Chapter 1: Prince Stolas

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2 weeks prior..

Stolas sat in front of his mirror, brushing out his feathers as he hummed to himself gently. He flinched as he heard a crash from downstairs.

"Octavia? What happened?"he called, getting up and walking to the door to stick his head out. he heard Octavia curse downstairs before answering.

"It's fine dad!"she called back, another crash ensuing. Stolas cringed and wrapped a robe around himself, going downstairs to see what was going on. He saw Octavia dodging plates being thrown by the massive plant off to the side of the kitchen. Stolas blinked at the mess.

"Octavia-" he started before getting cut off as a plate flew at him. He caught it and lowered his voice. "heel." He ordered. The ravenous plant abruptly stopped. Stolas gave a smile of satisfaction as he moved to the fridge and opened it.

"How- huh-" Octavia was left speechless. Her father scared her sometimes. Stolas quickly grabbed some milk and shut the fridge.

"Octavia would you be a dear and get the cereal out the cupboard?"

"Yes dad-" Octavia stuttered out as she went and grabbed her dad's favorite cereal. And lobbed it at him. He caught it and poured it into his bowl, the milk soon following (Milk after cereal supremacy 😤👊)

"So octavia... What would you think about going to a circus?"

"A circus? Wait you aren't talking about the one at Loo loo land are you-?"

"Oh Satan no- I found one that calls itself the "Greatest show in hell" and thought we should go see what its about." Stolas replied, revolted that she thought they would be going to the one in Loo loo land. Last time hadn't gone so well and he didn't want his little owlet to be traumatized again.

"Oh, Sure I guess." Octavia answered with a shrug. Stolas clapped in excitement.

"Wonderful!" He exclaimed, finishing off his bowl, and standing. "We leave for the show today. Get everything you need~ this is going to be so much fun via!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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