Chapter 19

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"Smoking is not good Manky" Dhriti came to the roof.

"It's stress reliever" Mayank spoke puffing and making smoke rings.

"Give it to me" Dhriti asked Mayank to give the cigarette bud he had.

"What?" Mayank looked between cigarette bud and Dhriti totally confused.

"It's a stress releaser and I too need to be stress free" Dhriti replied.

Mayank sighed trampled the cigarette bud under his feet.

"Why are you so stressed?" Dhriti questioned.

"I just married my cousin, it isn't enough to stress out. Our families will disown us "
Mayank spoke out.

"Few minutes ago,you only said that this isn't a real wedding.Now what happened?" Dhriti asked.

"If you believe all the stupid superstitions and social conventions in our country, then yes we are married. Just because a guy puts a mark on her forehead, doesn't mean she becomes his for life. This logic works for objects and not for people" Dhriti explained.

"But let's just meet some priest to confirm" Mayank spoke out.

"Okay so if the priest says, I am your wife then what will you do?" Dhriti laughed.

"Hmm...plan a honeymoon" Mayank came with a savage reply and Dhriti turned crimson.


"Pandit ji (Priest) tell us when will Sneha again get married?" Gargi asked the Priest.

"Until and unless she gets married to the Peepal or Banana tree she won't get married happily" the Priest spoke out.

"Any prayer that we can do to get her married?" Sneha's mother asked.

"There is one way but that would require some dakshna" Priest replied.

"Take more money but tell us a way to get rid of Sneha" Gargi snapped.

"Out of all the remedies fasting on Tuesdays is also considered an effective remedy. Manglik individuals who observe a fast on this day should eat only toor daal (split pigeon daal)" the Priest suggested.


A hot spot for career socialite, Hauz Khas market isn't just a place anymore, Hauz Khas market in Hauz Khas village is an expression. Flocked with socialites from all over the city, the lanes of Hauz Khas village is usually flooded by those seeking to hang out and relax with their friends.

Hauz Khas Village market is majorly known for its never-ending lanes of Cafes, 62 cafes and restaurants to be precise. A combination of Soho and Greenwich Village, Hauz Khas.

"Why are we meeting in this pub called with a weird PCO (Pass Code Only)?" Krish spoke out to Shweta.

PCO, A speakeasy hidden in a quiet market, this is the epitome of a classic underground party scene. Enjoy signature cocktails while grooving to Frank Sinatra on the first floor (don't miss the hidden cigar lounge) or step down to the basement decked with wooden seats and flooring and dance to top 40 and old-school tracks while the DJ plays from a laptop balanced on overturned wine barrels. You'll need a passcode to enter (it changes a few times a week and is sent out to a private list of people).

"It's my favorite club" Shweta replied.

"How often do you drink?" Krish asked.

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