Chapter 2

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A/N: I haven't been able to watch the latest two episodes of iZombie, and it's really pissing me off. I do realize that, in the show, Liv now has a zombie boyfriend. In this fanfic, we will pretend he doesn't exist. For fangirling reasons.

Also in the comments of my last update, thanks to Jessica, I now know that the official ship name for Liv and Ravi is RaviOli.

Also I'm waiting and mentally begging the CW to do a Flash/ iZombie/ Arrow crossover.

Am I alone in thinking this?

Any Flash/ Arrow references are because of this.

*Evil Laugh*



Liv's POV

"You're not dead, you're UNDEAD," Ravi said. " You need to stop calling yourself that."

"Well, look at me, Ravi," I huffed. "I look like a corpse!" I paused. "I EAT corpses!"

"Mmhmm," Ravi murmured.

"Are you even listening to me?" I asked.

"You lost me at 'look like corpse', Liv," Ravi said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes. The only thing that was worse than being a zombie, was the fact that, even if you were accepted by the still-alive people of this world, you never truly fit in. They just... couldn't fully understand what it was like.

I sighed and sat down to eat my brain-ramen soup. (A/N: *Eating Ramen right now...*)

"Okay... so our newest homicide victim is 34-year-old Hannibal Bates," Ravi said, uncovering the body.

To be honest, even the LOOK of the cadaver was enough to make me almost gag.

Where he should have eyes, were bumps covered in a semi-transparent, veined membrane.

"I realize I shouldn't be grossed out by this, but somehow, I am. I really, really am, Ravi," I shuddered. "It's..."

"Creepy? Unnatural?" Ravi said.

"Very much so," I replied, feeling as if he had read my mind.


The autopsy had shown that Bates was killed by a gunshot to the chest.

"But there's something wrong," Ravi said. "That gunshot shouldn't have been wobbling, seeing as it was a close range shot, only about 15 feet, but something must have bumped it slightly off-course. But if this happened in a large room, with no obstacles, this shouldn't be possible."

"I'm not following," I said, confused.

Ravi looked up at me.

"You're not the only one," he said.

I looked down at my half-finished bowl of ramen.

"Yipee," I said, in a monotone voice. "Lunchtime."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2015 ⏰

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