Stressed, depressed, and ✨Inspired✨

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Hello again.

I'm back. Sorry I was gone for so long. But now I'm back, and my ideas have matured a little, become more solid, and (hopefully) gotten better with some age and planning.

So, recently testing started in school, and I've been under a lot of pressure because of it. And that's where the horrid abomination of an idea I'm sharing today came from.

I say horrid because some of it is kind of dark and revolves around the "Death of personality" concept.

This is literally three idea smashed together in chronological order.

Idea one: How would cannon Error react to finding or that he's not really special? And I'm not talking about alternate versions of him, or other multiverse- I'm talking abbot gods like 404 or infected. Finding out that he's not special, not the most terrifying and dangerous thing out there, it would shatter his world view. He would probably breakdown ALOT over it.

Which leads us to idea numero dos: Error consuming all, and I mean ALL, of the souls in the antivoid. Like, we saw what happpened to Flowey and Color and Seraphim with just seven, but hundreds, maybe even thousands of determination souls? The power would be unimaginable.

The third idea is a little tricky, and we're going to get off track for a bit while going through it.

So, you know how Fatal_Error was rying to take code from other AU's and ended up with Patch, and then planned to get code from other timelines so he could get his Papyrus? Well, eventually he figures out, after several failed attempts, that he can't make his Papurus and won't be getting his brother back. But he still has some of this code, and he's calmed down a bit over the years, and in the chaos that's going on in the rest of the universe (see top idea) his little rampage went unnoticed so he decides that he's going to find an error and shove what little code he had left in them and see how it assimilates as a last resort. Now, to understand how this would work, you have to look into exactly what errors a glitches like Fatal_Error and Error work. They're basically unstable piles of code, and every time they crash and reboot, they have a high chance of losing some part of themselves. So they're continually falling apart and repairing themselves over and over and over again. And Fatal plans to take advantage of that.

So here's where these stories collide:

Error's in hooks antivoid, having a breakdown over finding out all these higher powers exist and whatnot and absorbing all the souls via string osmosis or sone other more efficent way then eating them, and he's just falling apart, straight up melting/evaporating out of existence because he's crashed and rebooted several times in a row and his code can't repair itself fast enough. And then Fatal comes along, and sees this mess that his greatest enemy became. And, well, he was planning to find some glitched out Papyrus or sonething, but this'll do too, and most of Errors code it gone already- he can barely even tell if he's a human or a skeleton anymore.

So Fatal takes the code and shoves it into Error's. 

So his codes just like "oh, I'm a skeleton now" and because Fatal used some of his own code too Error's code "recognizes" his because it thinks they come from the same universe even though it doesn't exist anymore.

And Fatal just takes his new little brother and absconds with him to some abandoned workd somewhere.

Thus, Cataclysmic_Error was born.

Bonus: Later, someone just encounters this weirdky glitched, overpowered child who looks like they can't decide whether their a San or a Papyrus, and is just so confused by the sheer levels of determination coming off of them-

I can't wait to write this when I'm not typing everything out on my phone.

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