. I Love you Ally & I'll always will!
Ally:*Shocked, Says softly*You do? But what about Melanie?
Austin:I was going to break up with Melanie today but she told me the news so I didn't have the time. But even if she's going to have my baby, I will always love you Ally & I always want to be with you. These two months with you & Bella have been amazing and I couldn't ask for more. I Love you Allyson Marie Dawson.
Ally:*Lets a tear fall, Smiles* I Love you too Austin Monica Moon.
Austin:*Smiles*Ugh that amazing middle name I have.
Ally:*Giggles*I like it.
Austin:*Smiles*And I Like you, Wait no. I Love you.
Austin:*Starts leaning in*
Ally:*Lean in also*
---------One inch from kissing when Austin's Phone starts ringing--------
Austin:You're kidding me right?!
Ally:*Giggles*Just answer your phone.
Austin:*Smiles & Answer*Hello......Hey Dez, what's up.......Yeah I'm here with Ally.......WHAT?!......Ok we'll be on own way....Bye. *Hangs up & Looks at Ally with a worried face*
Ally:*Worried*What's wrong?
Austin:*Sighs*Trish fell down the stairs and she's losing a lot of blood. They're taking to the hospital right now.
Ally:*Shocked, with tears in her eyes*What?!
Austin:I know. We have to go see her.
Ally:Yeah let's go. *They Leave*
Episode 19
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At The Hospital~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dez:*Hugging Bella, With a sad face on*
Bella:*Hugging Dez, Comforting him*
Melanie:*Sitting down, Sighs*
Daniel:*Looks at Melanie, Whispers*{I still can't believe you pushed Trish down.}
Melanie:*Whispers*{Shut up,I had to. Or else Austin was going to find out the whole truth.]
Daniel:{What happens if Trish gets seriously hurt or even dies?}
Melanie:*Sighs*{I don't know. I just hope she doesn't remember I pushed her down.}
Daniel:*Holds her hand*{I hope so too.} *Smiles*
Melanie:*Notice Daniel holding her hand, pulls away quickly*{Um Yeah. I'm gonna go to the bathroom, excuse me.} *Gets up & Leaves*
Auslly:*Walks in*
Dez:*Sees them, Gets up & Walks over to them*Austin. Ally.
Austin:Hey Dez. How's Trish?
Ally:Yeah how is she? What happened?
Dez:We still don't know. The doctor hasn't come out yet and I'm not really sure. All I know is that she fell down the stairs.
Bella:*Runs up to Ally*Mommy!
Ally:*Smiles,Hugs & Carries Bella*Hey Baby girl.
Bella:*Looks at Ally*I'm worry about Aunty Trish mommy.
Austin:Don't worry princess. Trish will be ok, she's a very strong woman, I know so. *Smiles Big*
Ally:*Looks at Austin & Smiles*Yeah. *Looks at Bella*She sure is.
Melanie:*Walks out of the bathroom & Sees Austin*Austin!
Austin:*Hears Melanie's voice*(Oh Boy.)
Melanie:*Walks up to him and hugs Austin*Omg Baby, did you hear what happened to Trish? I feel so bad for her sweetheart.
Austin:*Looks at Ally*
Ally:*Looking at the ground*
Austin:*Looks at Melanie & Hugs her back*Yeah I heard.
Dez:Aww Mel, you don't have to feel bad. Hopefully Trish will be ok. I sure hope so.
Doctor:*Walks up to them*Patricia De La Rosa family?
Dez:*Looks at the Doctor*That's us, I'm the husband Doctor.
Doctor:Well I'm Doctor Jackson. Um Patricia-
Dez:Um you can just call her Trish, she hates the name Patricia.
Doctor:Ok. Well Trish lost a lot of blood in the head.
Ally:Will she be ok Doctor?
Doctor:The nurses are still giving her tests so I'll get back to you guys on that. Excuse me. *Leaves*
Ally:*Sighs*This is scaring me guys. I really hope Trish is ok.
Daniel:*Hugs Ally*Aw don't worry Alls, I'm sure she's ok.
Ally:*Pushes Daniel away a bit* Um yeah.
Daniel:*Looks at Bella & Smiles*Do you want anything to eat sweet heart?
Bella:*Smiles*No thank you. I'm just worried.
Daniel:Ok. Well I'm gonna get some coffee. *Looks at Ally*
Ally:*Glaring at him*
Daniel:Excuse me everyone. *Smiles Evily & Leaves*
Ally:(Can Daniel be behind all of this?) Um I'll be right back. *Leaves*
Austin:Uh, I better follow her to make sure Ally's o-
Melanie:(Think of something quick before he leaves with that bitch) OMG Austin! I just felt a kick. Here feel. *Grabs Austin's hand & Puts it on her stomach*
Austin:*Smiling*Aw he or she is moving.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Daniel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Daniel:One large coffee to go please.
Worker:Ok. *Starts doing the coffee*
Ally:*Walks up to Daniel, With a serious face* Ok tell me the truth. What did you do to Trish?
Daniel:*Smiles Evily, Turns around & Looks at Ally*What do you mean Ally?
Ally:Look Daniel! Don't play dumb with me. What did you do to Trish?! Were you the one who pushed her down?!
Worker:Your coffee sir.
Daniel*Turns around & Gets the coffee*Thank you.*Pays the guys & Starts leaving*No. I didn't do anything to her.
Ally:I don't believe you.
Daniel:Then don't believe me. I don't need a bitch like you believing in me.
Ally:*Stops walking*Oh so I'm a bitch? Well I'm not the one blackmailing just for money you asshole!
Daniel:*Stops walking*(Oh hell no.) *Walks up to Ally & Slaps her*
Ally:*Shocked, Touches her cheek*You fucking- *About to slap him*
Daniel:*Grabs her hand*No, no little Ally.
Ally:*Glares at Daniel*
Daniel:So Melanie is pregnant and Austin is gonna be a dad. Beautiful right?
Ally:*Stays silent*
Daniel:Oh right, It can't be because a bitch wants to take that poor little innocent soul that Melanie is carrying in her womb father. Poor little baby. With no father, a poor mother & no other family members of any kind.
Ally:Look! I aint taking anyone's father.
Daniel:Please Ally don't act all innocent with me. You love Austin and you know Austin loves you back especially since he knows Bella is his daughter now.
Ally:*Shocked*How do you kn-
Daniel:I got people Ally. And even though Austin said he's gonna support and love the baby, we all know he wouldn't even have time. He has tours, interviews, concerts and whenever he doesn't have those things, he's gonna be spending time with his family, you & Bella. Do you actually think that baby deserves to be raise up without a father?
Ally:*Saids softly*No.
Daniel:Then you know what you gotta do. Poor Melanie gave up her modeling career for that baby while her "faithful" fiance is hanging out and having fun with his ex and his daughter. Poor Melanie don't you think?
Ally:*Stays quiet, Looks at the ground*
Daniel:You still think you're not a bitch, well I hope you know that you are one actually. *Lets go of her hands*Hope you and Austin live happily ever after while that baby will suffer hell with poor Melanie. *Leaves*
Ally:*Sighs*(Why does this have to happen to me?)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Dez,Melanie,Austin & Bella~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*Sleeping on Austin's shoulder*
Austin:*Siting down,Sighs*I don't know what to do Dez.
Dez:Austin, you love Ally. Why not be with her already? Start life again. Live your happily ever after. *Smiles*
Austin: Dez, I would really love that but *Looks at Melanie*Melanie & my new baby is my responsible and I have to be with them too.
Melanie:*Listening to them, Frowns a bit*
Austin:*Sighs*I'm just gonna ask Ally and see what she thinks about this.
Daniel:*Walks over to them*Hey guy. Any news from Trish?
Dez:Nothing yet. Hey, where's Ally?
Ally:*Walks over to them*Over here. *Fake Smiles*
Bella:I'm getting really sleepy mommy.
Ally:Aw baby girl. *Carries her*Just fall asleep in my arms *Smiles*
Melanie:*Pretends to wake up*Hey guys, any news from Trish?
Austin:Nothing yet. I'm starting to worry.
Ally:*Sees the doctor*Hey guys, i see the doctor coming over here.
Doctor:*Walks over to them*
Dez:So Doctor? What happened to Trish?
Doctor: Trish lost alot of blood but luckily she is being given a surgery right now which can help her so she can be ok.
Dez:*Smiles Big*That's great news!
Doctor:Yes but.
Ally:But what doctor?
Doctor:After doing some tests on Trish we found out that............Trish is pregnant.
Doctor:Yup. 7 months pregnant to be exact.
Daniel:Wow. How come Trish never told us about this?
Dez:Maybe she didn't know. She hasn't been to the hospital since she was a little girl so I'm sure she didn't know about this herself.
Ally:*Shocked but smiles Big*Omg Trish is pregnant! That's great news.
Doctor:Um actually, it's not.
Austin:*Confused*Why not?
Doctor:According to Dez's story on what happened to Trish saying that she fell down the stairs well that kindof harmed the baby.
Dez:*Scared*Is my baby alright?
Doctor:*Sighs*Your baby is in danger Dez.
Dez:What kind of danger Doctor?
Doctor: Trish has to give birth as soon as possible.
Austin:*Shocked*But she's only 7 months. She's still missing two months!
Doctor: Yes but because of the fall she had, we have to get that baby out of her womb before it dies in there. That poor baby is losing air right now and soon he/she wouldn't be able to breath.
Dez:But Doctor, Trish is gonna come out of a surgery like a few and then she's gonna have to give birth to a child. She wouldn't be able to do it.
Doctor:Well hopefully with your help she can do this but if she can't......You're gonna have to choose either her or the baby to save.
Doctor: Yeah. If Trish can't do this, then only one of them will survive and it's up to you to tell us Doctors who should we save if this situation happens.
Dez:*With tears in his eyes*No Doctor. Please don't do this to me. Choosing between my wife and my baby so I can only save one.
Doctor:I'm sorry Dez but it's the only thing we can do. Excuse me for a moment. *Walks away*
Austin:Oh My God, Dez has to choose between-
Ally:Trish or-
Melanie:The baby-
Daniel:to only save one.
Austin:*Looks at Dez*Dez?
Dez:*With teary eyes*Save Trish or my baby?
Episode 20:
Ally:*Carrying Bella, Sighs*Dez, I'm really sorry what's going on right now.
Dez:*Wipes his tears*It's ok Ally, you have nothing to do with this anyways.
Melanie:*Rolls her eyes*Dez if I was you I would just pick Trish. You can have more babies afterwards.
Daniel:I agree with Melanie.
Dez:Guys I love Trish and all but that baby is gonna be our first baby. I can't do that to him/her either.
Austin:We understand Dez. Maybe you should take a walk and think about this.
Dez:*Gives a weak smile*Thanks Austin.
Austin:*Smiles & Hugs Dez*You can do this buddy. Always know that we're here.
Dez:*Smiles*Thanks. *Leaves*
Austin:*Sighs*Poor Dez.
Austin:*Sees that Bella's sleeping*Here let me carry Bella.
Ally:*Gives Austin Bella, Sits down*I'm really tired.
Austin:Yeah me too. I really want some coffee.
Daniel:Yeah me too. I'm done with this one.
Ally:Let's go get coffee please.
Austin:But someone has to stay here to wait for the doctor.
Melanie:I'll do it. Just bring me a small chocolate please.
Austin:Ok. Um Mel?
Melanie:Yes babe?
Austin:Can you take care of Bella please? It's raining outside and I don't want her to get sick.
Melanie:*Fake Smiles*But I don't know how to-
Austin:*Gives Bella to Melanie*She won't be a bother, plus she's sleeping. You'll be fine.
Melanie:Um ok.
Ally:*Smiles*Thanks Mel. *Leaves with Daniel & Austin*
Melanie:*Feeling weird, Looks at Bella*
Bella:*Smiling & Sleeping*
Melanie:*Gives a small smile*(Aw she really is beautiful and she seems so calm) *Smiles Big*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After A Couple of Minutes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally, Austin, Daniel:*Walks in, drinking their coffee*
Ally:*Walks over to Melanie*Here's your chocolate Mel.
Melanie:Thank you *Smiles*
Austin:*Carries Bella*So how was it taking care of Bella?
Melanie:Honestly, not so hard. She's really is a sweet heart *Smiles*
Ally:*Smiles*Oh did the Doctor come yet?
Melanie:Yeah. So did Dez. They're talking about the decision right now.
Dez:*Walks over to them*
Austin:Dez? What happened?
Dez: I talked to the Doctor.
Ally:*Frowns*What have you decided?
Melanie:*Frowns a bit*Are you ok Dez?
Dez:*Some Tears falling*Yeah.
Melanie:*Sighs*Oh Dez. *Hugs him*
Dez:*Hugs her back, sobbing*I want both my baby and Trish.
Melanie:*Feeling bad*I know Dez. I know.
Austin:*Sighs*So did the Doctor tell you anything about Trish.
Dez:*Looks at Austin and Wipes his tears, trying to keep calm*The surgery went good though Trish did lose a bit of memory.
Ally:Oh My Gosh.
Dez:Yeah but just from this week. She'll remember them soon but for now she's ok.
Melanie:(Yes! She'll forget I pushed her and the truth)
Dez: Right now I'm just worried about her giving birth.
Ally:When is she gonna give birth?
Dez:As soon as she wakes up.
Doctor:*Walks over to them*Hey Dez, you ready?
Dez:*Sighs & Nods his head*Yup.
Doctor:Let's go.
Dez:*Looks at Auslly, Daniel, Melanie*Wish me luck guys.
Dez:*Gives a small smile and leaves with the doctor*
Ally:*Sighs*I hope Trish and the baby will be ok.
Austin:*Puts his arms around Ally*I hope so too.
Melanie:*Looks at them and Smiles*Hey Austin, you can give me Bella. You must be tired.
Austin:*Surprised*You sure?
Austin:Well ok. *Gives Bella to Melanie*
Melanie:*Looks at Bella & Smiles*
Austin:*Hugs Ally*
Ally:*Trying her best to not look at Austin*
Daniel:*Looks at Melanie confused*(What the fuck? Why did she get Bella if that give Austin and Ally to hug more?)
Melanie:*Feels her baby kicking, Smiles*Aw my baby is kicking.
Austin:Aw really?*Lets go of Ally & Walks over to Melanie, Touches Melanie's stomach*Aw it really is kicking. *Smiles Big*
Daniel:*Touches Melanie's stomach also*Ha, it feels funny. *Checks his watch*Oh be right back. *Leaves*
Ally:*Fake Smiles & Looks some other side*
Melanie:*Looks at Ally & Smiles*Ally?
Ally:*Looks at Melanie*Yes?
Melanie:Come over here. You can feel too you know.
Ally:*Smiles & Walks over to Melanie, Touches her stomach*Wow, its feels so funny.
Melanie:*Giggles*Yeah imagine me.
Ally:*Smiles*Reminds me so much of Bella
Melanie:*Acts like she doesn't know*Bella?
Austin:*Eyes widen, Looks at Ally*
Ally:*Remembers no one knows about Bella*Um, yea. My aunt when she was pregnant of Bella, she would always let me feel her stomach and Bella would move a lot like a little worm.
Doctor:*Sees them & Runs up to them*Hi again.
Ally:*Surprised*Doctor? Aren't you suppose to be with T-
Doctor:Yeah but the thing is that um.
Nurse:*Taking Dez who fainted into a room*
Melanie:*Shocked*Oh My God, what happened to Dez?
Doctor:Um well we were about to begin with Trish and her giving birth but as soon as Dez saw Trish he fainted.
Austin:He must have been nervous.
Doctor:Yeah but I'm going to need help with Trish giving birth.
Ally:I'll help Doctor.
Austin:Me too.
Doctor:Very well. Follow me please. *Leaves with Auslly*
Daniel:*Looks at Melanie*
Melanie:*Notice him looking at her*What?
Daniel:*Sits next to her*What the fuck are you doing? Why didn't you go instead of Ally?
Melanie:Well as you can see, I'm pregnant and I have Bella in my laps. I can't just wake her up.
Daniel:Well why did you take her away from Austin? Are you going ducking crazy?!
Melanie:*With a serious face on*Daniel dont scream at me we're in a hospital and Bella is sleeping.
Daniel:*Getting mad & Whispers*I don't fucking care! I want fucking answers.
Nurse:*Walks over to them*Hello, if you like I can take that little girl. We have rooms for kids so they can sleep.
Melanie:*smiles Sweetly* Aw ok Thank you. *Gives Bella to the nurse*
Nurse:When you guys are ready to go just come to me and I'll get the girl back for you.
Melanie:Ok. Thank you.
Nurse:*Leaves carrying Bella*
Melanie:*Gets up & Starts heading to the bathroom*
Daniel:*Follows her and Grabs Melanie by the arm*Hey, we're not done yet.
Melanie:Hey, you're hurting me. *Keeping to get away from Daniel*
Daniel:*Puts her in the bathroom & Lets go of her*Now listen here Melanie, what the fuck are you doing?!
Melanie:Look Daniel, I know I love Austin and everything but he looks so happy with Ally and she with him. Plus we took 4 years away from Austin seeing his daughter and I don't want to do this anymore. I'm sorry. I don't want to be the villain anymore. *About to leave*
Daniel:*Grabs Melanie by the hair & Puts her to the wall rough*
Melanie:*Hits her back, In Pain*Ow Daniel!
Daniel:*Still holding on to her hair, Looking at Melanie*Now listen here bitch! I actually thought you were going to help me and I actually thought you were awesome and all that but now I can see you're a bitch who's turning her back on me but listen here. *Puts Melanie's face to his*
Daniel:No one turns their back on me. *Takes out a knife*You see this Melanie.
Melanie:*Scared*Daniel what are you doing?
Daniel:What you deserve. If you aren't gonna help me then your baby is going bye bye.
Melanie:*With Tears in her eyes*No Daniel please! *Trying to push Daniel away*
Daniel:*Smiles Evily*Nothing is going to work.
Melanie:*Sobbing*Why don't you want Austin and Ally together? What has Ally ever done to you?!
Daniel:Ally.....something small......But Austin..... He made me suffer.
Daniel:*Looks at Melanie*Well since I'm going to kill your baby I might as well just tell you the story. *Lets go of Melanie's hair*But if you dare escape or scream, neither you or that baby is getting out of here alive.
Melanie:*Scared & With Tears in her eyes, Nods*
Daniel:Well it all started when Austin moved to Miami. We both we're 10 years old and back then My real name was Sterling. When Austin moved in, we were always hang out, play video games and do other fun things. But then something happened.......I started having feeling for Austin.
Melanie:*Shocked*You were gay?
Daniel:Just like you said it, I WAS gay.*Gets Flashback*
-------------------Flashback begins-----------------
Daniel:{*Sighs*I remember how much I loved Austin. I didn't want anyone to be near him, not a single girl could flirt with him while I was with him. I would always do something to them before Austin would ask them out. One night I was in my house,waiting for Austin to come so we could play some video games but he was late so I got really piss at him when he came.}
Sterling:*Angry, Waiting for Austin*
Austin:*Walks in*Hey Sterling.
Sterling:Where the heck were you? I been waiting for you!
Austin:Sorry man. But i just meant this beautiful girl who just moved in.
Sterling:Moved in?! Who?
Austin:Her name is Allyson Dawson but she likes it when you call her Ally.
Sterling:*Getting jealous*You like this Ally girl?
Austin:Heck Yeah! *Starts thinking of her, Smiles Big*She's beautiful, smart, amazing, sweet, Ugh I'm in love.
Sterling:*Getting really mad*So you came late to see me for flirting with her!?
Austin:*Looks at Sterling*Dude, relax. It's no big thing.
Sterling:No big thing! Austin, I got worried! It's 8pm, I thought something happened to you.
Austin:*Getting annoyed* Well as you can see, I'm ok. Gosh!
Sterling: Ughh why do you always have to be a dick head with me!
Austin:Dick head? I'm not the one getting mad at his best friend for flirting with a girl, like fudge who does that?!
Sterling:Oh Heck no, you did not just say fudge.
Austin:Well I did. Fudge, Fudge, Fudge, Fudge!
Sterling:Ugh I can't believe I actually like you! *Eyes widen, Covers his mouth*
Austin:*Shocked,Looks at Sterling*Did you just say you like me? Dude! You're a dude!
Sterling:*Looks at Austin*Yeah I'm a dude but a dude who's in love with you. *Holds Austin's hand*Please Austin forgive me. I don't want you to be mad at me, I-I love you.
Austin:*Takes his hands away from Sterling*No dude. I'm not gay like you, I'm straight and I don't want to see you ever again.
Sterling:*With tears in her eyes*No Austin, please.
Austin:I'm sorry dude. Bye. *Leaves*
Sterling:*Crying*No Austin please!
Daniel:{He broke my heart but that wasn't just it.}
Melanie:{What else happened?}
Daniel:{Well my parents would work until late because we never had money for food or to pay for the rent so my dad became a drug dealer. While my mom became a stripper in a night club. They both were horrible jobs but it at least bought us money. That night when Austin left me heartbroken, Me and my parents were in a car, driving home but then Austin's dad who was a police stopped them.}
Robert(Daniel's Dad):*Looking at Mike*Mike, buddy.
Mike(Austin's Dad):*With a serious face on*Robert, get out of the car.
Cindy(Daniel's Mom):Yeah, why?
Mike:*Sighs*Robert, I'm sorry to tell you this but the police department found out you're selling drugs to people.
Robert:*Really nervous*Whatt? No, Never!
Mike:We already have the proofs Robert. You have to come with me.
Robert:Come on Mike, you're my best friend. Just let me go back home, get my things and leave with my family.
Mike:Robert we might be best friend and all but I'm a police and this is my job. *Looks at Cindy*You are also under arrest Cindy.
Mike:We caught you stealing from a mall,that dress you're wearing right now which cost 1,000 dollars.
Sterling:*Scared*Dad, what's gonna happen to me. I'm scared.
Robert:*Looks at Mike*You know what you should tell the polices, to stuck this. *Puts up the middle finger & Drives off*
Mike:*Drives after him*Robert come back!
Robert:*Driving fast*Fuck all of y'all!
Cindy:*Scared*Robert you're driving too fast.
Robert:*Driving faster, Looks back*We're losing him.
Sterling:*Sees a car coming there way*Dad, Look out!
-----------------End Of Flashback------------
Daniel:*With tears in his eyes*It was the last time I saw my parents. The car fell down a hill but luckily I survived. I saw my dead parents and i promised myself I was going to destroy Austin's life. So i changed my name & became Austin's manager without him knowing it's really me.
Melanie:*Thinking of a plan to escape*Wow, that's harsh.
Daniel:*Sighs & Looks at the floor*Yeah. But I'm not gay anymore,now all I just want is to destroy Austin's life. Make him pay for everything!
Melanie:Yeah you s-*Quickly opens the door & Leaves running quickly*
Daniel:*Looks up & Sees that Melanie is gone, Runs after her*Melanie come back here!
Melanie:*Runs out the hospital*Someone help me please! *Goes in an alley*
Daniel:*Running after her*Melanie!
Melanie:*Running as fast as she can, crying*
Daniel:*Gets up to her & Catches her*Got you!
Melanie:*Crying*No please! Just leave me alone!
Daniel:*Smiles Evily*Goodbye Mel. *Takes out his gun*
Melanie:*Sobbing*Daniel please have mercy!
Daniel:*Points the gun to Melanie's head*I have no mercy. Bye, bye.
Melanie:*Closes her eyes*
--------Gun Shots--------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Auslly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Holding Trish's hand*come on Trish you can do this. Push hard.
Doctor:Come on Trish, one more push. I can see the head.
Trish:*Pushes Hard*
Austin:*Holding Trish's other hand*Harder Trish!
Trish:*Pushes really hard, starts screaming*
--------A Baby cries------
Doctor:*Smiles*It's a girl.
Auslly:*Smiles at each other*It's a girl. *Looks at Trish*It's a g-*Sees that Trish has fainted, Looks at the doctor*Doctor, what's wrong with Trish?
Doctor:*Gives the baby to a nurse & then checks Trish's heart beat*
Austin:*Scared*What's wrong with Trish Doctor?
Doctor:*Looks at Auslly*I don't heard a heart beat......I think Trish's.................dead.
Auslly:*Looks at Each other in shocked*DEAD?!?!
Chapter 21:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Melanie & Daniel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*Opens her eyes & Sees Daniel in the floor with a bloody leg*
Daniel:*In pain*Ugh!
????:*Drops the gun & Runs over to Melanie*Hey, are you ok?
Melanie:*Looks at ????*Yeah. Julio?
Hamilton:( ) *Smiles*No I'm Hamilton.
Melanie:*Gives a small smiles*Oh sorry, I thought you were Juli-
Hamilton: Efron. *Smiles*Yeah I get that alot. It's a gift but also a cure.
Hamilton:*Looks at Daniel*So what should we do with him?
Daniel:*Still in pain, grabbing his leg*
Melanie:I-I don't know. *Looks at Hamilton*I-I have to go. I don't want him to hurt me or my baby.
Hamilton:You're pregnant?
Melanie:*Looks at Daniel*
Daniel:*Glaring at Melanie*You'll pay for this bitch! You'll die and so will that baby of ours.
Melanie:*Scared, With Tears in her eyes*No! Leave me and my baby alone!
Daniel:Never! Not until you're still here. *Smiles Evily*
Hamilton:*Punches him in the face*
Daniel:*Knocks out*
Melanie:*Looks at Hamilton, nervous*
Hamilton:Come on we gotta get you away from him.*Grabs Melanie Hand, about to run off*
Melanie:No! *Looks at Daniel*He's gonna come back for me & he's gonna kill me! *With Tears in her eyes* I don't want my baby nor me to die. And I gotta tell my friends about this.Ahh *Feels pain in her stomach*
Hamilton:Come on we gotta get you out of here. *Carries Melanie & Sits her down in his car, Sits down too & starts driving*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Auslly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Looking at the doctor with pain in her eyes*Please tell me this is just a cruel joke.
Doctor:*Sighs*I'm sorry Ally but you have to be strong. Especially for Dez.
Ally:*Trying to hold her tears*
Trish:*Breathing a little bit*
Austin:*Hears her & Looks at Trish*Doctor! Look, she's breathing!
Doctor,Ally:*Looks at Trish*
Doctor:*Walks over to her and grabs her hand to check her pawn* She is breathing.
Ally:*Smiles Big*Does that mean Trish is alive?
Doctor:I'm not sure. Austin, Ally please go outside and I'll call you guys if anything.
Austin:Ok Doctor. Come on Alls. *Walks over to the door and opens it*
Ally:*Looks at Trish & Whispers*Don't die on me Trish. You can do it. *Looks at Austin and leaves outside*
Austin:*Follows her*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Melanie & Hamilton~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*Sitting down, Holding her stomach*
Hamilton:*Gives her a cup of hot tea* Here, hopefully this will make you feel good.
Melanie:*Gets it*Thanks. *Takes a little sip*
Hamilton:*Sits next to her*So may I know what your name is or should I ask that crazy man? *Gives a small smile*
Melanie:*Smiles*I'm Melanie.
Hamilton:Well nice to meet you Melanie.
Melanie:*Smiles*You too. *Checks her watch*Oh man, I gotta go. *Gets up*
Hamilton:You can't go. *Gets up also*That crazy man is after you. What if he does something to you?
Melanie:But I have to tell Austin & Ally about him.
Hamilton:Well they're gonna have to wait because I can't let you leave. Your protection and that baby's important right now.
Melanie:Why are you being so nice to me? If I'm mean to people and you barely know me.
Hamilton:Well it's not every day when you save a beautiful and amazing girl who is pregnant by shooting a crazy man. *Smiles*
Melanie:*Blushes a bit*Beautiful & amazing?
Hamilton:*Looks at Melanie*Totally. And those light brown eyes that just give me butterflies in my stomach. You truly are beautiful Melanie.
Melanie:*Looks at Hamilton, Smiles*Thanks.
Hamilton:*Getting lost in Melanie's eyes, Looks at her lips*And those red lips that remind me of snow white.
Melanie:*Getting lost in Hamilton's eyes too, Starts leaning in a bit*
Hamilton:*Starts leaning in also*They're just so tempting.
-------About to kiss-------
????:*Unlocks the door & Opens the door, Walks in & sees Hamilton & Melanie*Hi Hamilton.
Hamilton,Melanie:*Looks at ????*
Melanie:*Looks at Hamilton*Who's she? *Looks at Tiffany*
Tiffany( *Smirks*I'm his wife. Who are you?
Melanie:*Looks at Hamilton in shock*Wife?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Auslly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Nervous*Ugh I hope Trish is ok.
Austin:I'm sure she will be. *Walks over to the waiting room*
Ally:*Follows him*Where's Melanie? I really want to see Bella.
Austin:*Trys spotting Melanie* I can't see her. Daniel neither.
Ally:Let me go ask that nurse over there. *Walks over to the nurse*Hi. Um Me and my friend over there *Points to Austin*we were helping my friend give birth and we let two other friend here with my daughter. You think you know where they went?
Nurse:I'm not sure but maybe your daughter is at the kids room. Let me check. What's her name?
Ally:Bella Moon.
Nurse: Ok. I'll be right back. *Leaves*
Ally:*Walks over to Austin*
Austin:What did the nurse say?
Ally:She doesn't know where they are but Bella might be at the kids room.
Austin:Well if Bella is at the kids room, then where are Melanie & Daniel?
Ally:*Shrugs*I don't know.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Daniel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mindy:*Parks the car, Runs out and runs over to Daniel*My love. Are you ok?
Daniel:*Glares at Mindy*Don't you see that I have a bleeding leg?!
Mindy:Right. What happened?
Daniel:It's a long story. Just take me to the hospital.
Mindy:Ok. *Trys helping Daniel to get up*
Daniel:*Gets up*Ahhhh!
Mindy:Sorry baby. *Helps Daniel up to the car* Sit baby.
Daniel:*Sits down*Drive me to the hospital.
Mindy:*Sits down*Ok. Starts driving*
Daniel:(Melanie, Melanie, Melanie. You have no idea what you're in for.) *Does a evil smirk*
Chapter 22:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Melanie & Hamilton~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*Looking at Hamilton*You have a wife?
Tiffany:Duh. Who do you think I am? *Starts chewing her gum*
Hamilton:*Looks at Melanie*Actually.....she's my fiance.
Tiffany:Yup. We're getting marry on Friday.*Goes up to Hamilton & Gives him a quick kiss on the lips, Looks at Melanie*Who are you?
Melanie:*Still looking at Hamilton, Hurt*I'm just a friend who has to go. Um *Gets up & puts on her purse*It was very nice meeting you Tiffany *Shakes her hand*
Tiffany:*Smiles*You too um friend.
Melanie:*Turns around*Bye Hamilton. *Leaves*
Hamilton:*Feels bad*
Tiffany:*Puts her arm around Hamilton's neck*I love you babe.
Hamilton:*Hugs her back, Fake Smiles*I love you too.
Tiffany:*Smirks*(No one, and I mean NO ONE is gonna take Hamilton away from me.)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Auslly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Auslly:*Sitting down, waiting*
Nurse, Bella:*Walks over to Auslly*
Bella:*Sees Auslly*Mommy! Austin! *Runs over to them*
Ally:*Hugs Bella first*My little baby girl. I missed you!
Austin:*Hugs them*Yeah me too.
Bella:I missed you guys too.
Nurse:*Looks at Ally*Well I see she's in good hands. Excuse me. *Leaves*
Ally:*Looks at Bella, Smiles*How are you baby girl?
Bella:Good. I'm just really hungry.
Austin:*Smiles*Yeah me too.
Ally: *Looks at Austin* How about you and Bella go to the cafe to eat something while I wait here?
Bella:Yay food! But aren't you going to eat something too?
Ally:*Smiles*I'm ok baby girl. I just want to know how's Trish.
Austin:*Looks at Ally, worried*Ally you haven't ate in all day. You should eat something.
Ally:I'm good Austin. I just not hungry right now.
Ally:*Sighs*I'm just scared about Trish. We haven't gotten any news yet.
Austin:*Hugs Ally*Don't worry. We know Trish and we all know that she is strong.
Ally:*Hugs Austin Back*I know, i know.
Doctor:*Walks over to them*Ms. De La Rosa' family?
Auslly:*Looks at the Doctor*That's us.
Bella:Doctor, is Trish ok?
Ally:Yeah, is she? How's the baby?
Doctor:*Smiles*They're both fine. Trish is actually relaxing right now. It's been hard but she did it. Congrants on your very strong friend.
Austin:*Smiles*Thank you Doctor. Can we go see her?
Doctor:Yes. Um her husband, Dez, is with her right now.
Ally:That's great.
Doctor:*Smiles*Very well. Just head to room 303. Excuse me *Walks away*
Ally:*Smiles*let's go.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Trez~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Trish:*Laying down, Holding her baby & Smiling*
Dez:*Looking at Trish and Smiles*
Auslly,Bella:*Walks in*
Trish:Ally! Austin!
Ally:*Runs over to Trish* Trish! *Hugs her*Thank goodness you're ok.
Trish:*Smiles*Yeah. *Lets go of the hug & looks at her baby*Welcome Isabel.
Ally:*Looks at Isabel, Smiles*Hi Isabel.
Austin:*Smiles and walks over to them with Bella.*I'm glad you're ok Trish *Hugs her*
Trish:*Smiles*Thanks. *Looks at Bella*And who's this little cutie?
Ally:*Confused*You don't remember Bella?
Dez:Trish had some memory loss but just for the last few years, nothing big.
Trish:Oh my gosh, Ally did your sister get marry yet?
Ally:Um yeah? Like 4 years ago.
Dez:Ok maybe like about 4 years.
Austin:Don't worry, we'll help Trish but for now she just has to relax and try to get her memory back.
Trish:*Smiles*Yeah thanks Austin. I really need to get my memory back and remember everything especially my memories with my Dezy cake and my baby *Looks at Isabel & Smiles*
Bella:*Looks at Isabel*She's very beautiful Aunty Trish.
Trish:Aunty? Omg Auslly got married and got a kid! Yayyyyy!
Bella:*Looks at Ally*Mom, who's Auslly and why would they be my parents?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Melanie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*Walking home, Sighs*Ugh how can I be so stupid?! You just met him and ugh!!!
????:*Running after her*Mel!
Melanie:*Turns around & Sees ????* Leave me alone Hamilton.
Hamilton:*Catches up to her*Mel, please.
Melanie:*Stops walking, Looks at Hamilton*Why don't you just go back to your finance? I'm sure she's missing you. *Rolls her eyes, about to leave*
Hamilton:*Pulls her back & kisses her*
Melanie:*Shocked but kisses back*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Auslly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:Um well.
Trish:Wait, wait, so Ally if Bella is your daughter then her dad is Austin?
Bella:Austin? Austin isn't my dad. My dad die.
Trish:*Smiles*No sweet heart, your mom and Austin really love each other, I'm sure Austin's your dad.
Bella:*Looks at Austin*You're my dad?
Ally:*With tears in her eyes*
Austin:*Looks at Bella*Bella, I-
Bella:*Some tears coming out*You're my dad?
Austin:*Sighs*Yes Bella. I'm your father.
Bella:*Looks at Ally*Mom, you lie to me.
Ally:*Sobbing*I'm sorry baby girl.
Bella:*Crying*No, No!
Ally:*Walking up to her*Baby girl I-
Bella:I can't believe you! *Leaves*
Ally:Bella! *Sobbing*
Austin:*Sighs*I'll go after her. *Leaves*
Trish:*Looks at Dez*What just happened?
Dez:*Sighs*Let me take the baby to sleep. *Carries Isabel*
Trish:*Looks at Ally & Hugs her*There, there love. Don't worry.
Ally:*Hugging Trish back, crying into her shoulders*
Episode 23
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Bella & Austin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Looking for Bella*Bella! *Hears crying from the girls' bathroom*Bella.
Bella:*Sobbing*Go away!
Austin:Bella come out of there right now!
Bella:No! You're not my daddy, he's dead! Go away!
Austin:*Heartbroken*I'm going in. *Walks in and sees Bella sitting on the floor, crying*Bella.
Bella:*Crying, Looks at Austin*Why did my mommy lie to me? I thought she loved me.
Austin:*Sits on the floor, hugs Bella*Mommy does love you that's why she lie.
Bella:*Wipes her tears*I don't understand.
Austin:*Chuckles*Yea me neither but just know that mommy loves you very much......Just like daddy does. *Smiles*
Bella:*Frowns*I'm sorry for saying that you're not my daddy, I-i didn't mean it.
Austin:*Smiles*Its ok, I understand that you were sad and it just came out.
Bella:Yeah. *Smiles*I'm actually glad you're my daddy. I always wanted one and now... i have one.
Austin:*Smiles, Lets a tear fall*I love you my baby girl. *Hugs her*
Bella:*Hugs him back*I love you too daddy.
Austin:*Smiles & Stands up*Come on, we better go to mommy and before someone walks in.
Bella:*Holds Austin's hand*Lets go dad.
Austin:*Smiles*Yeah lets go.
-----------2 Old Lady walk in----------
Lady#1:Ahhhh A guy!
Lady#2:Maria, don't be stupid it's a girl. Can't you see her blonde long hair?
Lady#1:*Looks at Austin closely*He looks like a boy to me.
Lady#2:It's a she!
Austin:*Uses a girl voice*Um the lady with the womb on her forehead is right, I'm a girl. *Looks at Bella*Lets go daughter cause I your mother is hungry. *Leaves with Bella*
Lady#1:*Shakes her head*Wow it was a girl all this time, I thought it was a guy.
Lady#2:*Shakes her head*He was- Uh just forget it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Ally & Trish~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Wiping her tears*Oh my gosh, I don't know what to do Trish.
Trish:*Frowns*I'm so sorry Trish, I had no idea and I feel so bad.
Ally:It's ok. You didn't know.
Austin,Bella:*Walks in*
Ally:*Looks at Bella*Bella!
Bella:*Smiles & Runs up to Ally*Mommy! I'm so sorry. I love you.
Ally:*Smiles, Lets a tear fall*I love you too.
Austin,Trish:*Looks at Bella and Ally,Smiles*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Melanie & Hamilton~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*Pulls away, In shock*
Melanie:*Slaps Hamilton*You're engaged, now leave me alone! *Gets a taxi and leaves*
Hamilton:*Sighs*I can't believe I'm doing this. *Calls ????*
Hamilton:Hey, It's Hamilton.
?????:Hamilton? Hey bro, what's up.
Hamilton:I need your help Julio.
Julio:Now? I have a photo shoot in Real Madrid in about 2 hours.
Hamilton:Yes bro.You know Melanie Justice?
Julio:Oh yeah, what about her?
Hamilton: I need some help.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Daniel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mindy:*Helping him lay down*And there.
Daniel:*Laying down*Ahh much better.
Mindy:What happened?
Daniel:You don't gonna know bitch, now make yourself useful and get me some fucking ice.
Daniel:*Rolls his eyes*Now, what am I gonna do about Melanie? *Thinks and gets an idea*So Mel likes Hamilton huh? *Smiles*This will be very interesting.
Mindy:*Walks in*Heres the ice you wanted.*Gives it to him*
Daniel:*Throws*I don't need this shit! Take me to Melanie's house,now!
Daniel:Shut up and help me up!
Episode 24
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Melanie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*watching T.V., Rubbing her belly*(God, What am i gonna do about Hamilton? He's awesome and all but he's gonna get marry, I can't do that. Shit! I gotta tell Ally and Austin about Daniel before its too late. )
------------Doorbell Rings------------
Melanie:*Walks over to the door and opens it*
Daniel:*Smiles Evily*Hello my love.
Melanie:Daniel! *Quickly tries closing the door*
????:*Holds the door with her leg and helps Daniel in*
Melanie:*Quickly grabs the knife and points it at them*Daniel you better get away or I will do something I will regret.
Daniel:*Smiles evily*Oh poor silly Melanie. *Looks at ???*Show her our weapon honey.
????:*Sighs and takes out a gun and points it at Melanie*
Daniel:Now you better drop the knife or the baby and you will get it way quicker.
Melanie:*Drops the knife, shaking a bit*
Daniel:*Sits down*Grab her.
????:*Grabs Melanie from the back, still pointing at her with the gun*
Daniel:So Meli, this is whats up. I don't want my secret with Austin to come out and since you're the only who knows it, I can do two things with you. Kill you or just simply let you live but you're gonna have to do what I say. What will it be Melanie?
Melanie:*Looks at the gun and then at Daniel*You fucking bastard!
????:*Grabs Melanie by her hair and slaps her*
Daniel:*Smiles*Don't be harsh on yourself Mel. So choice 1 or 2 *Winks at her*
Melanie:*Lets some tears fall*Ok Daniel. I'll do what you say.
Daniel:*Smiles Evily*Very well. Now lay down sweetheart.
Daniel:*Takes out a small chip*This my dear Melanie will let us hear and locate everywhere you go.
Melanie:What? *Shocked*
Daniel:This is will be fun.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Auslly and Bella~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Opens the door and walks in*Oh gosh, I'm tired. *Smiles and sits down on the sofa*
Austin:*Walks in carrying Bella, closes the door and sits down*Yeah. I'm glad Trish is ok.
Ally:Yeah. I just hope she gets her memory back.
Austin:Totally. *Looks at Bella sleeping and smiles* She's beautiful.
Ally:*Smiles and looks at Bella*She is.
Austin:*Looks at Ally*Like you.
Ally:*Looks at Austin and smiles*
Austin:I love you Allyson Dawson and I always will.
-----------Ally's Phone rings--------
Ally:*Closes her eyes and sighs, Opens them again and frowns*I'm sorry.
Austin:Its ok. Just answer.
Ally:*Looks at her phone and sees she gets a text from Mrs.Parks.* "Hey Ally, its me. I just wanted to let you know that next week is the big concert. Hope everything is going well. Bella is gonna be amazing and we're gonna have important record label people who are finding kids to make them famous. This would be huge for Bella. Anyways, Have fun and I'll see you next Friday. Bye!" (Omg I totally forgot about this!)
Austin:*Looking at Ally*What's wrong?
Ally:*Looks at Austin*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Hamilton~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hamilton:*Using his laptop*
Tiffany:*Walks in and sees Hamilton*Hey babe.
Hamilton:*Still looking at his laptop*Hey.
Tiffany:*Walks over to him* So i was thinking, how about we go out to the movies and see a horror movie?
Hamilton:*Still on his computer*I thought you didn't like horror movies.
Tiffany:*Smiles*Yeah I know. But i know how much you love them. Come on babe, lets go spend some time together.
Hamilton:I'm kindof busy.
Tiffany:*Shakes her head and takes the laptop away from Hamilton*
Tiffany:*Looks at the laptop and sees alot of pictures of Melanie.*You're looking her up on wiki?! What the fuck Hammy?!
Hamilton:*Takes the laptop away from her*Can you get the fuck away and leave me the fuck alone!
Tiffany:You're a fucking ass you know that. What does this bitch have that I don't?!
Hamilton:At least I'm not being force to marry her like I am to you because of that fucking child in your womb!
Tiffany:How could you be so cruel? *Letting some tears falls*
Hamilton:I'm fucking like that.
Tiffany:Fucking bastard, why can't you be like your brother!
Hamilton:*Slaps her*
Tiffany:*Grabs her cheek, Trying to hold her tears*
Hamilton:Just because Julio is famous and he has the best life. I might not be like him but I'm way better you hear that!
Tiffany:Fuck you Hamilton. *Leaves*
Hamilton:*Smiles Evily* (Julio is not getting his childhood crush, he's not gonna get what he wants this time.*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Melanie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*Crying, grabbing her waist*
Daniel:Stop grabbing your waist or else you really are gonna feel the chip and you might move it.
Melanie:*Trying to hold her tears*
????:I think that its alright. Melanie start talking with Daniel and let me see if I can hear. *Leaves to the bathroom*
Daniel:I love chocolate.
Melanie:G-good to k-know. *Still in pain*
????:*Walks back in*Alright we got it. We can hear and locate Melanie everywhere.
Daniel:Awesome. See Mel, now that I know my secret is safe I would do anything to you. For now.
????:What about Austin and Ally? Are we still gonna break them up?
Daniel:*Smiles Evily*Austin has his world tour next week, he's gonna have to leave. If he likes it or not.
????:I'm on it.
Daniel:*Looks at Melanie*Are you in pain sweet heart?
Melanie:*Not looking at Daniel, feeling a lot of pain in her waist*
????:*Leaves pills on her coffee table*Here are some pain reliever. I know you're pregnant and all but it will help. Hey, why keep the baby? You can have your body back again and not worry for a kid.
Melanie:Just leave my house!
Daniel:*Chuckles*Lets go.
????:*Helping Daniel out*Bye Miss Justice. *Leaves*
Melanie:*Grabs her waist and cries really hard*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Auslly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Stays Silent*
Ally:Uh it was just Trish. Saying that she got home safe and that she wants me to go visit her tomorrow.
Austin:Oh. *Smiles* Ok.
Ally:*Fake Smiles*Yup.
Austin:Well I'm gonna take Bella to bed.
Austin:*Gets up and leaves with Bella*
Ally:*Sighs and puts her hands in her face*
Episode 25:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin,Bella:*Eating breakfast*
Ally:*Just looking at her food, thinking about Mrs.Parks text*
Austin:*Looks at Ally*Alls?
Ally:*Not paying attention*
Ally:*Still not paying attention*
Ally:*Snaps out of it, Looks at Bella*Y-yes?
Bella:Mommy, Aus-I mean daddy been calling you.
Ally:*Looks at Austin*Oh sorry. What's up.
Austin:*Chuckles*A better question is what's up with you. You been so out of it since we came back. What's wrong?
Ally:*Thinking about the text*Nothing.
Austin:You sure?
Ally:*Fake smiles*Yeah.
Austin: Ok. So later I have to go record this new song. You guys wanna go?
Bella:Of course! I want to see my daddy sing *Smiles*
Austin:*Smiles big & kisses Bella on the cheek*Alright baby girl. *Looks at Ally*How about you Alls?
Austin:*Smiles Big*Awesome.
-----------Door Bell Rings-------
Austin:*Confused*I wonder who that is at this time?
Ally:*Confused as well*
Austin:Hold on let me tell Maria to open it. Maria!!
Maria(The Maid):*Walks in*Yes sir
Austin:I'm sorry to bother you-
Maria:Oh no sir. You never do. I never do anything here, Whatever you wish, I shall do.
Austin:*Smiles*Thank you. Um can you please get the door?
Maria:Of course. Excuse me. *Leaves*
Bella:I wonder who it is.
Ally:Yeah me too. It's to early to be having visitors at this time.
Maria:*Walks in*Mr.Moon, please come to the living room. *Leaves*
Ally,Bella:*Looks at Austin confused*
Austin:*Shrugs & gets up and leaves*
Bella:*Looks at Ally*What's going on?
Ally:I don't know baby girl.
Ally:Come on baby. *Grabs Bella's hand and walks to the living room, sees ??? and ???*Oh my God.
?????:ALLS! *Runs over to her & hugs her*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Trish & Dez~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Trish:*Looking at Isabel sleep, smiles & looks at Dez*She's so beautiful.
Dez:*Smiles*Just like her mother.
Trish:*Smiles but them frowns*
Dez: What's wrong?
Trish: I really want to start to remember. I want to remember you Dez. You seem like a nice guy.
Dez:*Smiles & Holds Trish's hands*
Trish:*Feels sparks, looks at her hands then at Dez*
Dez: Don't worry Trish, I'll help you.
Trish:*Smiles*Thanks Dez. Um I better go shop for our breakfast. The store is one block from here right?
Dez: Yeah but don't worry, I can go.
Trish: No, I wanna get to know the place and see if I remember anything. Just stay here with Isabel.
Dez:*sighs*Alright. Be careful.
Trish:*Smiles*I will. *Leaves*
Dez: *Sighs*I have a bad feeling about this.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Auslly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Smiles Big*VANESSA! *Hugging her tight*Oh my God, how you been?
Vanessa:*Smiles Big*Great! I thought something bad happened to you. *Wipes her tear*I missed you so much *Hugs Ally again*
Ally:*Smiles*I missed you too.
Austin,???:*Looking at the Dawson's sister, Smiling*
????:*Looks at Austin, Hugs him*How you been doing little brother?
Austin:*Smiles*Better. How about you Riker? How are you and Vanessa doing?
Riker:*Smiles*These 4 years being married have been the best years ever.
Austin:*Smiles*That's awesome bro.
Riker:*Looks at Bella whose hiding behind Ally*Whose that?
Vanessa:*Looks at Bella too*Yeah. Who's that beautiful girl?
Ally:*Smiles & Sits down, putting Bella on her laps*Vanessa, Riker, Meet my and Austin's little girl Bella Amanda Moon.
Vanessa,Riker:*Shocked*S-she's our niece.
Austin:*Sits next to Ally, Smiles*Yup.
Vanessa:*Smiles Big*Oh my God! I'm a aunt. *Looks at Riker*You're a uncle.
Bella:*Giggling*Blonde guy is funny.
Riker:*Wakes up*W-what just happened?
Austin:Oh you know the usual. Just you and Vanessa meeting your niece.
Riker:..........Here I go again. *Faints*
Riker:*Wakes up again*W-What happened?
Austin:I'm not explaining again.
Riker:*Gets up and looks at Bella*I can't believe I'm a uncle already. *Smiles* This is amazing.
Ally:*Smiles & looks at Bella*Bella meet your uncle and aunt.
Bella:*Smiles & Walks up to Vanessa & Riker*
Vanessa,Riker:*Bent down to look at her, smiling*
Bella:*Looks at Vanessa*Wow, you look just like my mommy.
Vanessa:*Smiles*Yeah sweetheart. I'm mommy's sister. I'm your aunty Vanessa.
Bella:*Starts listening to her heart*
Bella:*Looks at Vanessa*You have a good heart *Smiles*
Riker: Ohhh my turn!
Bella:*Giggles*Ok uncle um-
Riker: Riker.
Bella: Riker. Wow you look just like my daddy.
Bella:*Listen to Riker's heartbeat, smiles and looks at Riker*You have a good heart too.
Bella:*Giggles and walks over to Auslly*I like my aunt and uncle.
Riker, Vanessa:*Smiles*
Vanessa:*Looks at Bella*Bella, I have some dolls in my luggage. They were kind of mine dolls when I was a little girl but you can have them.
Bella:Really? *Smiles big*
Vanessa:Yeah. Just ask the maid to help you out a bit.
Bella:Ok. *Leaves*
Vanessa:*Looks at Auslly*Oh my God, Bella is so amazing and beautiful.
Riker:So when did you two get marry? And how come you didn't invite us to the wedding?
Ally:Um actually *Looks at Austin*
Austin:We never got married.
Ally:And we're not even dating now.
Vanessa:*Confused*But Bella? She's obviously your daughter so either you two got married and then had her or-
Ally:Um I think you two should sit down and listen to what happened.
Riker,Vanessa:*Looks at each other confused*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Trish~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Trish:*Looking around*now where could the bread be? *Bumps into someone*
???:Hey! *Turns around*
Trish:*Looks at ????*
????:*Looks at Trish, Smiles*Ah I mean, sorry for bumping into you.
Trish:*Smiles*Its ok. Accidents happen.
Jace( ):I'm Jace by the way. *Smiles*
Trish:*Getting lost in his smile*T-Trish.
Jace:*Smiling at her*
Trish:*Smiles back*
Episode 26:
Jace:So Trish, you live around here?
Trish:Yeah. Not so far away.
Trish:Y-*Snaps out of it*Yeah. Well gotts go, Bye! *Walks away*
Jace:*Follows her*Hey, don't tell me you're scared of me.
Trish:*Not looking at him, looking for the bread*I'm not scared. Ughh where is it?
Jace:*Smirks*Are you looking for this?
Trish:*Turns around & sees Jace with a bag of bread*
Jace:*Smiles*Here, and just so you know, it's in line 3.
Trish:*Gets the bread*
Jace:*Touches her hand, Looks at Trish*
Trish:*Looks at him*
Jace:*Smiles & Takes his hand away*
Trish:*Breaths in and out softly*Thank you. *Walks away*
Jace:*Looking at Trish, saids quietly*Trish *Smiles*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Rianessa & Auslly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Vanessa:Oh my gosh, that is so horrible but adorable at the same time *Smiles big*
Riker:What? Ally left and then came back and Austin finds out when little Bella was in trouble. How is that adorable?
Vanessa:It's like a little love story. I so ship it! Well I always shipped Auslly.
Ally:Uh actually, me & Austin aren't together.
Austin:Yeah. I'm marrying my current girlfriend Melanie whose pregnant with my child.
Riker:OK! Major drama there. Then if you're getting marry then why are you here with Ally instead of being with your pregnant fiancee? Do you even know where she is right now?
Ally:Oh look at the time, time for brunch! Maria should have it ready, if you guys want, go into the dining room and me & Austin will go in a bit.
Rianessa: Alright. *Leaves*
Austin:*Looks at Ally*Thanks for the save.
Ally:No problem. But really, call Mel. We haven't seen her since we were in the hospital.
Ally:*Smiles & Messes up his hair*See you in the dining room blondie. *Leaves*
Austin:*Smiles but then thinks about what Riker said* Riker's right. *Calls Melanie*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Melanie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*In so much pain, sobbing*I can't take this pain anymore! *Looks at the pills* If I take the pill, I could be hurting my baby. *Frowns*But the pain is so strong right now. *Shakes her head*No, I'm not hurting my baby!
---------Cell Phone Rings--------
Melanie:*Looks at the caller ID*It's A-Austin. *Answers,Sobbing*A-A-Austin.
Austin:Melanie? Are you crying?
Melanie:I-I need h-help A-Austin. It hurts so much.
Austin:*Worry*Where are you Mel?
Melanie:H-Home. *Crying harder*
Austin:I'll be there Mel. Just hold on & don't do anything crazy. *Putting on his jacket*
Melanie:*Sobbing*Ok. Hurry Austin.
Austin:Alright Mel. Bye. *Hangs up & Grabs his car keys*
Ally:*Walks in*Austin? What's wrong?
Austin:*Worried*Mel, Something is wrong with her.
Ally:Ok. *Leaves*
Austin:*Confused & shrugs, About to leave*
Ally:*Walks in, wearing her jacket*Let's go.
Austin:*Smiles*I thought-
Ally:*Smiles*Someone gotta take care of Bella. Riker & Vanessa are in charge.
Austin:*Smiles Big*Let's go.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Daniel & Mindy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Daniel:*Watching Tv*I hate that bitch.
Mindy:*Lays next to him*At least, we'll be able to hear so we won't get in trouble.
Mindy:*Looks at him & Smiles*
Daniel:*Looks at her*What?
Mindy:I love you Daniel.
Daniel:*Shocked & starts laughing*Please woman, no one loves me. I'm an ass. Who would love me? Not even my parents love me anymore since what happened.
Mindy:*Grabs his hand*I love you Daniel & One day I'll be able to show you how much I do.
Daniel:Whatever. *Turns off the TV & Turns around, falls asleep*
Mindy:*Sighs, Said softly*Nap time. *Starts thinking about Daniel*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Trish~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Trish:*Walks in*
Dez:*Carrying the baby*Hey, did you get it?
Trish:*Closes the door*Yeah. It was hard but I got it.
Dez: Awesome! I'll make breakfast well since its 12, then brunch *Smiles*
Trish:Ok. I'll hold my little baby. *Smiles*
Dez:*Gives Isabel to Trish*
Trish:*Looks at Isabel*Hey baby girl.
Dez:*Walks into the kitchen*SO, ANY INTERESTING TODAY?
Trish:*Thinks about Jace, Smiles*NOPE, NOTHING AT ALL. *Smiles Big(
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Melanie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Melanie:*Crying really hard*I gotta take this chip off! *Quickly gets a knife & starts cutting herself*AHHHHHH!
Auslly:*Walk in*Melanie!
Ally:*Grabs the knife away from her*What are you doing?!
Melanie:*Crying*It hurts! The chip hurts! It-It- *Faints*
Austin:*Catches her*Alls, call a ambulance.
Ally:I'm on it. *Calling*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later That Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Doctor:So here it is. We finally got it out of her. *Gives the chip to Ally*
Ally:I still don't understand why Mel had a chip on herself.
Doctor:That'll be something you would want to ask her. Excuse me *Leaves*
Austin:*Looks at Ally, With tears in his eyes*I honestly thought something bad was going to happen to Mel and my baby.
Ally:Hey, they're both okay. *Smiles*Don't worry.
Austin:*Wipes his tears*Yeah. Now we just gotta find out why Mel had that chip inside her arm.
Melanie:*Starts waking up, Sees Auslly, said softly*Hey guys. *Looks around*W-why am I in the hospital?
Austin:You started cutting yourself.
Ally:Yeah. You wanted to take out this chip *Shows the chip* Why did you have that inside of your arm?
Melanie:*Sees the chip & smiles big*They got the chip out of me?!
Austin:*Nods*Yeah. You lost a lot of blood but thankfully me & Ally donated some and well you should be recovery soon.
Melanie:*Smiles Big*Thanks guys. This means so much to me. Um Austin, you mind buying me some chocolate please?
Austin:Sure. Be right back.
Melanie:Wait, take the chip with you & don't lose it.
Austin:Okay? *Gets the chip & leaves*
Melanie:*Looks at Ally* Ally I-
Ally:*Gives a weak smile*Daniel put the chip on you, didn't he?
Melanie:*Confused*H-How did you know?
Ally:I know Daniel very well and he's willing to do anything to get what he wants. But what I don't understand is why put a chip on you?
Melanie:Well there's something I have to tell you and please don't get mad. I changed and I don't want to do no harm.
Ally:*Worried*What is it Mel?
Melanie:*Sighs*Okay. Here goes.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Trez~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Trish:*Lays Isabel on her crib*
Dez:*Looking out the window*I see we got new neighbors.
Trish:*Rolls her eyes*Oh God. Really? It has to be like those movies where the new guy you just met had bought a house next to yours like really? Ugh!
Dez:*Confused & Looks at Trish*What?
Trish:*Shakes her head & fake smiles* So do you know who this new neighbor is?
Dez: Not really but I already invited them over. A nice old lady opened the door, she was so kind.
Trish: Oh okay. *Fake Smiles*
Dez:*Looks at Trish*You okay?
Trish: Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?
Dez: I don't know. You seem odd.
Trish:*High voice*What?? No.
Trish:*Sighs*I just feel stress, not remembering anything. I want my memory back Dez.
Dez:*Grabs her hands*And you will. *Smiles*Have faith.
Trish:*Smiles*Yeah I do.
-------------Isabel starts crying-------------
Trish:*Giggles*I got her. *Carries her*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Ally & Melanie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*With tears in her eyes*
Melanie:*Sobbing, Looking down*I'm so sorry Alls I was blind by hate and I wanted Austin to myself.
Ally:*Wipes tears, breaths in and out*So you're not pregnant to Austin's baby?
Melanie:*Shakes her head*No. I'm pregnant to Julio Hernandez baby. I know I lied and it was wrong but-I have no excuse.
Ally:*Gives a weak smile*Come here *Hugs Melanie*
Melanie:*Hugs Ally back then looks at her*I am truly sorry Alls. What Daniel has done to you has no mercy. Why haven't you told Austin?
Ally: I-I don't know. I feel like that's the past and i shouldn't bring it up.
Melanie:But Daniel could get arrested. That will be great for everyone. Looks Alls, Daniel thinks I have the chip on me right now so I have to have it around 24/7 just so he thinks I have it on. You have to tell Austin.
Ally:Melanie it isn't easy. I'm scared he does something to Bella. I don't know what I would do without her.
Melanie:Oh. Don't worry Alls, we'll get thru this together.
Ally:*Fake Smiles*Yeah.
Melanie:*Hugs Ally*
Ally:*Hugs her back*(But I'm going to be going back to Ny? I can't leave now. But it's Bella big opportunity. Oh god!)
Austin:*Walks in*Hey, you get to leave today Mel. *Sees Melanie & Ally hugging* Okay, what miracle happened here? *Chuckles*
Melanie:*Giggles*Hey, we're friends now. Oh I need the chip back.
Austin:*Gives the chip to Mel*You still want it?
Melanie:Lets just say I need it. So I can leave?
Austin: Yup.
Melanie:Awesome! *Smiles*
Ally:*Fake Smiles*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Trez~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Trish:*Sitting down*So Mrs.Madison, you're living by yourself at that huge house?
Mrs.Madison(Old Lady): Yes but sometimes my grandchildren come visit me whenever I'm alone. They-They never leave me by myself *Smiles*
Dez:Well that is very sweet of them.
Trish:*Smiles*It truly is.
----------------Door Bell Rings-------------
Trish:*Gets up*Who could that be?
Mrs.Madison:I-I hope yo-you don't mind but I-I invited them over. Its just my two grandchildren who were coming to visit me but since i-i'm here, I-
Dez:It's okay Mrs.Madison. Trish, get the door.
Trish:Ok. *Walks over to the door, opens it*
????:Hi!! I'm Amanda!
Trish:*Smiles*Hey, I'm Trish. You must be Mrs.Madison granddaughter.
Amanda( ):Yes! Hey, I'm sorry but I really got to use the bathroom, mind if I pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee go!
Trish:*Giggles*Sure. First door to the left.
Amanda:Thank you. *Runs in*
Trish:*Giggles*She seems cool.
----------Get Text---------
Trish:*Reads it*It's from Ally {Trish, sos, I need help ASAP, Call me tonight please when you have time. Love you xoxo}
????:Hi Trish
Trish:(Oh no)* Looks up, Shocked*Jace?!
Episode 27:
Trish:Oh god, you're the grandson aren't you?
Trish: Nothing. Come in.
Jace:*Walks in*I can't believe I'm seeing you again. *Looks at Trish & grabs her hand*I can't stop thinking about you Trish.
Dez:*Walks in* Trish?
Trish:*Pulls her hands away*Dez. *Walks up to him*
Jace:*Looks at Trez*
Dez:You must be Mrs.Madison's grandson. Hi I'm Dez & this is my wife Trish. *Puts his arm around her*
Jace:*Looks at Trish*Wife?
Trish:*Looks at the floor*
Amanda:*Walks in, Carrying Isabel*Hey bro. Looks at this adorable baby, she's so cute.
Jace:*Looks at Isabel*Is she your daughter?
Dez:Yup. That's our little girl.
Jace:*Fake smiles*She's cute *About to carry her*
Isabel:*Starts crying*
Amanda:*Hugs her*Don't cry baby.
Isabel:*Hugs Amanda*
Dez:*Confused*I wonder why she started crying?
Jace:Uh, I better go. *Gives Trish a quick look* Bye everyone. *Leaves*
Amanda:I'll go inside. *Leaves*
Dez:*Looks at Trish*Go.
Trish:*Looks at Dez confused*What?
Dez: Go to him. Talk.
Trish:But how-
Dez:The way you looked at him...It was the same way you use to look at me when we started dating. *Frowns a bit*
Trish:Dez I'm so-
Dez:Its okay. As long as you're happy. *Smiles* Go Trish.
Trish:*Smiles* Thanks Dez. *Leaves*
Dez:*Sighs & walks inside*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Auslly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin:*Yawns*Man, I'm so tired.

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