The Let Go of Releasing

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I got so high last night and went to bed, and before i did i felt the need/urge to release some tension and stress....and when i did, i tried to focus on prosperity and abundance but that wouldn't work...the entire relationship of Dondrae and I flashed before my eyes, rewinding, starting from the END of it all the way to the Beginning of when I sat down at his kitchen table for him to fix my laptop, and I don't know why but for some reason all those memories that popped up in my head, I had completely forgotten about and it's like I was literally watching a movie and hitting rewind as i watched all of our best moments flash before my eyes in order from the End to the Beginning....i cried so hard and tried my best to focus back on what i initially was focused on but i couldn't, right before my i released I screamed out "WHY" because i couldn't block it out of my head, they just kept coming and I was in AWE at what was happening...I cried so hard while having an orgasm because for the life of me i couldn't understand why this was i really that fucked up or was this my way of releasing him or was it a way to take me back to how i used to be and remind me of who i was before him....all the ways that i was that made him fall in love with me.... It's like the universe was showing me look Anita, this is who you were and this is who you are....all this time I've been looking for her for YEARS now, it took for me to ultimately release him in order to find ME and US....and there is no more US now and I got to experience him....but i finally got to Find me as's like a new beginning in my Life....I'm so glad you're Alive Anita, I'm so glad i found you....I knew you were still there....
It's so good to see you again 🥹

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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