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At takemichi home

As the two were shocked that takemichi had a sibling but what really shocked them that it was their enemy hanma shuji or now hanma hanagaki as the two kids try to put everything together takemichi spoke  bringing back Mikey and draken back to reality

"So mind explaining why you two were fighting my brother huh" as takemichi said that draken and Mikey didn't say anything back but just looked down to their feet feeling ashamed

"Hahahahahaha oh that's funny oh I can't breath oh god my stomach hurts" hanma was saying falling to the ground again with laughter as he got up again he looked serious "hey Michi did you know that these guys are in a gang and they are my enemy I have a fight coming up with them too not to long from now"as hanma said that Mikey and draken looked mad because one they hated hanma and two because they didn't want Michi to know about the upcoming fight and worry  "oh really well they never told me huh how weird right guys"Michi said as he crossed his arms and gave the two a death glare

"Oh would you look at the time me and ken-chi gotta go uhh bye"as Mikey said that he dragged draken out and ran away

"So you have a new lover huh" hanma said while sitting down in the couch "huh what no ne-San  why would you think that"Michi said while blushing looking away as hanma saw his brothers red face he frowned "hey Michi I want you to be careful with them like I said they are in a gang and I'm going to be fighting them so if they come back with bruises don't yell at me ok so please be careful around them" as hanma said that Michi understood he was serious "ok ni-San I'll be careful around them"

The next day

Mikey asked me to come to the shrine for something but I don't know what for as I got to the shrine I saw everybody there as I entered some guys came to me "huh what the fuck are you doing here kid do you even know where your standing huh this is Tokyo kanji gangs base why are you here huh"said one dunmass

I  was called by Mikey  dunmass why have a fucking problem huh" as Michi said that the first dunmass started to get more mad and got ready to fight Michi

After a few mins of fighting


Sorry I haven't been posting but I will try more and more hopefully 🙏

Mikey X takemichi Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ