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Brittany was nine months pregnant and she was big very big and upset babe she said bakugou Let's get ready for the baby shower she said with a smile OK he said he got the cake that had bought a girl on it vanilla flavored just like he wanted to be every you a pro hero student family member class one a class 1b was there Danielle and her daughter was there Deku Was there after the baby shower was over Brittany woke up the next morning with pains in her back babe she said babe oh my God oh my God my God my God my God babe she said bakugou came running in yes honey he said I I I think it's time she said OK he said he frantically get the stuff and put it beside her Brittany was in her bra only her bra bakugou was in his swimming shorts Brittany was already in there  he got in not beside her but in front of her To catch their son or daughter No midwife no nothing No pain meds Just her family members and friends I almost see the head Bakugo said with a tear in his eye do you want to feel their head bakugou took Her  hand and placed it We're bakugou was holding it OK he said when I say push push real hard ok Ok she said and push. Really got the strength and pushed real hard OK stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop he said the cord is  around his or her neck Britney stopped pushing for a minute then he said OK just give me one last big push then we're gonna be parents OK she said she gave one final push Then there was silence and  bakugou picked up caught the baby Here he or she is bakugou placed The baby on Britney's chest and she said who are you who are you brittney lifted up the infants leg and bakugou said it's a boy we have a son They both cried cheerfully and they kissed each other Brittany was waiting to deliver the placenta it came out Britney got out of the water skin to skin contact was with Brittany and the baby and bakugo  eventually got in the bed with them And he cut the umbilical cord What name should we give him Levi Brittany said that's perfect he said so all of  friends all the parents  all the teachers all the family or gather around there bed to see the beautiful baby boy They have just delivered

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