The Pauper's Party

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The party was in full swing now. Ladies who would normally wear the most lavish gowns now dressed in the dirtiest linens. Men who would bring in designers from London for their perfectly fitted suits now danced jovially in ragged sleepwear. The Gatsby estate gleamed with light as the band blasted song after song.

Jay Gatsby greatly enjoyed the theme, for he had never had such a fun time. He grew old of the prim and proper, and he enjoyed letting loose like a "commoner" for once. He was never really fond of the constant attention from women as he only had eyes for one: Daisy. She was his light in the storm, his guiding motivation, and his only desire. She represented all his aspirations, but she was still a sound's journey away.

When he was not dancing with the rowdy partiers, he stood atop a balcony, keenly watching Daisy dance with her husband. Tom was far more handsome than Gatsby could ever be, yet Gatsby outpaced him in wealth and determination. Tom never had to work for anything in his life, including Daisy. Meanwhile, Gatsby gave all of himself for someone who who barely knew he existed. It was just his nature. One day the tide will turn, he hoped. One day she'll finally see I was here for her the whole time. But deep down, he knew that she was gone forever. 

"Sir, are you alright?" a voice called out from behind him. "You've been up here for over an hour."

"Carlisle!" Gatsby exclaimed. "You can't keep sneaking up on me like that!"

"I'm sorry, sir. But there is a particularly...odd woman at the door asking to see the owner of the estate."

"What's so odd about her?"

"Well she looks...distraught for lack of a better phrase."

"So does everyone else at this party, Carlisle."

"I understand that but-"

"Ok I'll go talk to her if she wants to see me that bad."

Gatsby began his descent down the stairs. The foyer was littered with "odd" looking people of all kinds, so what is so special about this lady, Gatsby wondered.

"By the door, sir," Carlisle pointed.

Gatsby look over and saw her. From that moment on, Gatsby knew he would never be the same.

The Great Grapes of GatsbyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora