22 April 2022

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I feel as if I'm at peace, I feel a scene of relief and ease. Maybe it was the amount of pressure I was putting on myself. Maybe I had a spiritual reconnection with the man above. I feel recollected, in such a way I have gained a human experience.

Before that, I had trouble trying to find out where i am going rather than where I am (at present).I moved at a fast pace , to the point where I almost lost my sanity. Questioning what is a human, what are the characteristics of being human, am I capable of being a human.

The fact is that I was asking myself questions that were never meant to be asked in the first place. As said I feel a scene of relief and ease. And maybe I should use the time to embrace it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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