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Stiles and Derek regularly slept together. Not in a sex way like litteraly In the same bed. It was foggy for the both of them to say when it started. They have too different answers. Well they would if this wasn't something they both never spoke about. Not even to each other. They could spend hours cuddling. And when stiles woke up he was gone. His side of the bed made. And they would act the way they did before. They didn't know what to call each other. Friends? Frienemies? acquaintance? They insulted and debated each other. But despite that Derek saw stiles as a part of his pack. Even if the man was just that. A man. Peter called him the boy who runs with wolves. Stiles didn't like that nickname. Not cuz it was untrue or he felt insulted. He just hated hearing Peter call him a boy. He hated being called a boy in general. And stiles saw Derek as a comfort. He felt safe with him. Which after everything he craved. Even if he never showed it. He was touch starved. Every time Derek played with his hair or pet his check his body tensed. Not in a scared way but in a complete shock. This had been going on for 5 months and stiles still froze when Derek touched him. This arrangement was going well until today. Derek snuck into his room like every night. He shut the window and took off his clothes. He laid down next to stiles who was wide awake. Derek didn't even think to look at him. It was habit. Auto pilot. He reached over to rap his arms around stiles and flinched away. Derek looked at stiles face. He had a busted lip, a bloody nose, a red and Aggrieved eye, a split open check and red bruises and nicks all over his face.  He looked down at his body and saw cuts and new red bruises but they all looked like boot printed or ovals like someone had stomped and kicked him. So for the first time Derek broke there rules. "Who did this to you?" He asked. They had never talked before when they did this. Stiles shrugged. "Tell me stiles." He said. "Just some punks from the other team." He said. "Do you know there names?" Derek asked. "There's just dumb kids. It's not important." Stiles mumbled. "Did they break anything?" Derek asked. "Maybe a rib." He said nonchalantly. "Stop being fucking stupid." Derek said. "It doesn't matter der. If you do something to them there's still 100 people who wanna do worse to me." Stiles said. "I'll kill them." He mumbled as he moved stiles face to get a better look. "I just wanna sleep." Stiles whispered. "Do you have a med kit or something?" Derek asked. "Bathroom." Stiles muttered. Derek bolted up and ran into the bathroom. He grabbed a rag and the Medkit. He shut the door back and sat down next to him. Derek was mumbling swears under his breath as he thought about stiles getting beat. He opened a disinfectant wipe and put his hand on stiles cheek. He started to wipe the cuts on his cheeks. Stiles winced at the pain. "So fucking.... How could someone fucking do this?" Derek growled. "Calm down sour-wolf." Stiles said. Derek glared at him and he squeezed anti septic onto a rag. "Did you get a look at them?" Derek asked. "Even if I did I'm not telling you." Stiles teased. "You do realize I have rubbing alcohol on my lap as we speak." Derek said. Stiles chuckled. He bandaged his checks and put Cotten swabs up his nose. He added some antimicrobial soap to a Cotten swab and cleaned his lip. "Good news is Your lip probably won't need stitches." Derek mumbled. Stiles chuckled. He took a pea sized size of topical analgesic ointment and dabbed it around and on the cut, then he did a couple coats on liquid bandage. "Lay down so I can see your stomach." Derek ordered. Stiles laid down and pulled his shirt up.  Derek grabbed the rag and poured rubbing alcohol on it. "Wait..." stiles mumbled. Derek shot him a look before putting the rag on a cut. "FUCK!" Stiles yelled and grabbed Derek's arm. Derek released himself and pinned stiles hands down. "It'll be over soon." Derek mumbled. Stiles whimpered as he cleaned. Derek let go of his hands and stiles Dove to hide His torso. "You smell like douchbag." Derek grumbled. "The CHILDREN who beat me up were douchbags." Stiles said putting a emphasis on children. "You got beat up by kids?" Derek asked. "There 18 so yes children. And before you ask, I know there 18 cuz I've met them before so don't raise your "how do you know" brows at me sour-wolf." Stiles groaned. "How do you know them? What are there names?" He said doing the exact face stiles mentioned. "I fucking hate you." Stiles mumbled. "Answer the question." Derek ordered. "My teams played against them 100 times over. This is just the first time I've played against them and there sore losers. And again der, kids. Don't beat up kids while your still out on probation." Stiles explained. "So wants im off probation there assess are free game?" Derek asked. "You know. I used to wonder, "yes Derek's a dickweed but how on earth does he keep getting in trouble with the law so much." Until I realized behind your smoldering glare and charisma your a complete moron." Stiles spat. "Fuck you." Derek retorted "sadly in my 4 years of knowing you. you never have." Stiles mumbled. Derek rolled his eyes. "Are we done im tired." Stiles said. "Yeah." Derek muttered. Stiles pulled the covers over him. Silently Derek laid down too getting comfortable. Stiles looked up at him thinking. Derek met his gaze waiting. "don't ruin your parol. I need a cuddle buddy." Stiles sighed out. Derek smirked. "I'll try."

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