Warrior Name: First and Last Name

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Hey guys I found a lot of these and decided to crate one of my own. Blazingfire helped me a bit, so special thanks to her. Anyway on with the name generator!

First Letter of Your First Name

A- Amber

B- Birch

C- Crow

D- Dusk

E- Ember

F- Fish

G- Golden

H- Hare

I- Ice

J- Jay

K- Kestrel

L- Lark

M- Minnow

N- Nettle

O- Orange

P- Puddle

Q- Quail

R- Rose

S- Sand

T- Tree

U- Uguisu (Type of Bird)

V- Violet

W- Wren

X- Snake

Y- Yellow

Z- Zip

Last Letter of Last Name

A- Cloud

B- Bloom

C- Cloud

D- Drop

E- Eyes

F- Feather

G- Foot

H- Heart

I- Fur

J- Jaw

K- Kit

L- Leaf

M- Moon

N- Nose

O- Flight

P- Paw

Q- Tooth

R- Ripple

S- Storm

T- Tail

U- Shadow

V- Stripe

W- Wing

X- Branch

Y- Fire

Z- Dust

I got Ambernose and Blazingfire got Goldentail. Remember to comment what you got down below, vote, and favorite. I also take requests if you want to see short stories if you really like a name.

Warrior Cat Name GeneratorWhere stories live. Discover now