𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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 "Mr. Parker!!"

Peter was awoken from a little day-mare he'd been having. It was another nightmare: the fifth one this week, and it was only Tuesday.

"Y-Yes Sensei?! I'm sorry, I'll pay more attention!" Peter exclaimed, worried that he might kick him out of class again.

"Whatever. Just stay focused, Parker." Aizawa huffed tiredly. Peter guessed he didn't have the strength to even say, 'get out of my class'.

A person in the back burst out laughing, and Peter automatically knew who. Katsuki Bakugo, his middle school bully. But hey, jokes on him now because Peter now had an incredibly strong quirk. The bite of a spider, a radioactive spider that bit him on the last day of middle school and had had the correct DNA to pass down a spider's abilities (plus a little extras) down to a human. However, Peter had watched the spider die soon after it bit him, then passed out. He had woken up at his aunt's house, who's name was Aunt May, and continued like he was 'normal' until UA. He'd eventually convinced the class that he just had super-strength, and that was all. So, see? Nothing to worry about. Life was going perfectly fine.

With villains out of the way, of course.

Peter focused his attention back up front so he could hurry up with this class and go on lunch break. He wanted to know if any of the Avengers needed him soon, but Mr. Stark hadn't called him in a few weeks and he was beginning to get worried. Happy wasn't responding either, and the only person he's been able to talk to was the vigilante, Deadpool. Sure, he wasn't exactly an Avenger, but he was the closest thing Peter had to a 'friend' besides Todoroki, Tsu, Uraraka and Ida.


The whole class stampeded out the door, grabbing their lunchboxes and things. The only people left in the classroom were Peter, Aizawa, Todoroki, and Bakugo. This was gonna be.. great.

"Hey Peter." Todoroki nudged him. "Want to eat with me and Bakugo today?"

Seriously? Since when did Bakugo and Todoroki eat lunch together!? A pang of jealousy shot though Peter. Eh, they probably yelled and argued the whole time anyways so, It couldn't be that bad. Nothing he wasn't used to.

"Uhm, sure, why not?" Peter agreed slowly. He picked up his things, then followed an angry Bakugo and a quiet Todoroki out of the classroom.

Once they arrived at the lunchroom, they saw none of their classmates around.

"Hey, where did-"


A message from Uraraka? At the same moment, Todoroki and Bakugo pulled out their phones and raised an eyebrow.

Peter shrugged and viewed the message.

Ura: Hey Peter! Could you come down to the back rooms of the school? Me and the rest of the class found these cool pixie sticks, glowing! Looks so cool! Tell Bakugo and Todoroki to come too, would ya? See ya soon Peter!

Glowing.. pixie sticks? Interesting. Peter looked up at the taller boys, and opened his mouth but Bakugo spoke first.

"Backrooms of the school, the extras want us there for some glowing pixie sticks.."

"It sounds fun. Maybe we can see in the dark afterwards." Todoroki said openly, then gulped as he earned weird looks from people close around them.

"We should hurry up, and uh.. be careful." Peter said quietly. Todoroki and Bakugo exchanged weird glances, then followed Peter to the back of the school.

"We aren't gonna die, are we? Are they surprising us? What if villains were texting us through their phones and we get attacked!?" Peter thought out loud worriedly. Todoroki chuckled softly, followed by an amused snort from the ash blonde.

"Peter, chill. We aren't gonna die, they might be surprising us, and I'm pretty sure villains weren't texting through their phones." Todoroki murmured to him, slowing Peter's heartbeat. Todoroki always made Peter feel calm, he was like a.. a stuft animal. No, that wasn't it. A.. maybe one of those plushies you hugged when you were sad or angry? Yeah, kind of. But he and Todoroki barely touched each other, because Peter was scared he might burn him or freeze him. Todoroki was very mysterious, and he was well guarded as well.

Bakugo on the other web was all over the place. As much as he tried to be guarded like Todoroki, he couldn't keep most things in anymore. Mina has told the class half his funny secrets, but the BakuSquad had kept the others to their squad only. But, Peter already knew most of Bakugos secrets, believe it or not. He could read the blonde like a picture book. He knew his moods: Normal, grumpy, mad, pissed, even more mad, super mad, mega mad, I'm-gonna-kill-you, sad, lonely, and etc. He knew his body language decided what he was going to do next, all his epic battle moves, favorite color, foods, drinks, how he runs, walks, jogs, and so much more. It was all in his backpack right now actually. He was a nerd to everyone he met. He even made notes on Deadpool, and the rest of the Avengers.

"We're here." Todoroki interrupted the thoughts bolting through Peter's head. The burnette shook his head and blinked. "Holy sheet, it is glowing in there."

"Uraraka..? Ida..? Tsu..?" Peter whispered loud enough for the other room to hear.

"Peter!" A brown haired girl leaped into Peter's arms, hugging him. "I'm so glad you're here, we've been waiting for you guys for like hours. We haven't ate the pixie sticks yet, we decided we're all gonna eat them at the same time!"

Peter let go of the smaller girl as she bounced back into the room. "O-Oh, okay.."

When they entered the glowing room, Peter gasped. He knew, ha, pixie sticks weren't supposed to be that fun and games but what the heck. This was so pretty- just a huge jar of pixie sticks sitting in the center of the room, waiting to be inhaled.

Denki, Shinso, Kirishima and Mina were dead, laughing in the left corner of the room. Uraraka stomped over to the pixie stick jar, and shouted, "Guys! Pixie Stick time!"

At once, everyone stopped what they were doing and ran like dogs to treats to the candy, and waited for Uraraka to pass them out. Peter got a red and green one, Bakugo got an orange, Todoroki got a mixture of red and white, Mina got pink, Kirishima was handed crimson red, Denki and Shinso were given yellow and purple. Ida was given dark blue, Sero black, Tokoyami jet black, and Mineta got a rather ugly purple. Once she finished, she grabbed a brown one.

"Everyone ready? We could start glowing! Or have extra magical powers!" Mina exclaimed from the corner.

"I wanna fly!" Denki shouted, then got shushed by Shinso.

"Three, two, one.." Uraraka ripped it open and let it drift into her open mouth as everyone did the same.

Here goes nothing, I'm sure there's nothing bad about it. Peter thought as he let the sugared dust glide into his own mouth.

A few seconds later, everyone stood still, staring at each other. The silence was somehow deathly.

Then Peter's spidey-senses were everywhere.

His heart sped up about ten times faster than it already was, making him massively dizzy. He sensed danger all around him, inside of him as well.

"G-guys-!" He stammered, trying to push a sentence out of his panting lungs. "Ru-run! Help!"

And then everyone and everything disappeared.

「𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐱 𝐌𝐇𝐀 𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥」Where stories live. Discover now