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  For the next few weeks Victoria's fever was rising and falling. Some days she was too weak to do so much as open her eyes. Others she was bursting with energy, telling me all about her day or telling me about the dream she had, before I have to go to work or school.

  My school and work are both very supportive of me. They let me take off as many days as I want to spend time with Victoria, as long as I get work done. Which I do. They understand how hard it is to be taking care of a sick little girl by yourself and not even having finished school yet.

   I usually send all my free time studying or working or trying to pay medical bills with the small amount of money I got from my parents' insurance and will. I had to sell our old house for more money. I now rent a small apartment across the street from the hospital. I don't have to pay very much and it is right next to a bus stop, so I can get to school without having to pay for a car. More money to put into medical bills....

The first signs of spring are showing, the weather taking turns with hot and cold, small buds on trees, birds chirp so loudly in the morning that I won't be setting my alarm clock for a while. March flying by nearly as fast as February had. Victoria's birthday quickly approaching.

Suck on that you stupid doctors.

"Sir, your order is ready," And I'm back to earth. I look down at the woman in front of me and for a brief second have to try to remember where I am and what I'm doing. I look behind me and see a line, the sweet smell of coffee lingering under my nose. Oh yeah. I pull out my wallet, "Three-ninety, sir."

"Right..." I hand her the cash, inwardly kicking myself. I should be spending this on Victoria. "Thanks.." I grab the cup and practically run out of the store, my head down.

I watch my feet move beneath me. The earth under them moving, somewhat blurring by as I quickly walk. I inhale, fresh air, trees, the soil. All of it with a slight sent of coffee. I hear birds chirp and the world around me, I hardly pay attention to the cars and people scurrying around. I listen to nature. The wind barely blowing, just enough to lightly tousle your hair. The birds singing songs to one another from the trees.

Dango dango dango dango dango big dumpling family

Her song echos softly through the breeze, stopping me dead in my tracks. Victoria... I look around, at the blue sky, into the windows of cosy brick buildings. My eyes gaze into the faces of children, running and playing. Not her.

Dango dango dango dango dango big dumpling family

"Watch out!" a voice shouts as a hard object collides with my stomach, knocking the air out of me all-the-while throwing me to the ground. I hear worried murmuring from bystanders. I pick up phrases such as "Is he okay? Who was that? Should we call an ambulance?" I look around, trying to make sense of where I am. What street sign in that? Is this shop near the hospital? I try to make sense of the fuzz inside my head.

I finally take a look around at the people who have gathered, realizing where I am. I look at the ground where I am now sitting, sidewalk. I look at what is in front of me, road. I look at the person with their arms still wrapped around my torso, girl. It's a girl. Her hair is dark brown, tousled in front of a worried expression that covers her face. Who is this girl...? As I glance over to my drink that lays in the road, spilled and crushed, realization hits me.

"Are you okay? You were almost hit by that truck!" The girl, who previously was holding on to me but is now sitting beside me, asks. Her hair is now pushed behind her ears to reveal bright auburn eyes. The tip of her nose is slightly red. Her cheeks are blushed with a dusty rose color. The setting sun casting orange hues across her hair, giving her a halo.

My eyes go wide and the world gains color. The streets turn from their usual dark colors, to vibrant reds, greens, yellows and pinks. Everything goes bright. As if someone has just blown away all the clouds in the sky. I breathe in a great gulp of air as butterflies turn in my stomach. Not the bad kind though. The kind that send a rush of joy to your head. And the joy stays there. The world in color again after what felt like forever in the dark.

I smile to myself. Then I remember that she spoke to me, asked me if I was okay. I was almost hit by a truck..."Y-yeah. I guess I wasn't watching where I was walking." I look up and smile to her. I've never been one to talk to people. Especially strangers. But this girl... There's something about her. Who is she...? "Are you okay? You could have gotten hit with me. That was pretty stupid." I look into her auburn eyes as they slowly go red with fury, mixing into a crimson caramel.

"Stupid?! Says the man staring at the sky in the middle of traffic! I just saved your life! Try to be a little thankful," she continues to yell on about how stupid I was for standing in traffic, and I all can do is notice how her nose scrunches up and how her eyes narrow at you when she is angry, "And another thing!-"

"Hahahahahaha!" I burst out in laughter at how animated she is. Waving her arms around in frustration. The people who had gathered around us leave as they see we are alright.

Her eyebrows fuzz together, she puffs out her cheeks, and mutters, "What are you laughing at?" My only reaction was to laugh more whilst trying to explain, which made me laugh even more.

"You- hahahah! You're j-just so- Hahaha! And y-your arms! Cute nose scrunch- hahahaha!!!" I gasp between laughs. This girl is hilarious! Her cheeks, her nose, her eyes! It's all so adorably hilarious! I lean back, holding my stomach, laughing.

I calm down and my laughs lessen in intensity, still chuckling and slightly panting , I nudge her arm lightly with my fist "Thanks for saving me."

Her eyes widen and a slight blush crosses her face as she looks down, "I just did what any other good person would do!" She spits out quickly, making me chuckle a little more.

"Well, thanks." I say, as I smile and stand. I wait for her to stand up as well. But all she does is stare up at me with wide eyes, mouth a jar, a lightly made fist resting over her heart. My heart flutters. I feel my cheeks heating up. This girl... I clear my throat, "You should probably get up..." I look around, at people walking by. Everyone is staring... "You're clothes will get dirty."

"uh....Y-yeah! You're right," She doesn't move. She looks down at the sidewalk with wide, confused eyes, "Uhm.... H-have I seen you before?"

Has she? I don't know. I've never seen her on campus. She doesn't look like anyone from the hospital. Maybe work? No... I would remember... The way I feel around her. Her face. Her hair. Those eyes... The eyes.
You're not my father!
"Caitlyn..." I whisper in realization. She was in the hospital. She was dying.

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