~Chapter 1~ 'Meeting'

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A/N: Before starting this book I want to mention this is before the black apple incident. Not after. Anyways enjoy the first chapter!


It was early in the morning. Nightmare had just went to the tree of feelings. He stared at his side of the tree. He knew no one really liked him. There could be some people that had sympathy for him but he doubt that. He gives off negative energy. He had sat down and looked at the village. "It all looks so calm.." He said quietly. "Maybe today will be a great day. Maybe I can make a new friend.. not a fake one." He looked down and frowned. The wind blew gently. It felt nice. Leaves blew off the tree and went the same direction the wind was blowing. Night mare looked up. It was cloudy but the clouds were grey. "Rainy day perhaps? It might not rain at all maybe." Nightmare said.

 Later in the day the villagers had came out. They all looked so happy, playful, enjoying life. His brother Dream had came out to go and play with them. Everyone loved Dream. He gave off positive energy. He made people happy. Birds flew by and chirped. They seem happy too. Nightmare picked up a wishing flower. He made a wish and blew off the white fuzzy things in the direction of the wind. "Hopefully my wish will come true!" Nightmare said that as he smiled. A few minutes after he wished, something was thrown at him. A stick. Villagers laughed at him. "Look at him! He's so stupid!" "Why couldn't dream have a better brother... instead he has this lame and stupid one." They kept chattering and Nightmare heard them. he frowned. Until.. "Stop that! Nightmare isn't lame or stupid! You guys are! Your just selfish little bullies who can't understand him. How about trying to live HIS life hm?" Y/N said in a loud voice. The bullies remained silent and a bit scared. "Who are you to talk? Are you his partner?" The bullied laughed. Y/N frowned and picked up a nearby rock. "I'm not his partner.. I'm his friend." Y/N proceeded to throw the rock at them. Nightmare was in shock. the bullies ran away. You could hear one cry but it faded as they ran farther. 

"Lame... sorry about that. Do you get bullied a lot?" Y/N said. "I do.. but, its regular now. I'm not bothered by it much. It does hurt on the inside though.." Nightmare mumbled. Y/N held their hand out. "I know I'm not really your friend but do you want to be friends?-" Y/N said. Nightmare didn't know how to feel. He felt confused, happy, and other emotions. He was hesitant and grabbed Y/N's hand. "Uh.. Sure!" Nightmare felt more happy. Y/N hugged Nightmare. Nightmare slowly hugged Y/N back. "Thank you..!" Nightmare said quietly.


That's the end of chapter one! i hope to make them longer but here's what we have! Thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful life! If you ever or are getting bullied just remember, friends can help. If you don't have any, try and make some!

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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