Nick x Charlie

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Harry Greene and Ben Hope catches Nick and Charlie

Nick's POV:

Today me and Charlie are hanging out in my house. It's a sleepover. I'm lucky that mum allows him to sleep in my room. I thought she'd make him sleep in the guest room. Charlie should be arriving any minute. I hear a knock on the front door and I hear mum opening the door.

"Hi, Mrs. Nelson!" said Charlie. "Call me Sarah, Charlie. Nick's in his room" said mum. He thanks her and comes upstairs. I stand up and he walks inside. "Hey bubs" I said. "Hey, Nicky" said Charlie, smirking. I roll my eyes. "Ugh why must you call me that!" I groan. "Cause I love how you react to me calling you it" said Charlie. 

"So, wanna watch a movie on my bed, cuddled up in blankets?" I ask. He nods. "Yes" said Charlie. "OK, shoes off" I said. He pulls his converse off and slides under the covers. I smile and turn on Harry Potter. 

I wrap my arms around him and he smiles. "I really like you, Nick" said Charlie. I smile down to him. "I really like you, Charlie. You make me happy" I said. I smile and lean down.  He leans up and our lips touch. I smile into the kiss and place one of my hands on his cheeks. I feel him place his hands on my waist. I sit up and pull him onto my lap. 

He places his hands on my shoulders and kisses back harder. I smirk. He pulls away and I begin to kiss down his neck. If we weren't too busy with us making out, we would have heard Harry and Ben talking, walking upstairs. 

"Hey Nick.... WHAT THE FUCK?" yelled Harry. We jump. I look at Charlie. "I'm not embarrassed, Char." I whisper in his ear. He blushes and gets off my lap. I sigh and stand up. I gulp when I notice their glancing at my crotch. I groan and Charlie stands beside me. I grab his hand. 

"You two.... are what?" asked Harry. "Dating, Harry. We're boyfriends. I like him" I said, looking at him. "Seriously? You two" said Harry. "Yes." I said. I can feel Charlie tremble and I know  why. Ben's glaring at him. "Oi, Ben if your jealous you should have treated him better instead of forcing yourself on him" I said. "Wait... Ben you dated him?" asked Harry. "Uh..... I used him." said Ben. 

"Wait so your gay?" asked Harry. "No!" said Ben. I roll my eyes. "Yes, you are." I said, smirking. "Oh fuck off Nick! Your the one doing shit with him! His worthless" said Ben. I let go off Charlie's hand and punch Ben in the nose. "Your a fucking prick Ben! His amazing, his handsome, his smart, funny, loyal, caring and my type. Get the fuck out of my house! Your pricks." I said, Charlie grabbing me and pulling me back before I kill them. 

"Gladly, we will do you a favour and out you!" said Harry. "Oi! You don't have the right to do that to Nick! He deserves to out himself not you do it for him!" said Charlie. I smile and look at Harry. "Go ahead do it. I don't care. I have Charlie, Tao, Isaac, Elle, Darcy and Tara. Your pricks" I said. Harry rolls his eyes and they leave. 

I sit on my bed and Charlie sits beside me. "Are you OK?" asked Charlie. I nod. "Yeah, surprisingly I am. I mean, I don't care if he tells anyone. Makes it easier for me, right?" I ask. "Yeah but you deserve to do it" said Charlie. "I know but I don't care right now, cause your here" I said, smiling at him. 

Mum walks inside. "I heard shouting, everything OK?" asked mum. "Yeah, just their not my friends anymore" I said. "Oh, is it because they said rude stuff about Charlie? I'm going to talk to their families about this." said mum. "Mum don't. I can handle it for us. Please, let me handle it. Its the best way because they will come for us more often if we have parents involved" I said. "OK, but if it gets worse for both of you, I will handle it" said mum. I nod and Charlie nods. Mum pulls me and Charlie into a hug. "I'm gonna order pizza for dinner. Charlie, you want anything in particular?" asked mum. "I'm not fussy" said Charlie. Mum smiles and pats our cheeks. She goes downstairs. 

Charlie takes my hand. "We can handle anything together" said Charlie. I smile and kiss him. "See? That's why I like  you" I said. "Mmmhmmm" hummed Charlie. 

Harry and Ben did tell the whole school and we decided to let Tao out Ben Hope. We decided if their gonna out me, I'll let Tao out them since Tao literally said he'd fight me for it. 

Ben and Harry stopped once we showed them it didn't effect us. 

It only made us stronger in the end. 

Don't forget to vote and comment if your enjoying!

Lorna xx

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