2 weeks later

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"So I've scavenged all I can from that ship what should we do with the rest?" Cat questioned "Oh I know this guy in the sitar quadrant who buys scrap ships!" Knight beamed as she put some co ordinates into the pilots console. Charles entered the room in his casual wear, Cat took a double take "you're not wearing your armour?" Gordon took to replying "it appears that Charles here had broke his arm beyond my repair in the grenade explosion aboard the enemy vessel, so he asked me to replace it with something a little more useful" Charles flexed his wrist and his 300 year old blade popped out of it causing cat to retch with disgust "What the fuck is that Charles?" Charles laughed "oh this little thing? It's a synth arm grown from my stem cells that's been genetically altered so I don't feel pain in that arm, underneath it's all mechanic! It's cool as fuck I'm like a lethal inspector gadget" Knight looked over confused as she'd been on the phone to the sitar quadrant working out a deal "What are you talking about assassin?" Charles gave her a glare that could melt steel beams "I told you to not call me that!!" He growled engaging his blade. Knight noticed where the blade came from and her jaw dropped "Gordon you didn't tell me you got the cyborg experiment working?" Gordon's reply was flatter than usual "This isn't your cyborg experiment, it's Cats. She wanted to be able to fix Charles if he ever got hurt so we've worked together to replace Charles's entire skeleton with a non metallic alloy which would take a tank shell to the chest to break, however if Mr Bishop here was in a situation like that he'd heal within an hour. I must add there is no remote control capabilities within Charles, it goes against my programming."

Cat looked outraged "You wanted to control Charles like some kind of robot?" She shouted before swiping knights feet from under her and jamming the barrel of her handgun into knights mouth "Were you going to replace me too? You aliens are all the same, thinking you're superior to us" she screamed before pulling the gun out and pistol whipping her "Charles put her in the brig! Gordon you are under orders to not let her out" Gordon swiftly replied with a yes captain as Charles hauled the unconscious Knight to the brig smiling "She's so cute when she's angry"

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