Cyllene Drabble

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(Once again got inspired by art I found on Pinterest, basically a manga styled comic in Japanese were Cyllene pulls a beat up Rei into a hug. I'm assuming after he returned from being banished or maybe Volo)

(Written with Cyllene being seen as a bit of a mother figure to the reader)

Possible TW: injuries

Cyllene wouldn't admit she had grown swiftly attached to you. How you didn't hesitate when given a mission or other such orders, how well you cared for your Pokémon, sometimes putting them before you, even the small slip-ups when you'd forget to tack on a "sir/ma'am" to the end of your words when speaking to her or Kamado.
She hid her emotions well when you were banished, giving you a "don't die out there" as she walked a bit out beyond the main gate. Even though to most, her words would seem harsh and cold, or perhaps uncaring, but you knew she was immensely worried.
You found her Abra awaiting you in Cogita's hideaway, giving you sneaky access to things you would need in the village. The fact that her Abra came with a caring letter from her (which you know she'll absolutely deny ever happened) spoke more than words could.
She couldn't have been happier to see you return back from dealing with Dialga and Palkia with only minor scrapes and scuffs, nothing you and a few days rest couldn't handle.
Soon enough, you were back on your feet again. Despite the little tension between you and Kamado, things quickly went back to normal. You raced off into the field, occasionally coming back with a few new Pokémon you found to add to the Pokédex.
You'd uncovered more legendaries and mythicals, gaining more plates from them. You were checking in with Cyllene in her office, telling her about your next excursion. Little did either of you know the horrors that would befall.
The chatter that quickly filled the village did not take long to reach Cyllene's ears. Volo's betrayal was one not many could predict. How he was the one to originally open the rift, how he had used you to gain access to the plates, and what he had planned for when he reached Arceus.
You'd defeated him, just like everyone knew you would, but not without injury.
Well, injury was an understatement.
When word of what happened had spread, you did not return to the village within a few days. Search parties had rushed out to find you, the wardens helping out with their Lord's as well.
Ingo and surprisingly Melli had found you first, your Pokémon supporting you down the old path of the Celestica Trail. Your Pokémon, even though they were beaten and battered in their own right, pushed through their pain to lessen yours. You were covered in cuts and bruises, a bloodied nose still dripping along with a broken ankle.
Volo certainly did not hold back, nor did he fight fair.
Ingo and Melli patched you up as best they could with what they had, tending to your Pokémon as well. Even Melli was too shaken by your state to keep up his egotistical act.
They had returned your Pokémon back to their pokeballs, and carried you back to Jubilife.
The other search parties had been notified and called back, and it took a whole day for Ingo and Melli to bring you back without any unneeded detours or stops, and so it was late at night when you'd arrived.
Cyllene was waiting at the front gate, looking tired and stressed.
You were taken to the infirmary, and once better patched up, Cyllene was allowed to sit by your side. You had woken up, quietly eating the onigiri you were given as you stared down into your lap.
Cyllene was nothing if not perceptive. She could tell you were a mess of emotions, feeling betrayed and hurt, perhaps even foolish for not having figured out Volo's plans sooner.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when two arms slinked around your shoulders, Cyllene pulling you into a warm hug, her voice just barely over a breath. "I was so worried."
You quietly reached out, returning her hug as you rest your bandaged cheek on her shoulder.
It was quiet as she held you, slowly pulling back from the hug to urge you to finish the dinner Pesselle knew your stomach could handle. She glanced over you two more times, turning into a bit of a mother hen as she checked your over for anything that was missed or if you needed anything.
When she had finally let you be to rest, she returned to her office, quietly telling her Abra to keep an eye on you, just to be sure.
Cyllene let out a long, heavy sigh. Things would get better, you'd heal after a while, and then you'd go out on excursions once again. And every day you could, you'd go get food from Beni, and eat dinner with her in her office, and talk about nonsense.
Despite all the worry, Cyllene knew you still had that fire and passion in you. Volo certainly hadn't done as much damage as he thought or hoped.

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