Week 1, Ship: Flower Husbands

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//I put a few SRaaO references in this :) \\

Scott laid awake, prepared for yet another night of sleeplessness. Sure, he had heard of the fabled 'If you lay awake at night, it means someone's dreaming about you' But he never believed in it. Especially when he eventually fell asleep, and opened his eyes to his own dream, one of a stranger.

Besides, it was proven that faces you see in dreams are ones that are a mix of people you've seen
before in your dreams.
Or your soulmate, the one your soul is bound to find, but Scott had given up on thinking about his soulmate. Since he was young, Xornoth, his younger twin brother, had found his soulmate.

And the taunting that ensued caused Scott to hate his soulmate.
So, he shook off his uneasiness towards the person he'd seen in his dream, squeezed his eyes shut, and he tried to fall asleep.


Scott blinked his eyes open, adjusting to the surroundings of his dream. Luckily, tonight was a lucid dream night, so Scott explored the area.

Tonight, it was a small flower field, one covering a cliff. There was a small willow tree close to the edge, so Scott walked over, careful to not crush the flowers below him. It may have been a dream, but he loved nature, so he was as careful as possible to not harm the small flowers.

Once he got to the tree, he noticed a blonde male sitting below the tree, the same male he'd seen every single time. Normally, he was faceless, a common trait if you haven't seen or met your soulmate yet.

But this time, he had a face, and honestly, Scott felt like he was drawn toward him.But he hadn't met this male, so he assumed he'd either seen him out of the corner of his eye at college or at work.

So he sat next to him and sighed. He knew his dream was coming to a close, the edges were growing more white, and the male next to him had begun to fade. But, he was happy he at least got to see the other's face.


He opened his eyes and rubbed them, slamming his hand down on his alarm clock. He sat up and looked at the time.

"6:30. I have some time before work." He murmured to himself, before grabbing his phone and checking his email. Luckily, none of his courses had been rescheduled to that day, and most had rescheduled around the coming snowstorm. He sighed and stood up with a stretch.

He looked towards his closet for his work uniform, checking that he had indeed washed it the night before, and hadn't forgotten.

He saw the familiar green tee, with the small rose symbol on the front. he grabbed it and slipped it on before grabbing a pair of black jeans and changing into them.

He unplugged his phone and set it in his pocket, left his room and went to his kitchen. He passed his longboard, which hung on the wall.

He had since given up boarding due to a few injuries. Next to the board was a notebook, a small blue one, with a very messily written 'Scott's journal' on it. It was covered in stickers, most of which were peeling off from years of being stuck on the cover.

Scott glanced at the board and notebook longingly, but he shook it off and returned to walking towards the kitchen. He sighed, before grabbing a yohgurt cup from his fridge, and a spoon from the drying rack on the counter.

He began to eat the yohgurt, as he searched for his keys, before remembering he lost them at Xornoth's the night before.

Scott groaned, trying to think of a way he could get to work before he stole a glance at his longboard again. He sighed and grabbed the board. Finishing the yohgurt, Scott threw his spoon at the sink and left his apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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