Prologue. Genesis 2.0

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||ThunderFang Village, 31 July, 7,795||

It was a stormy day, the lightning repeatedly fell on the iron poles around the village while a light ringing sounded in the background with each descent that the lightning gave. At that moment, a village house was on the move, in which a group of busy Pokémon were located.

--Temperature?-- Questioned a Raichu while filling a bucket with ice water.

--41 and increased.-- Replied another Raichu, who was taking the temperature of a blue pokémon, that pokémon did not stop panting while his eyes were tightly closed.

--Karen, will my son be okay?-- Asked a large feline, a Luxray which was apparently the mother of the creature that was dying with a high temperature, a Shinx.

--I'm doing what I can, Lucia.-- She commented while she was putting an ice water towel on the little one, she seemed seriously worried, attending to the feline as much as she could with a noticeable panic in her, since it had not been more than five days since the birth of the Shinx and he had already become seriously ill. Despite everything, she try to keep her composure and calm at all times, contrary to the mother of the pokémon.

--Karen, promise me he'll be fine.-- He asked desperately, without getting a response from the rodent, who kept trying to calm the little one's temperature. -- Karen, my son...--

--Lucia, please come out.-- She ordered causing the Luxray some discontent, but not as much as the one she had over because of the pressure of the matter. -- I'll do the best I can, that's the only thing I can promise you.

--My son...-- Her attempt to ask for something more than that promise, which felt hopeless, was interrupted when the Raichu silenced her again, repeating to her to leave the place and let them work.

--Lucia you heard her already, let's get out of the room and let both do what they can, please.-- Asked the other Luxray, the father of the Shinx, who took his wife's paw to try to get out with her, however, the Luxray's response was to oppose with an obvious reaction of hysteria.

--I'm not going to leave our son alone, Nate!-- She exclaimed trying to get closer to her calf again.

--Please, honey, they know what they're doing, we can't do anything but trust.-- Reiterated the Luxray as he slowly made his partner leave the room.

--I'm not going to leave our son!--

The constant screams of hysteria on the part of the mother, plus her attempts to struggle before the grip of her partner, were nothing more than desperate for both her and for the doctor of the village who was with the patience to the limit before the situation.

--Lucia, go now, we'll take care of it!-- Shouted the Raichu only to get a fierce roar and snort from the Luxray who in her desperation was willing to stay as soon as possible with her calf in case something happened.

--Mom?-- Said a tender and small voice, which turned out to be a Pichu that was lurking curious with another similar pokemon, which, pulled her by the paw trying to get it away from the place.

An uncomfortable silence dominated the place, only the lightnings broke such a pact of silence when they descended faster than the sound. The adults had stood still looking at the two little Pokémon that had sneaked into the room.

--Pika, Edison, please go to the living room. Mom is busy.-- The Raichu replied with a calmer tone when she noticed both little ones in the place, she didn't want them to suffer the intensity of the situation.

-- I'll take them outside...-- Lucia offered to approach the door peacefully and with some embarrassment, lowering her head so that the Pichu would climb on her mane, and after that, she decided to leave the place, not without first saying. -- I'm so sorry, Karen... please do what you can...-- She asked while leaving the place as soon as possible with his partner, before regretting what she was doing, closing the door when leaving the room, leaving a small gap through which the Pichu peeked out curious to see the pokémon in bed that was being treated by her mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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