Trouble in Paradise?

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Chapter 5

Trouble in Paradise?

*Melinda's Point of View*

It took us six months to get settled in and start to learn our ways of being The Callahan's.

Six whole months.

I had befriended JJ, Rossi and Garcia the most.

But, I had made nice with everyone else.

Meg had become good friends a few girls and even had a few boys think that she's cute. Which is normal.

Nick had been keeping to himself and focusing on his piano skills and schoolwork. Which is pretty shocking; he has always been more social. Lastly Chris had been settling into his new role at the local hospital, making friends and saving lives has always been his thing.

I miss being able to call my husband by his name, and my kids, I didn't name them Nick and Meg. I picked their names out for a reason and I just want everything to go back to normal.

But alas, I am stuck in the Witness Protection Program because I decided to go to a bank to withdrawal some cash to buy a cake for my daughter's birthday.

I walk out of the elevator and into the bullpen.

"Morning JJ," I say to the young blonde as I set her coffee down on her desk.

"Good Morning, Kate." She says and smiles. "Thanks for the coffee."

"No problem. It was on my way from the kids' school." I say and plop down in my seat. "How was your night with Will last night?"

"It was pretty amazing. I came home to a flower pedal trail to the upstairs bathroom where a nice hot bath with my handsome husband and a glass wine awaited." She says and smile. "God, I love being married to that man. So... anything exciting happen with Chris?"

"Everything in my household is exciting." I joke. "He made me a nice dinner and gave me a back massage. I was too exhausted from our last case to do anything exciting."

"Awe. That's so cute!" She says and take a large gulp of her coffee.

"How many coffees have you had?" I laugh and set my new go-bag under my desk and then take a sip of my coffee.

"This is my third one," she sighs.

"Oh my lord..." I laugh and roll my eyes.

"What? Will is very good at what he does but it's rather tiring." She explains.

"I can see that, JJ." I shake my head and log on my laptop.

A picture of Jim and I at our wedding pops up and then fades into a picture of the entire family.

"You and Chris have such a beautiful family." She says and hugs me from behind as she goes to throw her coffee cup away in the garbage.

"Awe, thank you." I say and my smile falls a little as she says the name Chris.

His name is Jim.

If only I could tell you.

"What's going on, Kate? Every time I say Chris, Meg, or Nick's name you have this look on your face that I can't quite explain." She says and kneels down in front of me. "Spill girl."

New Beginnings: Criminal Minds ~ Ghost Whisperer CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now