Shattered Reality

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I'll try and keep this short since there isn't too much to say but comment what u think of the Oneshot:) I'm not opposed to writing more chapters so comment if you would like to see that. If you enjoyed this and you are a Star Wars fan, check out my other story: Rise of a Legend. Without further ado, enjoy Shattered Reality!

 **Disclaimer** I do not own Marvel or any of it's characters. The only thing I own is my original character.

Marek weakly took a sharp stone and chalked another tally into the wall of the cave he was currently residing in. The sun was rising on the dark, cloudy planet of Svartalfheim. He took a sharp breath and then coughed in the dusty air. "How did it come to this? It's been two weeks on this dump and I'm running out of food." He said out loud as he glanced over at his remaining rations that were quickly dwindling. "I once was a great bounty hunter. Now I'm helpless." Marek laughed bitterly. "It was supposed to be a simple grab and go mission..."

1 1/2 years before...

*static* "Come in...Phantom Shade to ship... do you copy?"

"Ship to Phantom Shade we read you, what is your position?"

"I am about to enter the atmosphere... I'll be going under for awhile."

"Stay low and remember, you go in and..."

"And then I come back out real quick with the armor. I've only done these missions a million times before." Marek interrupted with a smirk. The ship operator five planets away sighed and intently warned his confident friend, "He won't be pleased if you come back without the armor."

"Relax, I'm sure Yondu can wait a day longer to get his hands on this armor."

"You aren't the first hunter we've sent on this mission." The ship operator reminded.

"Well I can guarantee you that I'll be the last because I won't fail. Over and out." Marek severed their connection as he landed on Knowhere.

The bounty hunter observed the inside of Knowhere with disgust. It became a mining colony over many years and was not much more than that. Tall, gloomy buildings everywhere along with the dust and rubble covering the ground made it a nasty place to live. Marek looked at the little screen on his right vambrace. It displayed a map of Knowhere and showed a beacon on his target. He tapped the screen a couple times and it rewarded him with the fastest route to his destination.

"Micro." Marek spoke quietly to his AI in his vambrace.

"Yes sir?" Micro responded.

"Give me a background on this Collector." Marek muttered quietly to the AI which immediately started loading a description on the Collector.

"Name: Taneleer Tivan. Occupation: Collects rare artifacts and specimens. Fighting capabilities: Unknown. Strength: Unknown. Level of Threat: ...Unknown." Micro described.

"So we basically know nothing on this guy?" Marek clarified.

Micro hesitated before answering. "Unfortunately yes."

"I guess it'll be that much more fun then." Marek grinned to himself through his helmet as he walked through the beaten roads of Knowhere.

He calmly walked through the dark, almost empty streets until he arrived at a large dome shaped building. His vambrace vibrated as he walked closer. Marek glanced at the screen and noticed that he reached his destination. He turned off the map of Knowhere that was still displayed on the screen of his vambrace.

"Scan the building and give me a full map of the place." Marek told his AI and it quickly obeyed his order.

Within a minute a 3-D layout of the dome building sprang out of the small screen. Marek studied it for a few seconds and then frowned. "Where is the armor located?" He asked Micro.

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