~Prologue Part 1~ (Blood and Gore warning)

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I had lived in a small peaceful village where everyone knew each other. Everyone had a role to play, some people farm for the village and others hunted. We would support each other even through the harsh Winter. Our family were in charge of guarding the village although there isn't much danger the village needs to be protected from, other than wild animals like bears and wolves.

Mother was like the head of the village, I had no father but I didn't care, after all everyone in the village fills in the empty space in my heart. My elder sister is being trained to one day take the role of being the head of the village, Kemi would train everyday and I would be at the side watching her every move. The way she fights is mesmerizing, like a dance that never stops. Kemi was born with a side effect of vision even though her body possess less Trion then normal people. While I wanted to be like her but I was born with a weak body and not much muscle strength.

It would be seen as a lost cause for me, but instead of giving up, Kemi was able to find other ways to fill in my lack of strength, for example with speed and agility. Sometimes I would love to hop from tree to tree, show off some tricks like flips and swings, and all the while, Kemi smiled from below.

"I wasn't like my sister, no, she was better, but I was at least half as good and that's what I'm proud of." I thought smiling, while practicing holding a sword in my hand.

I frowned a bit after a few tries swinging the sword, "It hasn't even been a minute and my arm feels like it's already going to drop dead." I thought grumpily. -,-

I squatted down with a huff trying to regain my arm strength.

"Yumi! You're getting better with the sword!" Shouted Kemi as she entered the train court. 

"But it's still heavy though" I whined back. TwT

"Why did every weapon have to be so heavy? At least the Katana and Daggers are lighter than the swords." I murmured to myself.

"C'mon don't be so negative!" Kemi said, coming over and patting my head. ^-^

I looked her dead in the eyes and said, "Easy for you to say- You have the strength and the skills." I huffed. = 3 =

"Yes but Yumi you must remember that you have excellent agility and flexibility, you are light on your feet, plus with your small body almost no one can keep up with your stamina!" Said Kemi appraisingly.

"Well you are right about that tehe~" I said smugly. :>

"Don't stop being so smug and keep on training," Smiled Kemi, ruffling my hair. 

"Alright! I'm going to head inside first-" said Kemi as she started to walk toward the door but stopped a second before disappearing from view.

"Oh right! Remind me later to ask Hiroko to make you that weapon you wanted so much- a scythe was it- right?" Asked Kemi looking back around.

"Mhm" I nodded.

"Alrightly noted!" Kemi said brightly, turning back toward the way to the house.

I stood back up and hulled the sword over my shoulder and went back to practicing until sundown.

At that time, I didn't know that these days might have been the last days I won't be alone in the world.

Some things are always changing, one thing can never stay the same, a peaceful world can be changed...

Few days after~

I remember it to have been a peaceful night, I was staring up at the midnight stars. I was the last to go back inside the house for dinner, I had only just attended to stay a bit longer... I guess, in the end, those few minutes outside was what saved me from being killed...

I signed as I exhaled the last breath of cold night air before going in. I had always taken a few minutes outside to calm my mind, nothing unusual, just a few minutes of peace and quiet.

But now as I stepped back inside of the living room I heard a blood curdling scream from the dining room. I rushed down the hall and made a sharp turn to my right to the door of kitchen, there was a sliver of light peeking through the crack of the door. There was something wrong with this room, the smell and the deadly quietness...

And then I saw it...

My breaths started to come short, I started shaking uncontrollably, I gazed at the room I had entered. I could feel my legs buckling beneath me. My hand was still on the doorknob, I could feel something wet soaking my slipper. The dining room was filled with the salty tainted smell...

I fell on the floor next to the door from shock, I held out my hands to cover for my fall. I felt it cover with the sticky wet thing on the floor. I looked down at the floor even though I didn't want to...

I had already realized what it was...

Ruby red liquid splashes the floor, turning the floor board red...


I quickly pulled away my hand in horror and disgust, my vision blurred from the dizziness of falling and the sight before me. It took me a few seconds to regain my surroundings. When I did, I saw with astonishment there was a body on the floor in the middle of the pool of blood that my hand was in.

"M-mother? H-how..?" I squeaked with a quiver.

"Oh my, it looked like someone found us," said a quiet voice.

I looked up to see who it was, but I realized too late, it was Uncle Kuro... the former trained head.

He had a mad smile on his face, his hair was messy and wild, his eyes were big and round with madness written all over his expression. And what more was the mass of blood covering him from head to toes.

"H-he...! He killed her...! He killed mother...!" I thought, shaking. "How did he defeat mother? I thought she was always the strongest."

Then he looked at me with a mad glint in his eyes and started walking toward me, my vision started to blur, I tried shielding my head with my arm but I couldn't stop shaking.

"Come here now... Don't be scared." Said Kuro, coming closer.

"H-help me, s-someone please! K-kemi! Please! Help!" I said in a whimper.

The last thing I saw before closing my eyes shut was the knife heading toward my face.

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