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I  quickly whipped my head around “what!?” I exclaimed, loud enough to startle my math teacher. 

    She put a hand on her chest “now Sam, we shouldn’t yell like that. If you would let poor Samantha explain, I'm sure we can come up with a solution!” she said, perking up at the last sentence. 

“EXPLAIN!? How about you explain why there are two cops in the office, and the principal sitting in a chair!” I yelled angrily.

“Sam don’t you remember when you posted my noods on your story.” Samantha said, starting to fake crying at the end. 

I looked at her bewildered. “no? What the fuck, why would I have your noods?” I said. She stopped fake crying immediately, and looked at me shocked like she didn't think I would say anything. 

One of the cops stepped closer to me “Let's check your phone boy.” he said lifelessly. 

I handed him my phone, after hooking it up to a computer and looking at it they nodded. About twenty minutes later they gave it back. “He’s all good. Samantha, why don’t you come talk with us.” one of the police officers said. 

She started to cry for real this time when they took her to the principal's office, and sent me back to class when they shut the door. 

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