The first meet.

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It was a pretty nice winter morning...
It was about 8 am, the birds were chirping.As Soon as I woke up, I glanced at my phone and stared at the beautiful good morning text from him."Hey!" He had typed, "Goodmorning..." the text continued. I was joyful at the sight of that text and replied the text happily.I asked him about how he was which he was just about to reply but I didn't let himI asked him yet another question..."Can we meet?" I really wanted ro meet heart was thudding in my ears and to my surprise...he agreed and answered with a "Yes"He asked me where to meet him and a convenient time slot...and my heart did some massive summersaults.I arranged it at 10 o clock in the morning and to my utmost surprise...his free class fell on the exact same time.He told me to meet him in the library...My happiness was beyond comprehension. I just grinned and started to prepare myself for the upcoming meeting. All that was going in my head was...what will I tell him and how will I express myself...when I finally see him.
The time came when my eyes went numb and my heart became impatient...
I didn't want to leave him, my heart wasn't allowing me to leave him and it just wanted to be with him and I really wanted no one to interrupt us.
I can't put my emotions into words here. I don't know how to narrate what he me.
I have love for him. A kind of love that is never ending. A kind of love that is increasing every second.
Now...i have even started to find comfort in his ...thoughts and i have started to live in them.
I love him. I don't know why.
I just know that my day begins with his thoughts and ends with them. They dwell in my mind and my soul.
His smile...i can even give away my world for that one smile. I don't know why my soul finds that heavenly comfort when I look at him...hear his voice and listen to him, the thought of losing him scares me a lot...too
The moment he feels like all the worldly happinesses are tumbling down and living in me.
That moment, my heart only does one prays that that smile stays forever and it prays that he should never encounter any trouble in life...
Every time i bow my head in prostration...thats the only prayer my heart mutters, may he always keep smiling. May he always find peace in his heart.
This world is filled with treacherous people, i want to keep him away from all that treachery.
I want to take all his sadness away and live them all for him. I know, this sounds crazy or maybe even scary but the moment someone falls in love deeply, then one can fight the world for that one smile. One can sacrifice every ounce of happiness for that one glint in the eyes of the one, with whom one falls in love with.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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