Final Act: The Fall

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"Go and find your father," Inferna says to Wilbur harshly. "You need to say goodbye before he uses the stone."


"No buts." She shakes her head. "I'll distract Nightmare." She grabs a jewel from her forehead, the ground shaking as Dreamland crashes into L'manberg. The soldiers charge. "I love you. Now go."

Inferna turns back to the oncoming storm as Wilbur nods and dashes away.

Alone, renders through her skull.

Alone is what Inferna is in the center of the open space as thousands upon thousands of cloaked soldiers charge from their land onto L'manberg's.

Expecting onslaught, Inferna uses her extra strength to throw a jewel into the center of them all, and then wields her shadow and surrounds herself in darkness.

Inferno erupts amidst them all, charring dozens of men before they get the chance to back away. However, no soldier goes after her. It's as if they've been instructed to leave her alone.

To leave her for him.

"Okay, okay," Wilbur repeats to himself, weaving between the soldiers as he searches for his father.

He finally catches a glimpse of familiar pink hair in the shadows of a burnt out lamppost on the far edge of town.

Sprinting, Wilbur eventually reaches Technoblade, finding his father sitting on the edge of the lamppost next to him.

Philza holds the stone of mortality between his hands, seemingly trying to crush it.

"Wilbur," Techno says. "We need the blade."

Tears gloss over Wilbur's eyes. It'd be so easy just to say 'no' and keep the sword hidden. Forgo the script and keep his father alive.

As resentful as he's been, as vengeful as he's felt, he's never truly wanted his father to die.

But that isn't what Philza wants. He wants to do this. "Allow me to finally put this guilt to rest once and for all," his father had said.

How can a son deny such a request?

So, obstinately, Wilbur unsheathes the blade and passes it to his father.

Philza stands, his wings drooping down his back as if they already know what's to come.

He pulls his son into a tight and final embrace. It's long. It's unrelenting. It's goodbye.

"My son, you've made me so proud," Philza says, a sparkling angel tear falling down his face as he meets Wilbur's eyes. "But I've had my fill of this life. It's time for you to let me go now."

Philza lets Wilbur go, and it takes all the strength that Wilbur has to step back and not intervene when his father stabs the gem in its heart.

Eerie black smoke escapes the shattered jewel in Philza's palm, and he brings it up to his nose, inhaling the exhaust. His eyes roll to the back of his head, the veins in the white part turning black.

When the Angel of Death finally comes to, he staggers, cursing under his breath as he clutches his chest.

"How," Philza coughs, "how long do I have?"

Techno's face turns grim. "I'm not sure," he admits. "But let's hope it's long enough."


"I am brave, I am brave," Tommy says, keeping his head down as he trudges through the back alleys, away and out of sight. "I am a big man. I am brave."

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