Melissa pov

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Hey my name is Melissa people call me Misa. I'm baby asf ,I'm goofy ,loud, thicker than the most me and my main bitches go back since Mike and lik we are always there for each other we always say one fight all fight we are loud only one of us is quiet and that is promise she to shy Nike the loudest one and really don't care what comes out of her mouth Brittany she the same as listen but Kia is worse and she has I temper I feel bad for the people who try her back try to me I'm 17 I go to ghetto high with the rest of my bitches. I got a crush on Nike sexy ass brother Trey I swear I would wear that boy out eat him like cheesecake. Anyways he knows I like him but he has a girlfriend I don't give a fuck about her name ciarse

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