Chapter One: This Day Just Got A Hole Lot Weirder

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When Andrew Detmer and Steve Montgomery decided to make a prank hiding their freakishly wonderful telekinetic abilities, they never suspected it would go so far that everyone would believe they were witches. Though it may have never been a thought in the mind of Andrew nor Steve, they quite liked the idea of being viewed as mysterious, all powerful, and even a little creepy. However, this was not always the case, especially back in the year 2012, in Seattle, Washington, at a rave at a farm called Haven Hills.  

Andrew Detmer was not known as a very social person, both inside and outside of school. He was a loner, the outcast, the freak of the school simply because of his introverted nature. He didn't know why this cause bullies to flock around him, teasing and punching and slapping him just for existing. At home, he could say without hesitation that things were even worse, with his mother Karen rotting in her bed, dying from lung cancer, and Richard, his so called "father", abusing him day and night. He didn't know the reason why Richard hated him so much, besides the fact that wherever Richard went, beer bottles were sure to follow. Once again, he thought it was simply because he existed. The only thing that kept him from ending his existence was his mother, and little did he know, in the future, a few other things- and people. It was an average cold, rainy day in one of the rundown suburbs of Seattle, Washington when Andrew decided out of the blue that he was going to buy a video recorder. He had been thinking about it for months and finally had enough money from his odd jobs fixing computers to actually afford one. So that's exactly what he did. He walked to the nearest shop that sold cameras and video recorders, which was twenty minutes away since he couldn't drive himself. It took him only a few minutes to pick one out that was both in his price range and had a good enough quality film that everything wasn't going to be blurry. It was large, bigger than any camera he had ever held before, so big that it covered over half his face when he put it up. It was perfect. He made the long walk back home, cautiously looking through the front window of his house to see if Richard was inside before he just walked right in. Much to his luck, Richard wasn't sitting in his usual spot in the living room, so Andrew took that as a sign to go through the front door, bolt upstairs, get inside his room and lock it, and hope to whatever higher power existed that he didn't get caught. His luck proved to be stable, as Richard was nowhere upstairs and nowhere near Andrew. He took a second to catch his breath once he was safely locked in his room before setting the camera on his bed and going to do some homework at his desk. His room was nothing short of a pig sty, with dirty dishes on shelves, clothing scattered all over the floor, and stray computer parts littered on any flat surface imaginable. He only cleaned once a month, or whenever Richard was out of the house for long enough to get it cleaned. After a few hours of homework and attempting to draw a knight in a suit of armor, Andrew went to bed, not knowing that the very next day would turn his life upside down. 


The next morning before school, Andrew decided to finally turn his camera on, only to get insulted by Richard through his locked door, but he did catch it live on film. This was one of the reasons he even bought the camera in the first place, to prove his abuse. Once he was done being heckled by Richard, he waited until the man had walked completely downstairs to grab his camera, open his door, walk down the steps, and go outside where a beat up brown car was waiting for him. It was his younger cousin, Matt, who always drove him to school every day because he couldn't drive himself. Andrew didn't really want to drive, and of course Richard would never let him even attempt to touch the front seat of their family car. So, he was fine in the passenger seat forever, letting other people take him places despite him knowing how much of a burden he was. Matt, for some reason, saw him as more of a burden than most people did, and Andrew thought the same about his younger cousin. Matt was the complete opposite of Andrew, loud, obnoxiously loud, social, funny when he wasn't high, and constantly sought out attention from everyone. As Andrew got inside the car, he cringed at how loud the music was, motioning at Matt to turn it down so he could hear himself think. Matt was kind enough to do so, but his eyes stayed focused on the giant camera Andrew holding. 

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