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Some people believed that the whole mafia, gangs and mobsters died back in the 1940s, but the truth was, those monsters just went into hiding. Everything is run by the mob. The girls on the corner, the guns the cops used, the drugs in the prisons, the boxing matches on pay-per-view, sometimes, even the clothes on your back.

Most of the famous mobs had died out when Al Capone finally bit it, so did the crash of the New York Five. But between the mobsters tearing each other apart, between the shadows, two other families were building up their ranks.

The shift between the downfall of the Luciano family and the rise of the Kiszkas was easy. Nobody ever pointed a finger at a Polish man selling guns on the street corner. Kiszka didn't sound like "Mangano" or "Gagliano" or "Bonanno". Patrick Kiszka was a smart man, and decided to move the vast mafia playground to a quieter city that would draw less heat. He switched from bright, light, bigger city Broadway, to the Country Broadway strip.

The Kiszkas were one to be feared. Their mafia bloodline was passed down from generation to generation. The current leaders were 3 beautiful brothers and their best friend, who was basically another brother. You didn't mess with any of them, unless you had a death wish.

Samuel, the youngest, was smart, his brain like a human computer. He was able to infiltrate government sanctions with ease. You didn't know you were hacked until it was too late and your porn search history was blasted all over your workplace. Sam had ghosts, things that haunted him when he closed his eyes at night. He was too smart, too gentle for his own good, which caused his heart to break and his mind to be scarred.

Daniel was the muscle, and Sam's best friend. He was slender and tall, with beautiful curly hair. He was a dark, gentle soul, who hid in the shadows. He was like a snake, letting you get close until he struck, quick and quiet. His closet was full of skeletons he was yet to bury. Sam was one of the only people in the family to know about the horrible things Daniel had done. Wherever you saw Sam, you saw Daniel, and vice versa.

Then, there were the twins. Two beautiful fuckers that could not be more different. Josh was smart (not quite as smart as Sam), and handled the money of the family. The Kiszkas were dripping with money, and probably would've gone broke if it wasn't for Josh. Josh had been a part of putting the Kiszkas into a legal business, buying casinos on the Vegas Strip.

And last but not least, their fearless leader, Jacob. That fucker dripped confidence and power. He could have women pulling their panties aside with just a simple look. Even though Josh was the oldest, it just made sense that Jake was the family leader. Jake was a cocky fucker, having a painting of him in a blood red suit hanging over his desk like he was the real fucking Don Vito Corleone.

There was one crime family though, that refused to die without a fight. The Santiagos had fled New York when the FBI started rounding up all the mobsters. Don Michele Santiago was a smart bastard, and was the one who gave the heads up to the power 5 of what was to go down. Everyone thought he was just some crazy Italian and didn't listen. They wished they'd listened when they were on the line in front of the firing squad. Michele took his wife and his sons and moved them from New York back to their small quiet town in Sicily. Michele raised his eldest son, Rafael to take over the family business when the time would come. Rafael was only 10 when they moved, but as soon as he hit 18, he was sent back over to the US to be a spy for the family. Michele Santiago and Patrick Kiszka were friends, but Michele didn't trust the whole innocent Polish man act.

When Michele finally bit it, and Rafael took over, his wife produced him three sons and a daughter. Rafael raised his sons to be ruthless blood thirsty killers.

Paulo was the eldest, and was the golden prize in Rafael's eyes. There was not a single thing he could do wrong. Paulo kissed his father's ass if that meant being the heir to the whole Santiago fortune when the old bastard would finally make it to the grave.

Gianni was the middle son, and a told fucking wild card. His nickname was "X-ray", the kid was always searching and scanning like a fucking detector. Gianni loved torture. It was his favorite past-time. Gianni was the protector of the family, putting his life on the line to protect his own blood. He had proved that he wasn't afraid of the consequences, and wore the scars he had on his body with pride.

Narciso, just like his name would insinuate, was a self-righteous asshole. His appearance was everything, and he demanded only the best be put on his body. His wardrobe consisted of Gucci and Versace, ironically. He was smart, understanding the way business and stocks worked better than anyone in the family. He was more of a businessman than Paulo, but no no one would ever admit it. Narciso got the short end of the stick, not inheriting anything much like his brother Gianni.

Rafael never wanted a daughter, and it was clear to anyone who saw it. Y/N Santiago was a hidden gem. She was smart, drabbled in the art of torture, and dressed to impress. Rafael had a plan for her the second the doctor said it was a girl. Her life had already been decided on and she didn't even know it. Her mother, the woman who was also a business player, knew of her daughter's fate. Marie Santiago had been the same way, being betrothed to a man she never would've married if it wasn't for the family business she had learned to love.

When Y/N was a growing child, she was sent off to prep school, in hopes to teach her how to be a proper woman. Rafael wanted her far away from this life, in his mind, the less a woman knew, the better.

But his plans of keeping her away came crashing down when she had met Fransico Solano. What was supposed to be an innocent relationship turned dark and bloody, and ended up with a battered and tortured Y/N on his father's front door. Rafael could see the end of his legacy crashing down, and knew what he had to do to help his legacy succeed and grow. Even if that meant sending his daughter across the ocean.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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