Ravi X Liv- iZombie~ Chapter 1

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(A/N:After I began watching iZombie, I realized, this, as a new T.V. series, would fail greatly as a fandom if someone didn't write this story.
All iZombie fans out there...
You know what I mean.
Here goes nothing.)
Liv's POV
My name is Liv Moore and I died... Sort of.
I had a promising career and a great fiance. Then I went to the world's worst boat party, and got turned into a zombie.
I work at the local police morgue for access to brains. My boss is the only one who knows my secret, and I also work alongside a cop who thinks I'm a psychic. But brain eating has side effects.
I take on the personality of that person and I get flashes of memory that I use to help solve their murders.
I'm a crime-fighting zombie.
"Good morning, Liv., Ravi said in a cheerful voice, only accentuated by his accent.
"Morning," I replied.
A body was already laying of the examination table.
I pulled on my lab coat, goggles, and rubber gloves. Then I reached for the bone saw, also known as the best tool ever created.
"I'm hungry. Are you hungry?" I said, raising an eyebrow at my boss.
Ravi just rolled his eyes. "Zombies..." He said sarcastically and I turned on the bone saw and brought it up the the head of my next box of McHuman-Nuggets.

Liv X Ravi iZombieWhere stories live. Discover now