Chapter 32

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Martee woke up early to get Kai ready for his school and took care of Robin. Once in a while, she would call Agnes but the latter didn't pick up the call. She also bombarded Agnes with messages, but she still didn't respond.

Agnes was still frustrated with Martee, she turned her notifications off and put her phone in silent mode. She didn't want to think about Martee while working, she wanted to cool off and think before answering Martee.

She heard her secretary call her, it was Rob. He came to visit her, since he knew something was wrong. He couldn't help but watch Agnes looked sorrowful.

She let him in and gave him permission to sit on the couch, but before he did, he gave her a bouquet of flowers.

She smiled and felt a little happy, "You didn't have to do this, Rob."

Rob just smiled and sat on the chair opposite to her, "There's something wrong....I can listen if you want to share," he said.

Agnes felt the need to cry after remembering what happened, but stopped herself, "I'm okay," she gave a short reply which Rob didn't buy.

"You're not, Agnes. It's not bad to let your tears out. I'll be here," he assured Agnes, and with that, she couldn't help but burst in to tears.

Rob held her hand to comfort her, "Martee and I fought again, Rob," she said and continued to tell what had happened.

After Agnes finished, Rob had an idea of cheering her up, "I'll take you somewhere after your work, how about that?" he offered. Agnes wanted to refuse at first, but thought that it was okay since she needed some fresh air to breathe, so she accepted.

After work, they fetched Nicholas from school and went to an arcade. They played tons of games and had a lot of fun.

They left the arcade and walked towards the parking lot while Rob and Agnes was holding each of Nicholas' hand, "Thank you for this, Rob. I needed this and I had a lot of fun," she thanked Rob.

"Anything for you, Agnes," he replied.

"And if you're free, I'd like to take you and our son out. If that's okay with you?" he continued.

Agnes chuckled with how he looked nervous while asking her, "Sure, Rob," she answered which made Rob happy.

A week had already passed and Agnes' relationship with Rob and Nicholas was closer, they were happy. While Martee, got busy with taking care of Robin and Kai, she missed Agnes and was home sick. Robin insisted her to go back to Agnes since he can already walk properly, she accepted and went back.

It was already night when she arrived home, she decided to go to the villa, because she knew Agnes goes there most of the time. She wasn't able to knock on the door when she heard laughters coming from the living room. She saw Agnes having fun with Nicholas and Rob. They were chatting while eating icecream. They looked like a happy family which she felt hurt. She was excited to meet Agnes again, but it looked like Agnes was already okay, so she went home.

She wanted to go to work the day after, but she felt that she doesn't have the courage to. During those few days, she always went to the villa to check on them and they looked happy and complete. Martee felt like she was being stabbed when she saw how Agnes looked at Rob and vice versa.

After a week, she went to work even though she wasn't able to get enough sleep. She was tired, her eyes were red and puffy because of crying and had big eyebugs because she wasn't able to sleep.

She went to work, not minding the people who were eyeing her and walked in the hallway. She was startled when she was stopped on the arm by someone, she looked at the person and was startled.

"Mart? What happened to you? You're already here and you didn't even tell me?" Agnes uttered.

Martee gave her a timid smile, "Sorry, jetlag lang. Sandali lang ibaba ko lang tong bag ko," she lied and removed Agnes' hand from holding her and hurriedly walked towards her office.

She wanted to cry again, because Agnes looked fine and unbothered while she was trying to contact her and had been missing her for days.

Agnes was worried when she didn't find Martee on the break room, because it was already lunch time. She went to Martee's office and knocked on the door. Nobody responded after a few more knocks, so she went in.

Agnes felt pity for Martee with how messy her office was. It was full of crumpled papers, so she picked it up and threw it on the bin.

She walked near her and sat on the chair beside her. She stared at Martee who was sleeping peacefully, while her head was resting on her arm that was on the table.

She did the same with what Martee was doing, she put her arms on the table and rested her head on her arms, "You must've been really tired," she muttered.

Martee slowly opened her eyes when she heard someone mutter something and saw Agnes close to her face. She was startled and lifted her head up hastily, she held her head when she felt it was aching.

Agnes touched Martee's shoulder, "Are you okay?" she asked.

Martee turned to look at her and started tearing up. Agnes panicked and asked what was wrong, but Martee shook her head and hugged Agnes tightly.

Martee would always make Agnes' heavy heart feel okay again, but this time, she felt nothing. She was confused, but just hugged Martee back in return.

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