Chapter 5

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"OH, IT'S YOU , YA SURE!!!" Bokuto willingly gave it to Shuko without any second thought. Shuko knew Bokuto was a very curious fellow so she decided to thank him and went off before he says anything.

School ended and Shuko decided to send the message to Akaashi after she got back home. She got back and quickly texted him, but sending it was another hesitation for the poor girl. She decided to read it twice before sending it. 

Akaashi's POV:

"Bokuto , we have to stay calm."


ughh Bokuto is getting on my nerves more, today started off fine, but for some reason, Shuko stared at me like I did something wrong but she didn't look mad. Is she mad?

Is it about yesterday?


(time skip)

it was 6:02 pm already , maybe getting a drink close by would be nice.

"Oh the cafe is still open, maybe I can ask Shuko about today.."

end of POV

Akaashi heard a ring from his phone, he picked up the call and talked for 2 minutes before hanging up. He looked at his phone to see notifications while he gets inside the cafe. 

"Welcome !"

Then Akaashi realize that there was a text from Shuko , he realized what she wanted to say today right after he heard one of Shuko's part-time co-workers greetings.

After getting the drink he ordered yesterday, he felt like he ordered the wrong one.

Akaashi arrived back home and get himself cleaned up before getting comfy.

Shuko just got back from the kitchen and saw a respond from Akaashi, 

her screen:

"Heyy Akaashi , it's Shuko , your seatmate, I didn't get to tell you yesterday nor today that I won't be working there until our break starts. I'm sorry, I hope you don't go to the cafe because of my mistake"

"It's alright , but it was quite a disappointment haha"

"I went to the cafe and got the same drink and honestly yours tasted better."

Shuko blushed and started to smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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I like how we communicate , Akaashi keiji ffWhere stories live. Discover now