Pink remote 2 coming (edited)

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Okay so I'm doing something now imma try to do a intersex wait I think I spelled that wrong I'll go back and see if I did but yeh imma try to do that

Summary: Regie and darren and Sebastian and Justin do a little dare which is a pink remote and Regie and Sebastian got control of it

Darren and Justin are intersex

Pink remote is like the underwear thingy I know y'all seen it on YouTube yea that thing
Darren point of view
"Come on Justin let's just get this stupid ass dare over with so they can give us free food" I told Justin as we looked at the two underwear that landed on the bed in front of us " I know but this is going to be so bad bc one Sebastian is controlling mines then worst of all Regie is controlling yours"Justin said as he shook me by my shoulders

Now that I think about this is bad those two will push that button all they want shit I wish we didn't lose that challenge

"Look Justin just put them on and I'll put mines on so the quicker we do this thing the better okay" I told him while grabbing the underwear and throwing it to him and walking into the bathroom changing into the underwear and coming out

"You ready darren?" Justin had asked me while I followed him to the door
"God bless my heart"

As me and Darren walk into the living room we see that everyone is here and yes everyone knows that we are doing this shit so it's even worse and tell me whyyyy me and Darren walk into the living room I feel the underwear vibrate causing me to stumble and bend a little making Sebastian laugh I flip him off bc fuck you "s-s-Sebastian turn it offf" I said in a short of breath as I glare at him Darren's not any better "Regie stoppppp" I look over to Darren holding onto the wall as his legs shake a little as he banged his head on the

I updated yallll

Yes this means there will be a part 2!!

And so with that I have a few questions

Should I do a like Tv Type book with the nsb or any other famous tiktok person or YouTube wise
And make like it like a tv shows like with challenges they have to do and shit like that almost like couples Boot Camp should I and if so what should the name of the show be and what people to add in
Who should they get with
What type of relationship they have
What type of scandals should be in it

What type of challenges and relationships Changes that will make or break relationship

What should I do what do u guys think?

Is it a go?

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