Chapter 13

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The ride back to the headquarters was rather silent. I didn't dare speak a word to Michael, and he made his effort to do the same. I noticed Robert stealing quick glances from the rear view mirror, but I hadn't had the energy to respond. Several minutes had passed by before Robert pulled into the garage. He had opened the door for me, while James did the same to Michael. I watched as he came to me, giving Robert and James a heads up to give us a moment. I stayed oblivious to the entire situation, hoping that he would give me a reason as to why he was behaving this way.

"Thank you for accompanying me this evening, I will see you tomorrow for training." With that, he turned on his heels and left me there, completely annoyed at the lack of expression. I let out a huff in response before allowing Robert and James to escort me back to my room.

Robert didn't dare say anything to me, for I was still confused and bothered by Michael's mood swings. One minute, he's kind and compassionate, the next, he's stone cold. I wasn't sure why he felt this need to put up a wall, but I wanted to figure it out.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Robert said, pulling me away from my delusional theories.

"There's really not much to say, honestly." I could see him out of the corner of my eye, raising his eyebrow as if he didn't believe me. But at this point, who could?

"I know that's not true. I could sense the hostility between you and Mr. Jackson in the car." I huffed in response as we slowed our walk to a slow pace.

"He is just so confusing at times." Robert let out a small chuckle in response.

"Tell me something I don't know."

"Not like that. At times, it's like he's wanting to let me in, then other times, he completely shuts me out. I just don't get it."

"That's just who he is, Heavenly. People have tried, but only one succeeded, and now he is who he is." I remembered him bringing up something similar a while back about someone having visions, I wonder if this person was the same person that he was talking about.

"Robert, is this the same person that you brought up a while back?" I heard him sigh heavily in response before we stopped outside my door.

"I think it's better that you let Michael be the one to tell you everything, but it is getting late and you do have training in the morning." I was getting nowhere with this. If they wanted me to be here so badly, then why am I constantly being kept in the dark?


All night, I couldn't sleep. I laid awake, tossing and turning about the situation with Michael and about what Robert had said to me. I wanted to figure things out, but without Michael giving me anything, it was a lost cause. I threw my hair up into a simple braid and got dressed for my day. I exited through my front door to find Robert and Michael talking amongst themselves,

"Care to share?" They each turned towards me, acknowledging my presence.

"Nothing that concerns you, Heavenly. Please make your way to the cafeteria, our training will begin soon." I gave a curt nod before making my way toward the cafeteria.

I didn't bother waiting for Robert and James to catch up to me. I had walked down this way several times to the point of it becoming second nature for me. I heard footsteps behind me, and I could only assume that it was Robert and James. Robert didn't make the effort to speak to me, which I didn't mind. If I was going to be kept in the dark about everything that was a matter of life and death for me or the mob, I might as well start taking things into my own hands from now on. I entered the cafeteria to see that it was rather busy today. I made my way in line to prepare myself a plate, only to catch Robert looking down at his watch,

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