The Forest of No Stars Code

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1. All nursery residents must be fed first.

2. A division member over 10 leaf-falls must be exiled or killed. However, a leader, deputy, and healer can surpass the 10 leaf-fall limit

3. Disobeying the Dark Forest is punishable by death.

4. The Leader's word is law.

5. Healers must commune with the Dark Forest every claw moon.

6. The cats of half-division relationships and kits that spawn from this, will be killed without hesitation.

7. Healers will not take mates, and will not have kits. If this happens, the mate will be killed along with the kits.

8. Any cat not within your division caught on your territory or hunting on said territory shall be killed.

9. Do not accept soft-kit life.

10. Newly made new-paws have to follow the career path the dark forest gives them.

11. A leader will only appoint a new deputy if the previous deputy has died, been exiled, or has become the new leader.

12. The deputy can only become leader if the past leader has died, or has been exiled.

13. If a division refuses to attend a gathering, the leader of the division must be exiled.

14. Kits must be 6 moons in order to become new-paws.

15. Warriors will sit in a silent vigil after receiving their name.

16. Kits cannot see or go outside the nursery until it is time for a new-paw ceremony.

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