He just went to the party for the "drugs" (im sorry bad joke)

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Dereks POV

(I made this awhile ago. And I'm posting it on here.)

I was fast asleep in my cozy bed in my safe apartment at 4 am when I got a call from stiles dad I grabbed my phone and half asleep answered it "hello?" I mumbled "Hey hale you up?!" He said frantically "now I am do you need something?" He swallowed "uhm yeah actually stiles went out at like 8:30 and he hasn't been back yet...!" I got up quickly "where'd he go?!" I started to hyperventilate a little while getting my shoes on "he went to that gay club..." I ran out the door probably waking up Isaac and Erica I ran to my car "okay do you want me to bring him to your house?" I assumed he just got caught up in a party and stuff so I was calming down "uhm maybe if he's not doing well maybe not cause I have work soon so..." I started driving "not doing well?" He sighed "I'll tell you when I get off work just please hurry." He mumbled and hung up I drove to jungle witch was everything but calm I walked in and smelled around looking for his scent I eventually found it but it smelled bad and tainted I walked over and saw him with a oddly dressed man and woman they both seemed to dote on him he was drunk and high "stiles!" I shouted he bent over a bit to look at me "oh-oh heyyyy s-Sour-w-wolf?" He mumbled the guy next to him was about to slide his hand down stiles pants so I grabbed him by the arm "DONT YOU FUCING TOUCH HIM YOUR LIKE 40 HE TURNED 18 4 MONTHS AGO YOU FUCKING CREEP!!!"I yelled at them and roughly walked with him to the car "s-stop sour-wolf !" He pushed on me once we were in the parking lot I looked at him "are you drunk?!" I growled "no of course not!" He muttered trying his best to act sober I tightened my grip and he whined "why are you lying" I shouted "I-I'm not!" He yelled and my eyes started to burn with mad tears I walked him to the car "one last time tell me the truth..." he shrugged "I-I don't k-know sour-wolfie..." he mumbled I blushed at the nick name and he smiled "you don't understand stiles...." I muttered i let go of his arm and opened the car door he sluggishly got in I sighed at the situation he's drunk and lied about it and now I have to take him home I stood at the back of the car for a second his dad acted as if this was a regular thing does i know stiles has issues but it seemed like he was catching more then ash Ketchum i looked over at my mate who was about to pass out i smiled a little I got in the car witch woke him up "hmm what?!" He shouted "can you take off your jacket..?" His jacket had vomit and gross stuff on it he tried his best but I ended up having to do it I looked where I had grabbed him and I left a hand shaped bruise "I'm sorry stiles..." I mumbled he looked at me "it's f-fine I guess it-it d-doesn't hurt...." He muttered "w-where are we go-going?" He laid his head down on the ottoman "my house I guess..." I started to drive "c-can we g-get s-something to eat..?" I shook my head yes he pointed out a food truck that was open I pulled in and got out he soon followed "what do you want?" He looked at the menu "tacos...." I smirked "what kind...?" He looked at me "t-the Mexican kind..." I sighed "hi, can we get a steak taco 2 enchiladas with all the meat in em and a another taco with steak,chicken and brisket in it please?" The man gave us a number thing and we sat down stiles was fighting sleep at the moment but eventually lost the battle and passed out on my lap "Sti?" I mumbled and shook my legs a little "can you get up?" He rolled over so he was facing my pelvis and hip I sighed and fondled with his hair it's not like he'll ever know the man soon brought us are food I picked both stiles and the food up putting both in the passenger seat and drove home needless to say he needed me to carry him Isaac and Erica were up "you guys got enchiladas..." i whispered and sat down the food but I still had stiles in my arms "why's he here?" I looked at her "he's drunk and high so his dad told me to take him here..." I played with his hair a little "oh.. where?" Erica said while fishing through the food for both hers and Isaac I grabbed his Hand witch had glitter and a stamp on it saying he was a minor but that clearly didn't stop him and showed it too them "a gay bar?" Isaac mumbled I shrugged and carried stiles into my room and laid him down I walked halfway into the living room before my wolf told me to take care of him I growled and walked back over to stiles I took his shirt off and replaced it with one of mine and gave him some old yoga pants I had I got a warm wet rag and put it on his head, I turned on the fans in there, covered him in blankets, and sat his food down next to him before setting back down in the living room I picked up my food and started eating "why are you mad at him?" Isaac asked me "I'm not mad..." Erica hit my arm "yes you are..." I sighed "it's not anger Persia it's disappointment...." Erica grabbed my shoulder forcing me to sit back "he'll be fine he's a bright kid..." she muttered "I'm sure it's just a faze..." Isaac said with food in his mouth " I hurt his arm..." I mumbled "what? Why?" Erica questioned I shrugged "I didn't mean to... I just got too mad.. I always get way too mad... I saw those people touching him and it made me feel so gross... I hated it..." I sighed and grabbed my plait,threw it in the second probably breaking it but that's a tomorrow problem I walked to my room to grab my pillow and blanket "hey sour-wolf..." he mumbled and grabbed my wrist I looked down at him "are you feeling okay stiles?" He smiled "my head hurts... and I'm about to vomit... but other then that I'm great, baby..." he mumbled I grabbed some Dramamine, ibuprofen and a bottle of water "take these spark.." He took the medicine and chugged the water I started to walk out but he grabbed me and managed to pull me back on the bed "you need to sober up..." I muttered he grabbed me by the sides and laid his head on my shoulder "get off me spark!" I growled and he rapped his arms around me "spark freaking listen to me!" I shouted he kissed my neck "STILES GET OFF OF ME!" I yelled and got up forcing him to fall back wards "Im sorry Derek..." my eyes widen "w-what did you call me?" He laid back down "your name, you hate my neck name for you, so I'll call you by your name..." he muttered I swallowed my pride and a little spit "I'm sorry spark..." he looked up at me "why are you calling me that?" I Smiled at him "the whole pack calls you that, your are glue, your are spark..." I breathed heavily "your my... glue" he got up a little "your my..spark..." I put my head down he got on his knees making us face to face "I'm sorr-" he kissed me I pulled back away from him "uhm.... I-I think I should g-go.." he got up and started to walk out before my wolf took full control of my dumb ass I don't remember much but some key details my wolf senses were heightened Isaac was passed out with Scott on the phone also passed out Erica was listening to CPR by cupcake and taking a shower none of them could hear us before he grabbed the door knob ..I can't remember.. soon I was shoving him into the wall with my hand around his neck holding him there and my other being leverage on the wall he looked at me after being in shock seeing the red in my eyes he tried to make himself look submissive and small like he would if he were being attacked by a lone wolf "d-Derek?" He stuttered to no avail ..I can't remember.. "Sour-wolf?" He got a answer in a low more dominate growl then i ever do towards him, why would I be this rough with him a wolf takes care of his mate... did it sense something I didn't? "I'm sorry for kissing you..." another growl escaped my mouth this one more angry then the one that it had followed stiles seemed to scrunch down each time but apparently my wolf didn't like that (I'm sorry stiles) he pulled him back up by the neck to witch stiles gasped at and clawed at my hand to little to no end product bcuz of his short nails my wolf leaned in closer to stiles who never failed to flinch away from any human contact my wolf soon kissed him back stiles seemed stunned but gladly moved with my- it's lips they soon broke away and my wolf broke off from me leaving me in control I looked down at the boy that was puddy in my hands "holy shit...." I whispered I leaned in ME this time and kissed him differently then my wolf did hopefully more loveing and kind he continue to move with my lips but this time I could actually feel the smile he was sporting on my lips witch made me smiled too we continued to kiss until we both turned blue "Derek?" He mumbled "yeah?" I mumbled back "I'm sorry..." i smiled "so am I.." I said while loosing my grip on his neck "hey Derek..." I looked down at him "yes stiles?" He smiled "I love you...." He kissed him again "et ego, you..." he smiled wide and kissed me back

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